Ultimate Cheerleaders

Bring It On — 2009 MVC Tryouts


By Jessie, 2-Year Veteran
Minnesota Vikings

On Saturday, April 4th, 141 talented women between the ages of 18 and 39 showed up at the doors of Winter Park to compete for 30 spots on the 2009 Minnesota Vikings Cheerleading team.

The day started off at 9:00 a.m. and wrapped up about 7:00 p.m…that is one long day of dancing and cheering! Throughout the day, the ladies had the opportunity to show off their skills. The women were taught two dance routines, a cheer, and kick routine by Sarah (2009 MVC Pro Bowl Representative), Emily (Alumni Vikings Cheerleader), and Brianna (MVC Assistant Coach).

Making cuts was tough for the panel of judges. Tami (MVC Head Coach) commented that this was the most talented group of women she has ever seen at Open Auditions, and that there were many tough decisions that had to be made. As the day came to a close, 63 women were selected to move on to Training Camp, Semi-Finals, and Finals.

These 63 women are now participating in a two week Training Camp. They are perfecting the routines they learned at Open Auditions, as well as learning new material, choreographing their own solo routine, and rehearsing their personal introductions. The women will be performing their routines at Semi-finals, where they will also participate in a swimsuit competition. Finals will be held at the Mall of America in the rotunda on Tuesday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. We would love to have you come and cheer us on! See you there! Go Vikes!

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