Ultimate Cheerleaders


They’re Chiva-licious!

It started with these three photos. The first time I saw these three photos, I thought to myself “I must find a way to use these.” Actually, it started way before that. It started back in March, when I was sitting around with ChivaGirls Director Aimee E, chatting about this year’s team photo shoot. Every […]

The new ROAR uniforms

If you’ve visited the ROAR of the Jacksonville Jaguars on Facebook lately, you may have noticed their new uniforms for the upcoming season. Ditch the belt, snip the sleeves, add some sparkle, and voilà! What do you think? New uniform Last year’s uniform

Texas Stars Ice Girls Auditions are July 16th

[Texas Stars Ice Girls]

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Feature – Part 5

The Girls of Paradise … Ann and Sunni By Mickey Spagnola Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine (by way of DallasCowboysCheerleaders.com) June 30, 2011 This is the tale of two members of the DCC who grew up about 14 miles from each other. Ann Lux, a first-year veteran, is from Texarkana, Texas. Sunni Cranfill, a two-year vet, […]

Traveling from far and wide to audition for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

On the Sidelines International Appeal Kristi Scales DallasCowboys.com July 6, 2011 How much appeal do the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have internationally? A quick review of the birthplaces for several of the nearly 300 young women who auditioned last month proves that the dream of growing up to become one of America’s Sweethearts extends well beyond […]

Angie Baker Selected to Direct Arena Bowl XXIV Dream Team

The Arizona Rattlers’ Sidewinders co-director, Angie Baker, was selected by the Arena Football League to direct the 2011 Arena Bowl XXIV dancers, the Aaron’s “Dream Team”. The team will consist of one dancer from each AFL team that will perform in the pregame festivities, during the Arena Bowl and will assist in the presentation at […]

Keep on striving: Former Six Rivers cheerleader Gaube now on 49ers Gold Rush

Neil Tarpey The Times-Standard 07/04/2011 She’s gone from youth football to the National Football League. Ali Gaube, a graduate of Winship Junior High and Eureka High School, has earned a spot on the San Francisco 49ers Gold Rush, the professional cheerleaders squad. How did Gaube feel when she learned she had been selected? ”I can’t […]

Checking in with the Laker Girls

Mike Trudell, Lakers Reporter Lakers.com July 7, 2011 On July 16, auditions for the 2011-12 Laker Girls will take place at the Toyota Sports Center, starting at 9 a.m. sharp. In the meantime, the 2010-11 Laker Girls have continued to make appearances all around Los Angeles and surrounding areas. To discuss those subjects and more, […]

Chiefs Cheerleaders Head To Kuwait And Iraq For 12-Day Military Base Tour

Six Chiefs Cheerleaders will spend Independence Day in Iraq with members of the United States Armed Forces Six Chiefs Cheerleaders began their 4th of July weekend boarding a United Airlines flight at Kansas City International Airport. The final destination: Kuwait and Iraq. The Chiefs will be represented by veteran cheerleaders Summer (pictured), Krystal, Katie, Liz, […]

Jamestown Iron Maidens Auditions

There’s a new dance team in New York State. The Jamestown Iron Maidens who will be an integral part of the new NAHL hockey team, The Jamestown Ironmen. The pre-audition workshop is set for Saturday, July 9th from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.. Tryouts will be at the Jamestown Savings Bank Ice Arena on Saturday July 16th, […]