New D-League Team in the Bay Area?
The Golden State Warriors bought the Dakota Wizards NBA Development League team last year. At the time, the Warriors leadership group made it clear that they were interested in moving the team out west. Having the Warriors and the Wizards in close proximity would allow them to share coaches and players, and have potlucks, and slumber parties, or whatever.
Well, the time has come. After almost 20 years in the midwest, the Wizards are moving to Santa Cruz, CA. Probably. The City of Santa Cruz has approved the relocation, along with funds for a temporary facility (to be replaced by an arena 5-7 years out). Now the team is waiting for the NBA to give them them a thumbs-up, which seems likely.
You know what that means? New pro sports team in California = new pro DANCE team in California. Jobs, jobs, jobs, people! (Not that the pay will be much, but it’s an opportunity to perform for an audience. And if you’re looking to audition for the Warriors, Raiders, or 49ers, the D-League can be a good place to get some game day polish. The Wizards plan to announce auditions later this summer, so stay tuned.