Ultimate Cheerleaders

Baltimore Blast Cheerleader tryouts- another view












I’m often asked, “What’s it like to take pictures for Ultimate Cheerleaders?” I pretty much tell everyone the same thing. That it’s fun, and that I get to meet a lot of intelligent and interesting women. But up until recently, shooting for the site was kind of like being one of Charlie’s Angels- you get instructions from someone you’ve never met, seen, or in my case, heard.

Coincidentally, I was going to be in Baltimore at the same time the Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders had their tryouts. Since James has been covering the Blast since the beginning, I figured that he would have things well in hand. I also figured that it wouldn’t hurt to ask, so I sent an email to Liz the Blast coach saying that I was going to be in town and I’d be glad to cover the tryouts if for some reason James wasn’t available.

Imagine my surprise when I receive an call minutes later. Not only does Liz graciously invite me to come to tryouts, she says “By the way, James is standing right next to me”.  About an hour later, I was watching the man at work. He completely put me at ease and was a blast to hang with.

So where’s the photo of James, you may ask? I think he’d agree that I have more important pics to post here. Besides, the man’s got to preserve the mystique!




























About the Author

Randy Bachand, Maryland Correspondent
