Ultimate Cheerleaders

Orlando City

Checking in with the City Girls

Here’s the latest on the City Girls, from their director Lisa Sonberg: Orlando City Soccer is a new team to Orlando bringing a professional soccer team to the mix of professional sports teams to the area (Arena football and the NBA are other pro teams of particular status). OCS is a USL team (United Soccer […]

More on the Magic Finalists…

Yesterday I posted about the finalists for the 2012-13 Orlando Magic Dancers. Well, I have some more goodies for you today. There’s a lot of cool audition-related stuff on the Magic website, so make sure you check that out: There’s an interesting article, a photo gallery, Some cute trivia about the finalists, and loads of […]

Orlando City Girls Dance Team Auditions

[Complete Audition Information]

Orlando City Girls Dance Team Auditions

[More at OrlandoCitySoccer.com]