Ultimate Cheerleaders

Dude, you are SO lucky she’s ok

I know your head was in the game, Landry, but this is BS. Let’s pretend for one moment that it’s possible – in the heat of the moment – to crash into another human being without realizing it. Let’s say you never even saw her. When a giant sweaty dude, twice your size, with feet the size of minivans drops on you like a ton of bricks, it hurts. A lot. You were very very lucky Ashley wasn’t injured. Have a little class dude. Apologize.

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2 thoughts on "Dude, you are SO lucky she’s ok"

  1. Phil says:

    Wow!! Glad she’s ok…I know I always get a little anxious whenever the play goes towards the cheerleaders and stuff like this is exactly why. I remember one play in preseason this year that a ball missed Kelly’s (of the Jills) head by maybe a foot when it got thrown out of bounds

  2. MN says:

    Ouch!! Looks like that was right on the jaw. I’m glad there was no serious injury. That desk is in a bad postion. They should be more safety aware.

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