Ultimate Cheerleaders

LA Kiss debuts inaugural dance team

The KISS Girls made their first team appearance before the Anaheim Ducks game last night, as part of the “25 Days of LA KISS-mas” campaign. (Check out the KISS-mas tree in the background!)


LA dancers, this could be you in just a few months! (Probably without the face paint, although one never knows…)

For those of you on the edge of your seats, awaiting news on this team…all I can tell you is that the team is currently interviewing candidates for the dance team director/coordinator. Hopefully they will have someone on board soon, and that person will have to hit the ground running.

I predict auditions will be in about six weeks, although I don’t know how much notice there will be. That seems like a long way off, but it means you have some time to get it together. Whatever you need to do to preserve/upgrade your sexy, start doing it now. If you’ve been out of the game for a while, get back in it. Hit the gym, hit the dance studio, eat clean, chug water, take your vitamins, read up on the team, do whatever you need to do so you can walk into that audition looking and feeling like YOU GOT THIS. Think about who will be standing to your right and left on audition day, and get to work.

The home opener is in less than four months!

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