Coming this fall: new tv series about competitive collegiate cheerleading
Smallville: Tom Welling’s ‘Hellcats’ Gets Its Cast
Maria Gonzalez, Staff Writer
March 18, 2010
Earlier this year, news broke out that Smallville star Tom Welling was trying his hand out as executive producer of a TV pilot. The CW picked up his and Kevin Murphy’s Hellcats as one of the dramas it will be developing, and now the network has hauled in the show’s cast.
Since Hellcats is about the competitive and often nasty world of cheerleading, we’d expect stars like the Disney-bred Ashley Tisdale and Aly Michalka to headline it. The Hollywood Reporter confirms their participation in the upcoming series, as well as giving details on their roles.

Hellcats centers on college girl Marti (Aly Michalka, Phil of the Future), who “comes from the wrong side of the tracks.” She’s just lost her scholarship thanks to the struggle with budget cutbacks, which pushes her to join the school’s competitive cheerleading team.
Marti ends up clashing with the Hellcats‘ team captain, Sierra (Ashley Tisdale, High School Musical), who is also her roommate. Despite their initial disagreements though, the “peppy and fiercely intense” leader will eventually realize that Marti could be their secret weapon. She may even guide the team to championship victory.
Also joining the cast is actress Gail O’Grady, portraying Marti’s mom who suffers from “chronic irresponsibility.” This really does sound like something Tom Welling would think up, if he were stuck in an alternate universe.
The Smallville star might not be making an appearance on the upcoming series though. But maybe he can convince his fellow Metropolis-dwellers to make guest appearances, which of course would draw in more audiences for Hellcats.
Currently, the project remains to be in development. The network is hoping to have the pilot done by fall though, joining five other dramas for its lineup. Until then, we’d just better tune in to Smallville instead. It’ll be April 2 before we know it.