Ultimate Cheerleaders

From October 2011 – A Tennessee Titans Cheerleader

Fifth-year veteran Ashley is Director/Choreographer of MLL's BostonCannons Dance Team

Living a bit outside of Boston, Ashley, the Director/Choreographer of the Boston Cannons Dance Team, finds herself spending a lot of her time in the car. But Ashley puts her drive time to good use. “I have a really long commute to my full-time job and, well, everything, since I live out in the boonies,” Ashley says. “That’s actually where I do 95% of my choreography is in the car. I just play the music over and over again until I can visualize something. It’s the best way for me to utilize my commute time since I don’t have a lot of down time.”

And Ashley’s lack of down time is inversely related to her abundant “devotion to dance” time, which includes dancing for Boston’s pro lacrosse teams, both outdoor (the MLL’s Cannons) and indoor (the NLL’s Blazers), and directing both a pro lacrosse and college dance team. Ashley shared with UltimateCheerleaders how dance affected her college choice, how she has known her best friend since birth, literally, and why Ashley seems like such a carefree dancing spirit, yet is a renowned worrier.

Just like the bouncing sport of basketball, bouncing baby Ashley was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. “I was born in Springfield and moved to Ashburnham when I was four years old,” Ashley explains. “I currently live in Westminster, Massachusetts, with my fiancé Mike, dog Gunner, and cat Ginger. I come from a pretty small family, with one older brother, Justin. My favorite memories growing up are our yearly family vacations, living at the dance studio, and playing flashlight tag in the neighborhood.”

Ashley’s time at dance studio began when, “My mom put me in ballet when I was four years old and I guess I never looked back,” Ashley recalls. “When you’re an adolescent, you get to a certain point when you either give up dance for other things (sports, friends, et cetera) or decide to stick with it. After high school, I went to West Virginia University to major in Business. They had a small dance program but it just wasn’t enough for me. I realized I wanted dance to be my main focus in life, so I transferred to Dean College (in Franklin, MA) to major in dance.”

And despite her connection to music, Ashley claims her vocal skills are not Great White Way worthy. “I played the piano when I was younger,” Ashley says. “As for singing, I am not able to carry a tune. I wish I could sing, as I’ve always wanted to be on Broadway, but that just wasn’t in my cards.”

Ashley’s dance journey to the Cannons included spending time on a basketball dance team with one of my favorite names in pro dance, the Manchester Millrats Pink Sapphire Dance Team. Oh, why oh why did the Millrats have to move from Manchester to Saint John, New Brunswick, in Canada? Anyway, Ashley’s time at the MMPSDT eventually provided a Cannons connection, as Ashley remembers, “I found out about the Cannons through a fellow dance team member (Manchester Millrats Pink Sapphire Dance Team) who used to be on the Cannons. From there, its history,” Ashley smiles. “The Boston dance community is pretty small, so word of mouth goes a long way.”

In her fifth season with the Cannons, performance and friendships are keys to Ashley’s devotion to dancing at Cannons home games at Harvard Stadium. “I absolutely love every minute of it,” Ashley explains. “You get to dance each week, perform in front of a big crowd, and some of my best friends I met through the dance team.”


Congratulations to three-year Pacemate, native Iowan, and Indiana State grad Jessica for “making the team” as a rookie on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!

Rookie Lele at Harvard Stadium during a Boston Cannons game

In Lele’s young life, her ballet credits include the roles of Clara, the Snow Queen, and the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker, Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Odette in Swan Lake, Gretel in Hansel and Gretel, the Autumn Fairy in Cinderella, and the Hawk in The Magic of Merlin. So why did Lele, a rookie on the Boston Cannons Dance Team, add performing on the Major League Lacrosse sidelines to her myriad of dance experiences?

“I heard about the team from a former Cannons dancer,” Lele replies, “when I was moving back to the area she suggested I try out. I am so glad that I did, these girls are amazing! I was on dance teams in college and very active in my athletic spirit club, so the Boston Cannons Dance Team seemed like the perfect fit because it combines dancing with promotions, spirit, and community service. The pom-poms are also wicked fun!”

And Lele is quite a bit of fun herself. Anyone who has a pink motorcycle on their wish list certainly likes a bit of color and excitement. Lele shared with UltimateCheerleaders her path to becoming ensconced in dance and ballet, why she may be the answer to a pro dance trivia question, and why she would be good to have around during a medical emergency.

Lele’s life journey started in Massachusetts, and she has returned to the Commonwealth, but with a few stops in between. “I was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts and have spent most of my life in the Central Massachusetts area,” Lele describes. “I have also lived in the Berkshires, New York City, Erie, Pennsylvania, and Poughkeepsie, New York.”

Her family’s vacation travels also had a few stops along the way, and are among Lele’s favorite memories. “I have three siblings,” Lele details, “an older sister, Toni, older brother, Ben, and my ‘baby brodda’ Drew, as well as two dogs, Snoopy and Moxie. Growing up, my family spent lots of time in the car; we considered that our family bonding time. One summer, my mother took us on a cross-country road trip. It took a little over a month; we saw as many National Parks as possible and camped every night. I have so many wonderful memories from that trip and it was very cool to be able to experience it all with my family.”

So growing up with dogs, what does Lele prefer, big dogs or teeny tiny little purse sized dogs? “I love big dogs and small cats,” Lele says. “Small dogs are cute, I just can’t see myself with one.”

She generally goes by “Lele” but her given name is Leah. Did someone start calling her Lele and it stuck? “My older brother started calling me Lele when we were very young so it’s always been a (within the) family name, Lele says, “but in high school one of my close friends heard it and it has stuck since then.”

Currently a dance instructor, Lele’s dance journey began at the age of three. She started with instructors in the Boston area, and then Lele attended prestigious dance intensive programs with the American Ballet Theater, The Joffrey Ballet, Washington School of Ballet, Alvin Ailey, and Briansky Ballet. Lele accumulated her impressive list of ballet roles with Dance Prism, whose primary purpose is to bring the spectrum of ballet into the communities of New England. In 1994, Lele began dancing with the professional Boston-based touring ballet company and became the youngest appointed company member in 2006. In 2010, Lele studied in New York City under the guidance of an impressive list of instructors including Sheila Barker.

What factors lead to this impressive dance resume? “I think the most unique piece for me was having such a supportive family,” Lele says. “I was never pushed to do anything that I didn’t want to do and the support they gave came via applause and attendance. My brother and I started dance classes at the same time and it was just so natural for the both of us. We would feed off each other and that really helped each of us to excel. My mother was also a big piece of my success, she urged me to seize every opportunity possible in my life and did everything she could to make those opportunities a reality.”


Kelly of the Boston Cannons Dance Team prior to a Major League Lacrosse game at Harvard Stadium

Many students dream of someday earning their Ph.D., but Kelly, in her second season with the Boston Cannons Dance Team, will earn her Ph.D. studying the science of dreams. And not just the “meaning” of some dream, but the functional MEANING of dreams. Kelly studies things such as brain activity and physiology while we dream, in order to get at the big question; why do we dream anyway? Like why would someone have recurring dreams throughout high school that they would show up at their locker and then suddenly realize that they are still in their jammies. Not that I had that kind of dream, all throughout high school, that would be silly (gulp). On with the interview!

Kelly is currently in the Psychology Ph.D. program at Boston College, specifically, studying cognitive and affective neuroscience. With bachelor’s from Middlebury College and a master’s at Harvard, Kelly’s life has been filled with travel, family, fun, academics, and, of course, dance. Kelly shared with UltimateCheerleaders her path from Arizona to New England to the Major League Lacrosse sidelines, her research into dreams and memory, and why being musically multi-talented lead to Kelly to be a quick change artist on high school football fields.

Kelly started life out a bit west of Boston. “I was born in Denver, Colorado, but moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, when I was only a few months old and lived there until I turned eighteen,” Kelly recalled. “I am an only child, but my mom runs a daycare out of our home, so there were always children running around for me to play with!”

Kelly’s mom was also instrumental in adding music to Kelly’s life. “Music and dance are probably the two things that most defined my adolescence,” Kelly says. “I played the violin for three years, the piano for five or so years, the oboe for seven years, and the flute for nine years. My mom sings professionally, so I grew up imitating her, and singing in church choir and musicals. I was also the drum major/conductor of my high school’s marching band, which was quite interesting since both the marching band and my dance team performed during half-time. Quick costume changes on the field always made for good stories!”

