Ultimate Cheerleaders

Give the brand new Danger Love Saint video a test “Drive”

Titans Cheerleaders Bri, Jessi, and Clair; Danger Love Saint

During last year’s NFL season, UltimateCheerleaders had the wonderful opportunity to interview three Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders who comprised the country girl group, Danger Love Saint, and learned their path from an idea to musically deal with off-season performance antsiness to eventually become the Titans Cheerleaders performance band. During the time we were interviewing them for Part 1 and Part 2, they were literally in the studio and on location to prepare for their debut video “Drive.”

Well, the time has arrived to see the product of these efforts. Danger Love Saint released their debut music video last week, and you can watch the “Drive” music video on this link and download the song on iTunes. Next week, Danger Love Saint is booked to perform on Nashville’s famous Billy Block Show and at the Gift of Music Charity event, opening for Billy Currington, Ronny Milsap, and Phil Vassar. You can learn more about Danger Love Saint and their up coming concerts at www.DangerLoveSaintMusic.com or at www.Facebook.com/DangerLoveSaint.

Way to go DLS, it looks super!


About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent

One thought on "Give the brand new Danger Love Saint video a test “Drive”"

  1. Jeff Lee says:

    Looks like you had 1 more seat in that old Ford, can I catch a ride, while you “DRIVE”. Excellent

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