Shuckers Dance Team Debuts New Look and Coach at Season Opener
Sometimes, when you start a new job you have the luxury of having your team in place, ready to go.
And then there are times when you have to start from scratch.
When the Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team had their official 2012 unveiling this past weekend, they debuted their new coach as well as an entirely new squad. Shay Meador, last year’s only returning veteran and former member of the Maryland Dark Angels, was named new director/coach and charged with the task of building the 2012 squad from the ground up. I asked her what her biggest challenges were. “Marketing to dancers/cheerleaders for auditions, and building and growing the new nine members of the team, since not all of them had a dance background.” she said. “The challenges I’m currently facing are acquiring sponsorship deals, determining a second practice facility for our weekday practices, juggling our numerous home game schedule since several games are back to back Saturday nights, and working with the Shuckers organization and management on developing my vision for the dance team this season.”

Director and Coach Shay Meador
Shay’s dance background started when she was 2. “According to my mother, I was shy and she thought putting me in dance classes would help socialize me however, I grew to love it! There were fellow classmates of mine that graduated high school before I did, some went on to become Wizards Girls and Redskins Cheerleaders. They inspired me, but my dance teacher, Julie Rogers of Julie Rogers Studio of Dance in Huntington, MD inspired me as well. She was tough on us during practices, but it was for our benefit when we performed for real, on stage, in front of an audience. That is what I love the most: entertaining a crowd, performing for an audience, and displaying what I love to do in front of others”.
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