Ultimate Cheerleaders

For New Cheerleader Ashley, Auditions Were Unforgettable

By Ashley W.
Special to Redskins.com
April 8, 2009


Auditioning for the first time to be a member of the First Ladies of Football, the longest running cheerleading team in the NFL, was an experience I will never forget.

One would expect that dancing for 21 years–and in an SEC stadium in front of 100,000 people–I would not be so nervous.

But the possibility of becoming a cheerleader for the hometown team I rooted for from couches and stadium benches alike was a chance to bring two of my passions together.

It was tough as cuts progressed through semifinals, to finals, and to the team.

Many women you knew had been working for months, even years, to be a part of this team–but their love for dance and for the Washington Redskins radiated, and I knew that those who weren’t selected would continue to work hard with the dream of becoming part of the team.

I was lucky enough to have previously met a number of the veterans and participated in prep classes offered by the Redskins Cheerleaders staff. These classes and the wonderful advice from veterans made my audition experience so much easier.

The veterans were beyond encouraging to all rookies throughout the classes and the audition process. Their advice and assistance was priceless. Working with a large group of woman can be difficult, but I knew from the first few encounters that these ladies were both as beautiful on the inside as they were on the outside.

Although I knew we were being critiqued throughout the process, the veterans made the audition week feel like home–albeit a home in which you wear only the tiniest of clothes and everyone is effortlessly glamorous.

The final auditions were a whirlwind of emotion and although I was filled with nerves, it was like a party culminating the past week of long hours and hard work. The encouragement from both the veterans backstage and family and friends in the audience made my experience during the show extremely positive.

After our final routine, the nerves took hold.

Waiting for what seemed like an eternity to hear if my number was called…looking down at my number every 30 seconds to confirm if it was “51”…and then all of the emotions turned to joy when I heard my number announced!

I wanted to hug every person I encountered and I think I took the spiral staircase to the stage two steps at a time.

Looking around the stage at the gracious and equally ecstatic 40 women who were going to be my new family, I knew I had found the perfect new home.

Go Redskins!

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent
