Ultimate Cheerleaders


Calling all So Cal dancers: AVP auditions are coming up next month!

makenziJanuary 30th. Be there, or be square.

Sixers Dancers Calendar Release Party

sixersdancers1Tonight at 6pm at the Public House, 1801 Arch Street.

NFL.com update

2009nfl_jags3Bring on the holiday costumes!

Three Pro Bowlers – One Team

lianaroar1Thanks to Liana for pointing this out.

Luvabulls Poster Photo Shoot

ashlaybullsAshley goes behind the scenes at the Luvabulls poster photo shoot.

Falcons Spread Holiday Joy


Power Dancers on SI.com

si-nba-2009_rockets1Gameday photos

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_bbcc_1thumbPhotos from week 12

More from the Pro Bowl Gals


The Knicks City Dancers Get Their Own Comic Book

kcd1The KCD are Superheroes!