Cheerleader takes next step toward goal
By Shannon Liston
News Channel 8
March 27, 2010
TAMPA – The Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleading audition process is a numbers game.
250 women start the process. 100 advance to the finals. Only a squad of up to 34 members is selected.
Candidates have 60 minutes to learn a series of 8 counts. Then, with the new routine learned, the women have 25 seconds to dazzle a panel of judges.
But 647 was the most important number Amber Rehman needed to remember.
“I just kept thinking about my number over and over again,” Rehman said. “I had to keep checking to make sure what my number was and then they called it. I was so excited.”
This is the first time Rehman has auditioned to become a Bucs cheerleader. Rehman was one of 70 new candidates to tryout as part of the open call process. From One Buc Place, Rehman advanced to the callback session inside USF’s Corral facility.
Instead of competing against fellow newcomers, the University of Tampa graduate squared off against veteran Bucs cheerleaders. Every member of the cheerleading squad has to reclaim their spot on the team. Tenure means nothing.
Rehman is hopeful that at the end of the grueling auditions, one of the possible 34 slots on the 2010 squad is slated for her.
“I love performing for people,” the 22-year-old said. “And being in a huge arena, performing for thousands and thousands of people would just be awesome.”