Ultimate Cheerleaders

Chicago's Chocez dances at LP Field

Imagine that it is the first quarter of your first game as an NFL cheerleader, and you look up at the stadium’s big screen, and whom do you see? Let’s have Chocez of the Titans Cheerleaders fill in the rest from her rookie season’s initial quarter. “My first season, first game, first quarter, we are watching the Jumbotron for the play of the week, and they picked a fan to answer the question,” Chocez recalls. “I could not believe my eyes; it was my mother and she knew the answer. I was so surprised I didn’t know what to do.”

Perhaps when Chocez literally looked up and saw her mom, the person that Chocez looks up to most, it was a sign that that being on the Titans sidelines was the perfect place for Chocez. Also, it is not surprising that Chocez’s mom knew the answer because she has always had the right answers for Chocez, such as dance being the perfect answer during an emotional time when Chocez was nine years old. Chocez is in her sixth season as a Titans Cheerleader, and she shared memories with UltimateCheerleaders including a journey filled with dance, family, and friendships, all enhanced by a Titans Cheerleaders experience that was completely unplanned. Not unexpectedly, being part of the Titans arose from Chocez doing what she always does; helping out a friend.

Chocez is from Chicago, and I bet she is a fan of the frozen precipitation currently covering the Chicagoland area. “One of my favorite memories growing up in Chicago would be on Christmas morning running down stairs, looking out the window over into the park, and seeing it covered in snow,” Chocez says. “I love snow!” Well, right now Midwesterners have a lot to love!

Chocez’s unique name was a gift from her dad. “My father named me Chocez, pronounced ‘Show-keys’”, Chocez explains. “It’s a Native American name meaning Little Princess.”

And when the Little Princess was little, Chocez used her mirrored living room as the location for pretend video shoots, in which Lil Chocez would be singing and dancing, based on her own choreography. “I was a singing dancing rapper back in the day,” Chocez recounts. “Some of my favorites were Shai: ‘If I ever fall in love,’ TLC:’What about your friends,’ Janet Jackson:’Escapade/ Control/ Rhythm Nation,’ LL Cool J:’ I need love,’ Whitney Houston: ‘The Bodyguard Soundtrack’. Some of my other favorite artists were Tevin Campbell, Jodeci, Mary J. Blige, and 2 Pac.”

Chocez started dance classes at an essential time when her mom suspected that they might just start bringing smiles back to her daughter’s face. “My father passed away when I was nine years old,” Chocez shares, “and my mom said when she took me to my cousin’s dance recital six months after his passing, that my face lit up and I never took my eyes off the stage. She said she had to sign me up because I had not looked that happy in a while. On my first day of class, I was ready to go. I am a visual learner, I was quiet, and trying to mimic everything I saw.”

Starting classes started a cascade in which dance became a focal point of Chocez’s life. Chocez studied tap, ballet, and jazz, and also participated in cotillions where she danced the waltz, tango, and the rumba. After high school, Chocez moved to Nashville to attend Fisk University on a dance scholarship and joined the University’s performing dance company, Orchesis, which toured throughout the states. This included Chocez being selected as the director’s touring demonstrator during workshops. At Fisk, Chocez received her Bachelor in Arts majoring in Dramatics, Speech, and Dance, and then remained in Nashville to receive her Master’s in Education, studying Curriculum and Instruction at Tennessee State University. During her time in Nashville, during and after college, Chocez was in local plays as well as traveling to teach choreography to various groups such as high school dance teams.

But during all of her life of dance, cheering for a pro sports team did not cross Chocez’s mind, although she is a sports fan. “I have always been a sports fan,” Chocez says. “However, my sport was basketball. I loved and still love the Chicago Bulls. Although I am not a strong player at basketball, I can really shoot, especially on the games at Dave & Busters.”

But it is not surprising that Chocez, the ultimate friendliest soul you will ever meet, was initially linked to Titans pro cheer to help out a friend. “A school friend of mine asked me to go with her to the audition for support since I love to dance,” Chocez details. “I had no idea about pro cheer until after I made it through to finals my first time trying out. I arrived dressed for a dance audition, and when my friend was cut in the first round, I was pulled aside and told they liked me but I was dressed all wrong. My friend helped with an outfit so I could stay in the competition. Although I did not make it that year all the girls were very nice and helpful with telling me how to prepare for the next try-out. Once I learned about it, I worked on my necessary areas and returned the following year to tryouts stronger than the first time. I worked out and arrived next time dressed for the audition!”

The next year, Chocez remembers, “At finals the second time, I remember being backstage listening to the names being called, and I remember hearing them say my last name but not my first. So I’m thinking, ‘I did not know that there were two of us here,’ then finally someone yells, ‘They were calling you.’ I ran out embarrassed, shocked, and confused at the same time, all with a smile on my face.”


Her brother Brett is serving in Afghanistan, so the salute to the military was very special to Colts Cheerleader Megan O during the Colts-Miami game

NFL games often feature tributes to members of the US Military, particularly in November around the time of Veterans Day. For instance, during the home game in Indianapolis against Miami, the Colts Cheerleaders paid tribute by donning special uniforms to represent the branches of the military, and also performed a special USO themed halftime show, including each Cheerleader swing dancing with an active military member.

For one of the Colts Cheerleaders, the connection to the military is especially meaningful; Megan O’s brother is serving his country in Afghanistan. Megan shared her feelings about her brother’s service with UltimateCheerleaders, in addition sharing her experiences to growing up in the “Circus Capital of the World,” her interest in art history, and her exciting Super Bowl week last year when she performed on Jimmy Fallon’s show.

Megan grew up in Indiana, born right in the center of a band of brothers. “I was born in Peru, Indiana,” Megan explains. “It’s a very small town in North Central Indiana. I lived on a farm until I left for college and I have been in Indianapolis ever since. When I moved to Indy, I lived with my two brothers. My eldest brother bought a house so, my brother Blake, who was also going to college in Indy, and myself moved in. I have two more brothers I left behind in Peru. So if you’re keeping track, I have four brothers and I am right in the middle. I have so many good memories with my family. My best memories would have to be swimming in my pool with all my brothers and cousins on July 4th and then watching the boys ride there dirt bikes and four-wheelers until we got dressed up and drove into town to watch the fireworks.”

Megan started dancing early, especially after she began using the furniture as her first stage, which motivated her parents to start her in dance class. “I started to dance when I was four years old at The Ballet Arts of Peru,” Megan recalls. “My mom tells the story all the time about how she tried to sign me up early for classes because I would climb on top of the coffee table and dance. I didn’t cheer at all during high school. I was too focused on ballet, tap, and jazz. I was, however, voted most school spirit in high school!”

And Megan won another title in her hometown, as part of their annual summer festival. In addition to being the birthplace of Cole Porter, Peru, Indiana is also noted for being the “Circus Capital of the World” because once upon a time it was the winter headquarters for the biggest circuses, including Ringling Brothers and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. As a result, Peru is home to The International Circus Hall of Fame, the home of the world’s only remaining manufacturer of steam calliopes, and annually holds the Peru Amateur Circus as part of their Circus City Festival and Parade. All of the performers are amateurs, ranging in age from seven to twenty-one, and if you picture in your head what you would expect from a small town’s young people putting on a circus, multiply the level of performance about tenfold; their performance level is really unbelievable.

So Megan, were you one of the circus performers? “I wasn’t in the Circus but I was actually Miss Circus City!” Megan answers. “It was a scholarship pageant and I had so much fun. I went to the Circus every night for a week, after I won, to be introduced and help with the clown and kiddy acts. I had a blast! I was never in the Circus but my mom and sister-in-law were. My mom did slack-wire and my sister-in-law did the trapeze. I have a great respect for the craft and the countless volunteers who devote so much of their time to the Circus. I would love to learn the trapeze but I think I’ll stick with the clown acts.”

When Megan graduated high school, she moved to Indianapolis and currently majors in art history. “I have always been a history buff and I really enjoyed art classes growing up,” Megan explains. “I have a creative personality so I knew I wanted to do something in the arts. I chose the Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI because of its location to all the major museums in Indiana. During my freshman year, I took ‘Introduction to Art History,’ and it was love at first lecture.”

Asked about her favorite artists, periods of art, and dream job, Megan responds, “I love the Northern Renaissance and my favorite artist from the period has to be Jan van Eyck. My dream job would be at the Met in New York City working in Collections Management.”

So Megan, as someone immersed in the ever changing would of technology but also with the knowledge of where art has been historically, where is the future of art headed? “The art experience is evolving,” relates Megan. “With iPhones and customized computers, the ‘museum’ is changing the experience of the audience and moving toward becoming more personalized. I’m really excited to be a part of this change. New techniques and trends in collections care and restorations are really important to me, and I could geek out about this for hours.”


Last Sunday, the Orlando Magic’s home game against the Jazz had a festive air, not only because of the holiday around the corner, but also because of the halftime entertainment extravaganza! Jeanine Klem-Thomas, the Orlando Magic Dancers Manager, brought together all of her teams, the Silver Stars Senior Team, Dancing Dads (dads of present or former Magic Dancers), the young Magic Minis (including Jeanine’s daughter), the stunt team, mascot Stuff, and even Santa, and of course the Magic Dancers, for a performance full of dance, laughs, and lots of Christmas music.

In coming features, UltimateCheerleaders will learn about family connections, like Magic Dancers and their performing dads, and a lot more. But let’s lead off with a little “holiday greeting” as the Magic Dancers and the Magic Minis greeted fans as their entered the Amway Center last Sunday night.


The Jacksonville Giants are not only the defending ABA champions, their Jewels dance team also is championship caliber. Under the guidance of Pam Masters, Coach of the Jacksonville Jewels Dance Team, in addition to being Owner/Director of Showtime USA, the Jewels are a big part of game night for the Giants. Last Friday night during the Giants home game, Pam’s various dance teams entertained from start to finish. In upcoming features, we will learn more about the Jewels with photos and interviews, but for now, how about a little Christmas card full of Jewels!

More photos are at the “continue link” below and an extensive list of photos are here at this link


Titans Cheerleader Amber has a very merry pet

Christmas means it is the perfect time to feature Amber, the only cheerleader who lists her pet as a reindeer, one named Huey. Amber is a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader, living in Nashville to attend Vanderbilt, but originally is from La Salle, Colorado. And that is where Amber’s reindeer Huey, a Christmas gift himself, lives. Except when Huey sometimes mysteriously disappears on Christmas Eve. Could he be moonlighting to help out the big guy from the North Pole?

So how did Amber get a reindeer as a pet? “My grandpa loves spoiling us grandchildren,” Amber explains. “He also loves animals and has always had a mini zoo of llamas, peacocks, ponies, donkeys and all kinds of animals. One Christmas, when my siblings and I were younger, he gave each of us a pet reindeer that could be ours to name. We chose to name each of the reindeers Huey, Dewey and Louie. That was such a special Christmas. Of course, the years following that gift we believed those reindeer were used by Santa. My grandpa would even hide the reindeer Christmas Eve night and tell us Santa had come and asked to borrow our reindeer.”

Maybe, Huey was just hidden, or maybe, just maybe, Huey was stepping in ala Rudolph to help out Saint Nick. But some naysayers, who probably also do not believe in the man with a bag, do not even believe reindeer exist! “I remember during high school that my sister’s reindeer had wandered just outside of my grandpa’s house and out onto a nearby highway,” recalls Amber. “Unfortunately, the reindeer was hit and killed by a car. I remember the front page of the news reading something about a ‘caribou all the way from Alaska migrating to Colorado.’ One of my best friends brought the paper to practice that day because he knew not only was the caribou a reindeer, but that it belonged to my family. While he was reading the paper to my teammates, not one of them believed in reindeer! To this day, most people I meet think reindeer are fictional.”

Huey relaxes before his busy travel schedule

So Amber, if Santa came to you and asked for your help, and sprinkled special dust on Huey so he could fly so you could deliver presents to one needy place in the world, where would you go add some cheer to the lives of children? “Through Compassion International, my family has adopted a boy from Thailand, Niko, and a boy from Peru, Fredy,” answers Amber. “I would love to deliver Christmas gifts in person to both of those two families and see what their lives are truly like. I can’t imagine growing up worrying about providing for my family at such a young age. I want them to both enjoy at least one day as a kid…like I was able to. I would want them to enjoy Christmas like I have…with the excitement of Santa, presents, … and Huey!”

And Kris Kringle knows Amber means business, and to not disappoint her, because Saint Nick will hear about it. “My parents told me that when I was three years old, we went to the mall to see Santa,” recalls Amber. “I was so disappointed when he ended up not being there. The following day, we flew to Disney World. I saw Santa and went to sit on his lap to give him ‘a talking to.’ I reprimanded him for being gone the other day in the mall when I had come to see him. My parents said they have never seen a more confused Santa who didn’t know what to do with me.”

In case Amber and Huey need to take flight on Christmas Eve, let’s learn more about Amber beforehand with some Q & A, as Amber graciously shared some of her precious holiday time with UltimateCheerleaders:

UltimateCheerleaders: Tell us where you are from and about about your family.

Amber: I was born and raised in Colorado…on a potato farm! Since moving to Nashville in 2010 for my freshman year at Vanderbilt, this city has become my second home. It’s a great town, and I can see myself living here after graduation. I have two younger siblings: my sister, April, is a sophomore at Baylor University and my brother, Tad, is a junior at University High School.

UltimateCheerleaders: What prompted you to try out for the Titans the first time? When did you first think about pro cheer?

Amber: I grew up watching the Broncos play and more specifically the Bronco cheerleaders. I loved dancing and performing, and wanted to continue that passion in a way I could be more involved in the Nashville community. The idea to try out for a professional sports team was always something I wanted to do when I was in college, and whether it was basketball or football, I wanted to try and be a professional cheerleader. Trying out for the Titans Cheerleading Team seemed like the perfect opportunity once I arrived in Nashville.

Preparing for tryouts was difficult because I was in my first year of college and had no connections to the Titans organization. I was very fortunate to meet some mentors and future teammates during the audition process, though, which helped make my audition a success. Being chosen to be on a squad of only 26 women that evening of final auditions is a moment I’ll always remember. I’m so grateful for this opportunity.


Myra is headed to the Pro Bowl!

Richelle Williams (formerly Grant, but she was a bride last June 30th), the wonderful Cheerleader Manager/Choreographer of the Carolina TopCats shares their Pro Bowl news!

Our ladies selected the TopCat of the Year/Pro Bowl Representative last night! It’s Myra! Last night instead of practicing, I surprised the ladies and had our driver take them through a small town called McAdenville to see the Christmas lights. I decided to make the announcement at the end of the ride because with the Christmas carols in the background and the peaceful scenery of the lights, it was indeed perfect timing. It was so nice to see the excitement on everyone’s face. And Myra was SUPER EXCITED!

Sounds like a great night! We featured Myra last season (at this link), and learned that this artistic graphic designer also danced for the NBA’s Washington Wizards. Congratulations Myra!

Let’s give a “get well soon” shout out to Jena of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders. Jena had knee surgery this season and is out for the year, but Jena is well on her way back working hard in rehab. Jena exemplifies pro cheerleading experience, dancing for minor league baseball and the NHL prior to taking her talents to the NFL. Plus, a math lover turned accountant, Jena has been featured as a Science Cheerleader (read more at this link).

So for this mathlete, we can “count on” Jena returning soon to full strength!

There are more photos of Jena from a pre-injury Titans home game against the Patriots at this link.

Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader Samantha during the Vikings game against Arizona

When it comes to achieving new heights, Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader Samantha knows all about maximizing one’s altitude, even as a six week-old! First of all, she grew up in Colorado cities at elevations over 5,000 feet. But even those heights were not enough for Samantha and her family. “When I was little, my dad, Bill, was a hot air balloon pilot, just for a fun hobby on the side,” Samantha explains. “Some of my favorite childhood memories involve waking up extremely early on weekends to go ballooning. It was a large part of my childhood and a family tradition, and my aunt is a pilot as well! So we would all get together on weekend, set the balloon up as the sun was rising, take a few flights and then all gather around the tailgate for brunch. It is such a unique hobby, and I am so blessed to have had this as part of my everyday life. My first flight was when I was six weeks old, youngest in Colorado history,” smiles Samantha. “You just cannot beat the tranquility of a hot air balloon ride, and not to mention the beautiful view of the Colorado Rockies!”

So it should be no surprise that the second year Vikings Cheerleader continues to reach new heights in her MVC career, this season as cover girl on the “gold” edition of their two swimsuit calendars. Samantha kindly shared with UltimateCheerleaders her experiences of being part of a football loving family, chasing down NFL cheerleaders for their autographs as a girl, her academic interests (including the first time UltimateCheerleaders mentions ‘Wigger’s diagram’), her passion for travel, and attending university where the two genders are kept three miles apart, at least some of the time.

Samantha’s early life was in Broncos country prior to moving to the land of Vikings. “I was born in Littleton, Colorado, and moved to Boulder, Colorado when I was four, then moved to Minnesota to attend college in 2007, and have been here ever since,” recounts Samantha. “My transition to Minnesota was an easy one, seeing as I have completely fallen in love with the state, and my brother, Willie, lives in Saint Paul. I also have a sister, Jessica who is in Chicago, only a short road trip or flight away!”

Samantha (right) during pre-game

Football fan-hood was family tradition for Samantha, and she began following, literally, the activities of NFL cheerleaders at a young age. “Growing up we had season tickets to the Denver Broncos, and every Sunday my dad and I would get to the games early, go to the Bronco Barn and then literally run around the stadium to try to get ALL the cheerleaders signatures on their poster for that year,” Samantha recalls. “It was our little game to see if we could get all 32 each year. I think that is why I love doing appearances and autograph sessions so much, because I was once that little girl with her dad, stars in her eyes wanting to be an NFL cheerleader, and now, hard to believe that I am that cheerleader!”

Football was not only about being a fan, it created traditions and bonding for Samantha’s family. “Everyone in my family is huge football fans!” Samantha explains. “My parents are still season ticket holders, even though they have moved to a state that does not have a team, and have our original seats from Mile High Stadium! I hope they sell the seats when they tear down the MetroDome, I would definitely buy mine! My brother played growing up. My mom is from Nebraska, so she loves college football and my dad is the biggest Elway fan you will ever meet. It is just part of our family, part of our traditions. I love it! Football was always a family pastime, my brother, sister and I would fight over who got to go to the games with my dad, and if we were not at the games, my mom always had them on in the background while she baked on Sundays. I have lots of great family memories surrounding football,” smiles Samantha.

In addition to her interest in football and the Broncos Cheerleaders, you add a childhood of dance training, and voila, Samantha is on a path to the NFL sidelines herself. “I started dance when I was five years old, with the general technique classes: ballet, tap, jazz, et cetera,” Samantha recounts. “By the time I was in fourth grade, I was taking fourteen hours of classes at the studio each week! I continued studio dance through high school.”

In addition, dance teams became part of Samantha’s school extra-curricular activities. “I then joined my high school dance team as a freshman, and was co-captain sophomore year, captain my junior and senior years,” Samantha says. “Then, I auditioned for my college dance team in Minnesota via video tape, and was a part of that team for two years, but decided to study abroad my junior year in Galway, Ireland, and take senior year off.”

Dancing and teamwork were always a big part of Samantha’s life. I bet she spontaneously jumped, in step, into Riverdance performances in Ireland. In any case, Samantha jumped back into dance once she was back in Minnesota, and to finally hit the NFL sidelines. “I missed dancing, and I missed being part of a team,” Samantha explains. “I have always wanted to be an NFL cheerleader, and I have always been a dancer. So, when I entered into my last semester of college, I decided to try out for the MVC, and fulfill a childhood dream.”

Although Samantha attended try-outs alone, she soon met Blair, who this year is calendar girl for the “Purple” version of the swimsuit calendar. “I was so nervous; I had not danced in over two years, and was worried that I would stick out like a sore thumb,” Samantha recounts. “I remember meeting Blair at open auditions, and we were both there alone, and instantly, I mean INSTANTLY, we became best friends. We helped each other through the process and were rooting for each other to get the call the day after finals at Mall of America.”

“I was beyond shocked when I made it to training camp, through semi-finals, and then even more shocked when I received the call from Tami (Krause, Head Coach and Coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders) inviting me to the team,” Samantha remembers. “When I received the call, I was actually at my parents’ home in Arkansas, which has TERRIBLE cell reception. So I missed the call, and received a voicemail a quite a bit later. And while listening to said voicemail, I ran around the empty house screaming for joy, while my dog Ellie looked at me like I was some kind of freak! It was so surreal, and still to this day, I sometimes forget that I am ‘living the dream.’ But I am so glad I took the chance, because like the ‘Great One’ says, ‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’ So to all the girls out there who are tentative about fulfilling the childhood dream, I say give it a shot what do you have to lose?!”

Titans Cheerleader Ashley P prior to the Titans-Patriots game

If you look purely at her entertainment resume, you will see the glitter of being a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader, adding swimsuit calendar cover girl of their current edition to her credits, and being selected to dance during a scene of the latest episode of ABC’s Nashville. But beyond this glitzy side of her life, the reality is that Titans Cheerleader Ashley P is an Atlanta area native with a personality, little voice, and engaging laugh that are all sweeter than a fresh Georgia peach followed by a gallon of super sweet tea. In fact, as Ashley awaited her make-up prior to a Titans home game, when asked if she liked receiving the full hair and make-up treatment, she replied, “I was just telling Stacie (Kinder, Titans Director of Cheerleading), I don’t wear make-up. It is okay, but in my routine, there is no make-up. Usually I like to wear sneakers. I am a big Jordan fanatic; I buy Jordan’s like a guy. So I am the total opposite.”

But Ashley does like the pre-game hair and make-up as she prepares to grace the Titans sidelines. “It is nice, I get to see what make-up can really do,” Ashley said, and about the hair and make-up staff continued, “I love it, they are so nice. They actually do what you want.”

Ashley shared with UltimateCheerleaders how her family’s love for another NFL team eventually brought her to the Titans sidelines, why you should not expect to see her in tears very often, and how the phrase “humble and blessed” perfectly reflects her view of life right onto her personality.

Ashley is from the Atlanta area, namely from Lithonia, from a close-knit family with a love of football, particularly, Atlanta Falcons football. In fact, Ashley was a Junior Falcons Cheerleader when she was seven and eight years old. “My family is all Falcons fans and they all have season tickets to the Falcons games,” Ashley explained. “Last year, we (Titans) played the Falcons, and I went instead of one of my uncles. I had all of my Titans stuff on, and they said, ‘You’re a traitor!’ And I said, ‘I’m in Nashville now, so you can’t get mad,’” laughed Ashley.

Football was a big part of her family’s life, but Ashley’s personal participation sport growing up was gymnastics, as she competed around the nation from age three to eighteen. Ashley’s didn’t confine her gymnastics to practice and competition. “Everywhere I went, I tumbled, whether it was in the house or the store,” Ashley recalls. “I could not get enough of it.” Is that still the case? Ashley answered, “I try to do a little of tumbling now but my body will only let me do so much!”

Asked about her favorite and least favorite gymnastics events, “I won vault nationally multiple times, that was my favorite,” Ashley says. “It was nerve-wracking, but it was what I scored the best on. And my least favorite was the bars. I don’t like my hands being all nasty and callous-y,” laughed Ashley. Ashley’s gymnastics training did provide some good experiences for her future NFL career, including taking classes in ballet.

But to see Ashley in person, she seems tall for a gymnast. But that was a recent development. “I was 4’11 when I went to college,” Ashley recalled. “And I grew from 4’11” to 5’6” in two years. I would come home from college, and my mom would say, ‘You keep growing!’ I am taller than her now.”

Ashley is now a senior at Tennessee State majoring in Early Childhood Education, with a goal of being a counselor or teacher, anything in the education system. Is there someone who inspired Ashley in her own life in the school system? “Yes, my high school SAT prep teacher was a very positive influence in my high school years,” replied Ashley. “She stayed on me so much, and the love she had for me made me want to be a teacher and go to college. She told me every day I was going to college!”

Tiffany is on her way to the Pro Bowl!

Musician, mom, line captain, dancer, native Floridian, and someone who seems incapable of taking a bad photo, Tiffany has been selected to be this season’s Pro Bowl representative for the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders! Congratulations Tiffany, and Aloha!

More photos of Tiffany during 2012’s home opener are at this link…