Ultimate Cheerleaders

The USA Sevens Sweethearts

The USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship, a faster version of the sport with just seven players on each side, was held at Chester, PA’s PPL Park on the first weekend in June.

And what’s a sporting event without a dance team? So the USA Sevens Sweethearts were born!

If the USA Sevens Sweethearts look familiar to readers of this blog, it’s because you have seen most of them before as member of the NLL Philadelphia Wings Angels Dance Team

Former Angels Captain Lauren thought she had hung up her poms for the last time, but was coaxed out of retirement for one last weekend of performances

Megan and Nadia

Cary and Mandy

Something the Wings Angels never had to endure inside the Wells Fargo Center – Performing in the Rain!

April and Haley

[USA Sevens Sweethearts Gallery]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent