Ultimate Cheerleaders

Megan is Director of the Ohio Dance Machine, dancers for Major League Lacrosse's Ohio Machine

Her passion for dance evolved into Megan’s off-hours role, directing the Ohio Dance Machine, the sidelines dancers for the MLL’s Ohio Machine. Megan’s passion for education became her day job, high school science teacher. But a life changing trip to Kenya in 2012 created another new mission for Megan, to connect high school students to the experience of visiting Africa. The result is “Urban-Eco,” a non-profit organization that Megan created with two equally passionate teachers, which is allowing students and teachers to visit Kenya, to experience a global perspective on the issue of conservation.

As Megan explains, “I first visited Kenya in 2012 while working on my Master’s degree. From the moment I stepped off the plane I fell in love with the country and the people. It was everything, from working with the Kenya Wildlife Service scouts, researchers, to meeting David Western and hearing him speak about the development of Amboseli national park, tracking lion movement at four in the morning with his son David Western, and working with the Maasai tribes. The experience was life changing and decided I wanted to share this experience with others and change their lives, too.”

The conclusion of Megan’s trip was a safari with her twin sister Jenny, also a high school teacher, and two other classmates. “We became so enchanted by what we learned, that we talked about sharing this experience with our students,” Megan continued. “I am proud to say that less than six months later, with the help of my sister and another teacher, we co-founded the non-profit organization Urban-Eco.”

Columbus, Ohio native Megan's team plays its home games near Columbus in Delaware, Ohio

“Urban-Eco’s mission is to provide hands-on experiences that infuse scientific inquiry and cultural immersion with educational volunteer opportunities for teachers and students on a global stage and local stage, and develop sustainability and community based conservation in an urban setting,” shares Megan.

And in the short time since 2012, Megan’s organization is already accomplishing its exciting vision. “This past summer, two years after our first visit, Urban-Eco made the inaugural trip with seven students and four teachers to Kenya,” Megan recounts. “It was such a wonderful experience, for it wasn’t just their first time out of the country, but out of their city. Students learned so much from the trip and even designed and carried out their own research project while in country. It was amazing to see the students grow and change while we were there; students began to realize how much they take for granted, and that the end of the trip wasn’t the end of their journey, they wanted to share this experience with their friends and families when they returned home, and do so much more.”

Urban-Eco is moving forward, with goals of moving in more directions. “We are currently planning our next trip and would like to expand the program to other locations and incorporate mountain gorillas, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, working with the cheetah conservation fund, and even marine life in Cape Town. It takes about two years to help our student’s fundraise for the trip to Kenya, so we will offer small trips in the off years to allow for more opportunities for students to get involved.”

To find out more about Urban-Eco or get involved please check out their website, urban-eco.org or visit Urban-Eco on Facebook for regular updates. But Urban-Eco is just part of her purposeful life, and Megan was kind enough to share with UltimateCheerleaders the joys of dance, teaching, and being a twin.

With two older brothers, Megan was born in Columbus, Ohio, with a best friend born on the same day. “Some of my favorite childhood memories involve dancing and performing with my sister,” recalls Megan. “Having a twin sister is the best experience in the world; the fact that we both share a passion for dance makes life even better. For me, there’s nothing quite like when I’m dancing with my sister, it’s very harmonious and invigorating.”

Megan’s twin Jenny is also leading the way in pro dance, being the founder of the brand new Chicago Thunder Dance Team in the MSFL. “Aside from both loving dance, she and I share the same passion for education and teach at the high school level; her passion is business information and technology, and I teach my passion of life sciences,” Megan says.

Jenny is in Chicago now, a couple of states away from Ohio, which is a change for Megan. “My twin is my best friend; my support, my courage, and my sanity, and it’s hard going from seeing her almost every day of my life to just holidays and special occasions, when she moved away. It’s tough saying, ‘Hey I want to meet up and run some choreography by you’, when you’re six hours away. In spite of the distance, we are closer then ever; talking multiple times a day and it makes any opportunity to dance with her that more special.”

Family has played a big part for Megan, as her mom played a big part in both her vocation and avocation. “I started out dancing when I was very young, around three years old,” Megan remembered. “I have my mom to thank for dancing, she always made sure I had opportunities to try all sorts of things and decide which ones where for me. As I grew up, I tried all styles of dance: ballet, tap, jazz , and modern. When I was in high school, I learned pom and kick line styled dancing, and when I was in college, I added hip-hop and breakdancing to my repertoire.”

College was guided by Megan’s lifelong interests and her mom’s daily example. “Growing up I was always interested in the science professions, from veterinarian to aspiring to be the first women on Mars, but I always knew my profession would be in science,” Megan says. “I always enjoyed sharing what I learned with others, and helping others discover their passions, and what better way than to teach? I have both my parents to thank for their support over the years, and am proud to say I follow in the footsteps of my mother, as she too is an educator and has truly been an inspiration to me in and out of my classroom.”


Richmond's Lady Raider Sarah

Things just keep moving at high speed for Richmond’s Lady Raiders. I bet veterans Gloria and Sarah cannot believe it has been four years already on the squad.

And it seems like the PIFL season just ended, but the Lady Raiders already have completed one prep class, and the next of four is on August 13th. More info is here.

Let us learn more about Gloria and Sarah!

Gloria is originally from Atlanta


You were born in what city? Atlanta, Georgia

Years on Lady Raiders? 4

What age did you start dance? Three years old Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? At four to “My Little Sunshine”

Your day job is…. I was a Youth Developmental Specialist, but I just currently got an amazing job working at a Celebrity PR Firm.

Your dream job is? Is to background dance for major celebrities

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? It would currently have to be Beyoncé “Drunk In Love”

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are…. My favorite college football team would have to be the Georgia Bulldogs….. And it’s so many NFL teams that I love, it’s no way I can just pick one!

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? I love to just hang by the pool and relax during the summer. If I could get paid to do that, life would rock!

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? Especially because I’m not from Virginia I like to take them to some of the places that I was first shown and that would definitely include Carytown and ShortPump Mall.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Oh my gosh! I would love for me and the ladies to be able to go to the Bahamas. When I went it was so beautiful and I would love to share that experience with them.


You were born in what city? Fairfax, Virginia

Years on Lady Raiders? 4

What age did you start dance? I’ve been dancing since I was three or four. I took classes here and there but really got into it when I made my high school’s dance team freshman year. From there. I joined VCU’s Gold Rush Dance Team and now the Lady Raiders.

Your college/major and/or day job is…. I have a Mass Communications degree from Virginia Commonwealth University. I am currently the program director at the Art Factory & Party Place

Your dream job is? Event Planner

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey

As a fan, your favorite college football teams are…. We didn’t have a football team at VCU so I became a huge basketball fan – Go Rams!

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? Love going to the beach with my husband and our dog

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? We always end up shopping in Carytown – so many fun and unique stores you can’t find anywhere else. After shopping we have to get donuts from Dixie Donuts! I often take friends and family to eat at Water Coastal Kitchen and Casa Del Barco, yum!

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Aruba – the white beaches, crystal clear water & amazing sunsets would make the perfect setting for our calendar shoot!

More photos of Gloria and Sarah are at this link.

Titans Cheerleaders at the final regular season Nashville Venom game; Yalea entering her fourth season with TTC, and former TTC Stormi, who was Director of Appearances for the PIFL champs

Eiesha Horsley was a four season NFL TopCat and now Mrs. Georgia America 2014

Former NFL cheerleader Eiesha Horsley’s motto is, “Each and every person should dream and dream BIG!” Well, Eiesha recently was named Mrs. Georgia America 2014, so the next stage if a dream as big as the whole country, as she progresses to compete for Mrs. America.

Eiesha performed on the NFL sidelines for the Carolina Panthers’ “Top Cats” during the 2005 and 2010-2012 seasons, the last year as one of four captains. An entrepreneur, scholar, philanthropist, and renowned cheerleading, dance, and gymnastics instructor, adding Mrs. Georgia America is another accomplishment in Eiesha’s dream-filled life.

“I am truly a dreamer of all things exquisite and extraordinary!,” Eiesha says. “I am the proud wife of Jarrell Horsley, a Captain in the United States Army and reside in Georgia. Being crowned Mrs. Georgia America 2014 is not only an honor and humbling experience, but a phenomenal blessing to compete for Mrs. America. Representing the perfectly ‘peachy’ state allows me the opportunity to uplift not only married women, but families and individuals of all ages in a variety of ways. Specifically, empowering women to achieve and promote the importance of personal and professional goals, while providing a forum in which to express my talents, intelligence, and experience is my ultimate goal and way to give back in a greater capacity. I can surely say that my experience as a professional cheerleader prepared many in more ways than one!”

As accomplished in the classroom as in dance and pageants, Eiesha graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree from Norfolk State University and was named a Ronald E. McNair fellow, Psi Chi National Honor Society Scholar, and appeared in Vibe, Ebony, and Charlotte Women’s Magazine for her professional and personal accomplishments. Eiesha holds a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management with honors, and is currently completing her dissertation and Ph.D. Studies in Organization Management with an emphasis in Human Resource Management, expected during the summer of 2015. “Continuous learning brings continuous opportunities in my career and possibilities in serving others,” Eiesha says.

Eiesha is also the owner of M.A.D.E. (“Making A Difference Everywhere”) Today, Inc., a professional development company in which Eiesha directs, conducts, and leads programs working with community and state organizations, families, and youth in both Georgia and North Carolina. MADE has collected over 200 cheer and dance regional and national titles in four states in just five years. “As a former professional NFL cheerleader and captain for the Carolina Panthers, I was able to be an ambassador for the community and young girls who aspire to live their dreams,” Eiesha says.

“During my spare time, I enjoy my active involvement in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, traveling, interior design, camping, and giving back to the youth and aspiring individuals who desire to live their dreams beyond their belief,” Eiesha continues. “Making a positive contribution to society is all worth living for, and leaving a legacy is timeless. I believe laughter is contagious, joy is strength, and courage is motivation. I encourage all to dream big and believe that all things are possible, giving back is essential and believing through execution and consistency is longevity.”

You can keep up with the Mrs. America Pageant at www.mrsamerica.com, and Eiesha specifically on Twitter and Facebook, plus her M.A.D.E Today program.

Eiesha cheered for the Carolina Panthers

Jenny S, during last Saturday’s halftime performance by the MLL’s Ohio Dance Machine near Columbus

Megan, captain of the MLL’s Ohio Dance Machine, last Saturday night

Lady Raider Keisha prior to the season's last home game

The PIFL’s Richmond Lady Raiders certainly are a standout squad, and the role over its existence from long-time pro cheerleaders Laura Eilers-Clark and the current leadership of Kelly Owens-Allen are a key ingredient. But also, when you see key veterans, like Lady Raiders Keisha, Lia, Ryan, and Sherika, all part of the squad for five-plus years, one sees the synergy of a healthy organization, where veterans want to return and help shape the experience and culture of the squad. So here are the veteran Lady Raiders, and congratulations on another stellar season:


You were born in what city? Martinsville, Virginia

Years on Lady Raiders? 5

What age did you start dance? Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? I started cheering at 14, and the our first dance we learned was to “Candy Girl.”

Your college/major and/or day job is…. I am kindergarten teacher.

Your dream job is? (laughs) I would like to be Beyonce.

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? Anything by Beyonce.

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are…. Goooo Steelers!

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? Go to the beach or pool!

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? I like to show them Carytown.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Jamaica or any beautiful island with beautiful beaches



You were born in what city? Omaha, Nebraska

Years on Lady Raiders? I am going into my sixth season with the Lady Raiders

What age did you start dance? Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? I started performing at two years old for a dance company called Traylor Dance Academy. The first song I danced to was “I’m a Little Teapot”

Your college/major and/or day job is…. I recently graduated from college where I studied Dental Assisting. I am currently working as a dental assistant for Virginia Family Dentistry and have been for about eight months.

Your dream job is? I am happy to say I am working in my career field and where I have wanted to work since I was little, but I would love to one day pursue a career in music. I love to sing.

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus Take the Wheel”

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are…. Colts and Broncos for NFL and for college I would say Virginia Tech.

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? Love going to the beach, spending time with friends and family, having/attending cookouts and fishing at the river in Urbanna. (smiles) So relaxing

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? Love to take them to downtown Richmond and have them experience to city nightlife. Also to some of the great shopping malls such at Stony Point Fashion Park and Short Pump Town Center Mall. As far as food, it depends what were in the mood for but I really enjoy the restaurant The Daily. Great food.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Bora bora would be phenomenal.



You were born in what city? Chester, Virginia

Years on Lady Raiders? Five years

What age did you start dance? Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? Five years old and it was to “Hey Mickey” by Toni Basil

Your college/major and/or day job is Manager of a Heart Failure Clinic

Your dream job is? To one day own my own cheerleading apparel store

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? “Shoop” by Salt-n-Pepa

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are Baltimore Ravens and Virginia Tech

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? Lay by the pool and read a book

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? I love the South of the James Farmers Market. Such great fresh food and local vendors.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Bermuda! I love the pink beaches



You were born in what city? Petersburg, Virginia

Years on Lady Raiders? Five years

What age did you start dance? Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? I started dancing when I was three. I believe the first song was “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” from Disney! I still love that song!

Your college/major and/or day job is… I majored in Health & Physical Education and obtained my Master’s in Sport Management. I currently work in medical billing and teach dance and fitness.

Your dream job is? I would love to be a dance and fitness entrepreneur. (smiles) I’m working on it!

What is your “go to” Karaoke song? Respect by Aretha Franklin…. I can jam to that song!

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are…. Virginia Tech and the Washington Redskins

What are your favorite things to do in summertime? Cookout by the pool and go to all the various festivals that take place in downtown RVA (Richmond, Virginia)

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? I love to take my friends for walks along the Canal River and show off the Richmond Arts & Culture District which is where many of the art galleries and studios are located. I live not far from there and call it the area where the “movers and shakers” are.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Bali! It’s known as one of the best islands in the world and I have always wanted to go.

Thanks to Kelly and the Lady Raiders for all of their graciousness! More photos of the four vets are at this link.

Kat is new to pro dance with the PIFL's Nashville Venom, but is a versatile performer

We constantly encounter super accomplished, multi-tasking pro dancers at UltimateCheerleaders, yet I can still be completely astounded by their careers and diverse hobbies that defy the notion of 24 hours in a day. Recently I met Kat, who must have nine lives. Kat is an IT professional by day, with dance and political science degrees, and her “hobbies” of being a drummer in bands, back-up dancer, dance teacher, choreographer, she owns two horses, and participates in show jumping. So since she had all that “extra time” on her hands, Kat decided to add pro cheer to the equation this year. Kat performed at PIFL Champion Nashville Venom games, as a member of the Snake Charmers. Well, Kat’s ability to balance all of that is one equation I could never solve.

Kat shared with UltimateCheerleaders some of the dimensions of her life, from riding a show jumper to being a show stopper, and why she may frequently party like it is 1999, perhaps even in a raspberry beret.

With a degree in dance from Virginia’s Radford University, Kat says, “I’ve done almost all styles of dance and some commercial work. I’ve done back up dancer work. I teach dance. I’ve done choreography, but this is the first experience I’ve had working with a professional sports team.”

So why add pro sports to this very busy plate for the inaugural season of the Venom? “It just sounded like something that I would probably find really interesting,” Kat explains. “I knew it was a new team that was starting up. Sissy Brown, our coach, had a workshop last winter prior to auditions. I thought, ‘Let me go to this workshop and see what it’s all about.’ It was really fun. Her choreography was really hip hop heavy. My background’s in dance not in cheerleading, so I thought, ‘Okay, the hip hop background and the choreography, I can do that.’ I thought I’d try out and see what happened, and I made it. It’s been a really cool experience.”

What types of things surprised Kat about the experience? “There’s definitely so much that goes into each game,” Kat responded. “It’s not just, show up and put your shoes on, and go out on the field. There’s so much. There have been plenty of times where we’ve had to do our own hair and make-up, and help design our own outfits. We’ve had appearances, charity events; a lot things like that.”

But on the day job portion of Kat’s plate is being an IT project manager. “My career is in project management,” Kat explains. “I do have a very demanding career. Then on top of that I juggle teaching dance, being on the Venom, I do back-up dancer work for a Prince tribute band that’s based here in town. I play a lot of freelance gigs as a drummer. Then there’s a pop rock artist based in town and I play for her as well. It’s keeping the legitimate day career and keeping all the other things I love alive, all at the same time.”

Kat is a Jacksonville, Florida native but moved to Virginia, where she spent her high school and college years. Besides Dance, she studied Political Science at Radford. So has Kat always been interested in current affairs and history type things? “Very much so,” Kat replies. “Political science, history, languages. Then I just kind of fell into the career track of project management because it lined up with a lot of my already existing skills. Communications is the most important part of project management. Communications and then accountability.”

“I’ve always had like the business project management side of me and then I’ve always had the art side of me,” Kim continues. “I’ve always tried to inter-mix them as much as possible.”

And dance has always been in mix, even though young Kat was quite opposed to the whole dance thing at first. “My mom enrolled me in dance when I was three,” recounted Kat. “She enrolled me in tap and ballet, and she told me years later that I complained going to every class. I whined, I didn’t want to go, didn’t want to go. Then recital time came around and I had the costume, the hair, and make-up. After the recital, she told me as a three-year old, ‘Just make it to the recital and then you can quit after that.’”

“After the recital, she said, ‘Okay, well you can quit now,’” Kat continues. “She said I announced, ‘No, no, I don’t. I like it, no no no!’ I never complained again after that, ever about going to class.”


Heather and Victoria were important components of the 25th anniversary Orlando Magic Dancers

Last season’s 25th anniversary Orlando Magic Dancers included veterans that have become big fan favorites over the years. Fifth-year veteran Victoria was a Team Leader, and as I witnessed last March, worked hard to prepare the Junior Magic Dancers for their halftime performances. One could see the organization and discipline of being a self-proclaimed “Army brat,” born in Killeen, Texas, then years in Germany, as Victoria took charge of the practice sessions with the young dancers. Victoria was also seen on the big screens at the game, in sketches with that crazy mascot Stuff, who is always up to something!

Heather finished her fourth season with the Magic Dancers, and according to her best friend Emmy, is someone that has really blossomed during their four years on the squad, not only as a performer, but also being much more outgoing than she was three years ago.

And if you would like the chance to experience the wondrous opportunities that Victoria and Heather have been part of, the process to become part of the 26th edition of the OMD is right around the corner. All the information is at this link, and some of the key dates are….

2014-15 Pre-Audition Class schedule updates and instructors – ONLY 2 CLASSES REMAINING:

July 21 – Hip-Hop/Jazz with Guest Choreographers April and Nova Jay aka ‘Crossbreed’

July 23 – Theme Jazz taught by Assistant Manager Cherie LaRosa

All classes held at RDV Sportsplex (8701 Maitland Summit Blvd, Orlando, 32810) from 7:45p-9:45p. Instructors and class style subject to change without notice. Registration open and walk-up registrations accepted!

ROUND 1: Saturday, July 26 from 9a-5p

· Schedule:
– 9am – Registration at the RDV Sportsplex (8701 Maitland Summit Blvd, Orlando, 32810 * 407-916-2442 if lost) in the Orlando Magic Gym
– 10am – First round begins
– NO LATE applicants will be accepted and this is the ONLY open audition of the year! Plan to be there and don’t be late if you want to potentially be a part of the action this season!
– Note – All audition participants must be prepared to stay until the end, NO EXCEPTIONS!
· What to bring:
– $25 application fee (reduced to $15 if you have attended any of the 5 summer pre-audition classes, waived if you purchased the full pre-audition package)
– Headshot
– Full Body shot
– Resume (dance and/or business)
– Snacks, water bottle, towel and items to freshen up between rounds

•FINALIST INTERVIEWS: Monday, July 28 and Tuesday, July 29 by Appointment
•FINALIST BOOT CAMP: Sunday, July 27 through Tuesday, July 29
•AUDITION FINALS: Thursday, July 31 from 7p-9p in the Disney Atrium at Amway Center

It is almost time for the next squad to emerge, and you could be part of it!

And more photos of Victoria and Heather are at this link!

Orlando Magic Dancer Emmy was a captain during the 25th anniversary season

It’s quite a nice ritual. During the time before the gates open, NBA arenas have a building hum that transitions eventually to the intense buzz of game time. Some of the world’s greatest athletes are on the court getting some repetitive jump shots in, the audio and video equipment are getting their testing, and all the while, a young woman reads a book, sitting in a prized seat a couple rows behind the basket. This is Orlando Magic Dancer Emmy’s pre-game ritual, during the time between OMD court practice time and the time to prepare for the game.

This past year was a momentous one for the Orlando Magic Dancers, under the direction of Jeanine Klem-Thomas, as they celebrated their silver anniversary 25th season. Emmy completed her fourth season with the Magic Dancers, and it was a wonderfully eventful season for her. In addition to the festivities surrounding the 25th anniversary of the Magic Dancers, Emmy also was selected to be part of the NBA All-Star game. Emmy embodies so much of what OMD encompasses: she was a Junior Magic Dancer as a young girl, her dad has been a performing Dancing Dad for all of her four seasons, she eventually became a captain, and Emmy traveled to faraway continents and experienced all that being a Magic Dancer can be.

Emmy’s ritual looked like such a nice way to spend some time, reading a book during the quieter time before the she and her teammates felt the heat of the spotlight and the noise of the Amway Center, on the biggest stage in a entertainment region full of stages. Last March, Emmy graciously bookmarked her spot, and took time to share with UltimateCheerleaders her pro dance journey to All-Star games, Rome, Italy, and beyond.

Heather, Lauren, and Emmy

Emmy is an Orlando native, and started dance class at age eight. “My mom claims that I danced around the house all the time so she put me in class, so a natural step,” smiled Emmy.

And another natural dance step was becoming part of the Magic Dancers. “I wanted to do it forever. My dad has been a season ticket holder since 1990, so I used to come with him and watch the Dancers and (mascot) Stuff,” recalled Emmy. Also, Emmy was a Junior Magic Dancer as a tween, and laughed, “Jeanine’s known us forever; she can’t get rid of us.”

For four years, Emmy left Orlando, to attend the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, receving a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, minoring in Psychology, graduating Summa Cum Laude, top in her class. In addition, she was part of a UT dance team that dominated the College Dance Team National Championships during that era.

Growing up in central Florida, moving back to Orlando after college surprised Emmy. “Orlando is a lot more fun than I thought it would be as an adult,” Emmy explained. “I went away to college, and I loved it. And then when I was graduating, moving back to Orlando, I thought it’d be all kid stuff. But I’ve been here for almost four years now after I graduated and I love it. There’s a lot to do. It’s fun. It’s beautiful. Very glad I moved back.”

After returning from college, the journey to being an Orlando Magic Dancer started right away, with try-outs the next month. But the really excited family member who was rooting for Emmy was a future Dancing Dad. Unlike some of the Dads, who perform their own style of dance routines to the uproarious reaction of the Amway Center, Emmy’s dad needed no coaxing to make his own way to center court. “Before I tried out for the team, he said, ‘If you try out for the Magic Dancers, I could be a dancing dad,’” remembered Emmy. “It took no convincing.” So Emmy’s dad has been a Dancing Dad also for four seasons.

Emmy dad is an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat surgeon), but according to Emmy, “He takes his dancing just as seriously as he takes his medical practice.”

So, a natural question, did Emmy inherit her dancing skills from him? “Gosh no, bless his heart,” heartily laughed Emmy. “He has a lot of fun and he has gotten better since the first year, but no, the natural rhythm is not there. You know who is the best, is Kriza’s dad. Her dad is a really, really good dancer. He works it. He’s got his face going. She definitely got it from him.”
