Ultimate Cheerleaders

Dancing With The Stars: Melissa Rycroft Featured In People Magazine

Britteny Elrick
Reality TV Magazine
April 2, 2009

melissa-rycroft-people-mag-coverMelissa Rycroft has become a household name after being rejected on National TV by Bachelor Jason Mesnick, when he had a change of heart. Only a week later, Melissa was asked to fill in for host Nancy O’Dell on Dancing With The Stars after she suffered a pre-show injury. If that wasn’t enough, it looks like there’s even more good news on her horizon…

The 26 yr. old former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader was asked to be on the cover of PEOPLE Magazine – and as you can imagine, they didn’t have to pull her leg. In her interview, Melissa tells PEOPLE, “Just three months ago, I was on the other side. I am so not a celebrity.” But as most of us have figured out, the fact that she doesn’t know she is famous is part of her charm.

She says that after her engagement was broken off, she planned on laying low and healing her broken heart. Melissa describes her process as having stages: “I will shut down and lock myself in my room. And then I’ll get to the point where I can’t be by myself and I have to be around other people all the time. Otherwise I’ll drive myself nuts crying. I cry it out. Then one day I wake up and go, I’m okay.” Well, things didn’t exactly work out that way since she started appearing on Dancing With The Stars a week later.

Melissa might be getting over Mesnick sooner than expected since she admits she is already in love again! Well, we’re happy for you Melissa because the less time you spend crying over that guy the better.

You can see Melissa in PEOPLE Magazine this Friday.

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