Ultimate Cheerleaders

Jacksonville Axe Maidens

Last year, after the Axe Maidens held their first auditions, there was only 3 weeks to prepare for their very first game. Throughout the season there was a lot to learn, no one knew what to expect and everyone just “went with the flow”. With all the uncertainty and many rainy games the very first cheerleaders for the Axemen Rugby League were a success thanks to the professionalism and hard work of all the ladies. This year there will be a few changes. Donna Windsor will no longer be Co-Captain so that she can concentrate on her many on going projects and responsibilities including her role as the President of the Professional Cheerleaders Alumni. She will be missed however she will not be forgotten. Donna will be returning to occasionally choreograph routines and help when needed.


Auditions for the 2009 team took place on March 28th where 24 ladies danced, kicked, smiled and shook their hips for a chance to be a part of the 2009 Jacksonville Axe Maidens. A panel of 8 judges including representatives from Bailey’s Powerhouse Gym, Vivid Images U.S.A. Inc. and the Axemen organization. Joining them were Donna Windsor and current Axe Maidens Director, Darlene Clancy.

Following individual introductions contestants performed a sideline “stinger”, dance routine and kickline. After all the ladies performed the finalists were announced. Finalists were then brought in one at a time for interviews in front of the judges panel.


There was a lot of talent and it was a tough decision. Last season the Axe Maidens consisted of 12 inaugural members and this season 13 were selected including the six veterans who auditioned.

“I am very excited to have the opportunity to add an additional member to our team. We have many appearances scheduled before our first game and having 13 ladies allows us to reach out to more fans not only in the community but on game day as well.” according to Darlene Clancy.


The 2009 Axe Maidens are already hard at work and wasting no time. Contracts have been signed, uniforms have been distributed and practices have commenced.


On April 5th the team met with photographer Vincent Pierce at his studio to shoot their headshots. (Vincent Pierce is an amazing photographer and the Axe Maidens are very lucky to have him. Please visit his website www.vincentpierce.com to view his work.) For many of the ladies this was their first professional photo shoot. They all came with lots of smiles & energy and the session even ended on time!

This week the Axe Maidens will be making their first team appearance at the Jacksonville Suns game followed by meet & greets at Outback Steakhouse on April 13, 20, 27 and May 4.

[Auditions Photos on Jacksonville.com]

[Axe Madiens on MySpace]

[Vincent Pierce Photography]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent
