Ultimate Cheerleaders

Titans Cheerleader Blog: Final Auditions Thursday Night!

Lindsey R.
May 6, 2009

Hello Titans fans,

The time has come for Titans Cheerleaders tryouts once again! Finals will be held tomorrow night at the Wildhorse Saloon with doors opening at 5:30 pm and admissions only $10. We’re one of the only teams that allow the fans to watch the last part of the audition process so you don’t want to miss out!


One of the biggest misconceptions is that once you are on the team, you never have to try out again. That is far from reality! Each member must try out each year and the only advantage veterans have is skipping the very first round of auditions and moving automatically into the semi-final round. That audition took place April 19th at Baptist Sports Park and was a full day of dancing.

Everyone always asks what tryouts are like, so let me give you a little inside information. Having been through several other types of auditions, I can honestly say nothing compares to auditioning to be a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader. It’s an honor to be part of the team, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. And for that reason a lot goes into the tryout process in order to pick the best team possible.

Of course we are judged on our dance ability. You have to be able to high-kick and perform several different types of dance styles such as hip hop, jazz and pom. We perform two dances at each game and with very few practices it is very important that women be able to pick up on choreography quickly.

We have had women on the team in the past with little formal dance training who just have what we call the “it” factor. A woman with “it factor” is the woman everyone is drawn to in a crowded room! She has poise, confidence and exudes positive energy. And when she is dancing, she commands the football field and draws everyone in to watching her.

Physique is very important when it comes to making the squad. Let’s be honest, our outfits don’t leave much to your imagination and let’s not forget our beautiful swimsuit calendar.

Of course we all want to look great in the uniform, but the physique factor is very important in order to make sure each woman can keep up with the physical demands involved with being a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader. We have a boot camp and physical fitness test in June. Not to mention five-days-a-week practices during the summer. And can I just say, dancing in four-inch heels come game day isn’t a walk in the park either! Games are long, hot, and involve a ton of dancing. It takes someone in shape to be able to keep up and last an entire game.

Last but not least, part of your score is based on an interview. This is normally a one-on-one interview with our Director Stacie Kinder. By the time you have your interview, Stacie has already reviewed your application and has a good sense of your dance background as well as your education background and/or goals. The one-on-one interview is the time for Stacie to see what your career and life goals are, what your personal priorities in life consist of, and just an overall assessment of your personality. She also quizzes you on current events, politics, and football trivia. Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders are goal oriented, driven, focused, and smart. And the interview process is a great way to make sure candidates are a good match in all of those areas.

Tomorrow will be a mix of so many emotions for all of the women trying out. Literally, your life becomes consumed with tryouts while they are going on. All you can think about is working out, eating healthy, wearing the right thing to all of the practices, having your outfit ready for finals, how you should fix your hair so that it flatters your face and body, tanning so you aren’t washed out on stage, getting your makeup done … and the list goes on and on. Everything you’ve been working towards for months and possibly years all comes down to tomorrow night.

The team will only have 24 spots next year which is the smallest it has ever been and makes tomorrow night’s competition even more intense. We have several women coming out of retirement for the audition, and if you add them to women who were part of the team last year that makes 19 women auditioning who have been a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader at some point. Do the math and that leaves five “open” spots. No veteran is guaranteed a spot by any means so EVERYONE will have to perform at their very best to earn a spot on the team.

I can’t believe the 2008 season is over and we will be saying goodbye to team members who are retiring. Personally I’m losing my best friend in Nashville, Lindsay S., who has decided to retire after four fabulous years of being a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader. She was my big sister my rookie year and I remember getting teary eyed when I learned she would be my big sis. I already looked up to her at that point and I knew I would be able to learn from her. She served as one of our Captains this past season and went on to represent us as the Tennessee Titans Pro Bowl Cheerleader. She made an incredible impact on the team and will leave behind a legacy future team members will talk about.

But the great news is, tomorrow night new women will become Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders, and they too will have the ability to succeed on this team like so many women have in its ten year history. Come support ALL of us tomorrow night and be the first to see the new 2009 Tennessee Titans team.


Lindsey R.

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