Dance was a key activity for Kelly, but she did not start as young as one might think. “My love of dance actually began later than most, as it wasn’t until I turned seven that my mom decided to put me into dance lessons,” explains Kelly. “Instantly, though, I was hooked; I soon went from taking two classes a week to fifteen, and I have yet to find something I love more than performing!”

Like her later academic career, Kelly took her interest in dance and devoted herself to find the best opportunities to gain experience and expertise. “Until I was twelve, I trained in several different styles of dance,” Kelly recalls, “But one of the best decisions I made was to transfer to Arizona Ballet School, where I trained strictly in ballet and pointe, and had the opportunity to dance with various professional companies. Since then, I’ve focused mainly on competitive, dance-team style dancing, for example, high school varsity pom, Middlebury College dance groups, Harvard Crimson Dance Team, coaching dance teams. But I feel like the technique I gained at Arizona Ballet School is absolutely invaluable.”

After high school’s completion, Kelly headed east to college. “When I was eighteen, I left home to go to Middlebury College in Vermont,” Kelly explains. “Despite the long distance, I still remained really close to my parents and continue to talk to them on the phone each day, which I absolutely love. I’ve been on the east coast since then, first in Vermont and now in Boston, where I expect to be until at least 2016 when I finish my Ph.D.!”

Lauren and Kelly

And the being part of the Boston Cannons Dance Team serves as, well, kind of continuing dance education for Kelly. “I really couldn’t imagine my last dance performances being on the small stages at Middlebury College,” explains Kelly, “and to be honest, I’ve been part of a dance team or company every year of my life since age eight; I just didn’t want it to stop! I’ve found that I prefer dancing in front of large audiences and getting the crowd pumped up, so I thought that dancing for the Cannons would be the perfect opportunity to get to know a great group of girls and also keep my performing up while in graduate school!”

Kelly has found plenty of reasons to want to be part of the Cannons Dance Team, returning for a second year despite the time pressures of graduate school. “I truly love everything about being a Cannons dancer,” Kelly describes. “I love going to promotional and charity events because brightening up people’s days is a way to make a small difference; I love going to practice and keeping up my technique; and I love performing at the games in front of thousands of people. Additionally, I really admire all of the girls on the Cannons because despite being full-time students or having full-time jobs, everyone devotes the time necessary to be dedicated members of this team and perform at a high level. Even though my Ph.D. program is quite demanding, no one can work all the time! Having such a great performing outlet makes me love my life in Boston even more than I would otherwise.”


Line captain Nicole is in her second year with the Boston Cannons Dance Team

Like New England itself, which is filled with an extensive list of important academic institutions, and lacrosse, which is emerging as high energy pro sport that emphasizes fan experience, the Boston Cannons Dance Team embodies each of these concepts themselves. In their tenth season supporting Boston’s pro team in Major League Lacrosse, the Cannons Dance Team features young women from a wide variety of colleges with a broad range of majors. But the BCDT share a common conviction to enthusiastically add dance to the sidelines entertainment at Harvard Stadium, and love every minute of it!

For example, take Nicole, in her second season with the Boston Cannons Dance Team, and her first as a line captain. Now a graduate student, Nicole double-majored during undergrad in both Anthropology and English. In addition, Nicole a totally devoted to dance, both as a performer and instructor. Nicole shared with UltimateCheerleaders why she feels like she has her dream job already, what dance adds to her life, her favorite books, and why she is bound to prefer traditional books over e-books.

Nicole began dance at a very young age, along with gymnastics, and Nicole’s mom was a big influence on putting fitness first in Nicole’s life. Her mom herself was long-time gymnast and is now an award-winning bodybuilder. Also, Nicole’s mom importantly did not allow Nicole to quit dance during her rebellious teenage years. About her mom, Nicole says, “She’s always worked her butt off, so I know no other way, really.” Asked what she thinks is the biggest misconception about women like her mom in bodybuilding, Nicole responds, “I think the biggest misconception about women in any sport is that they’re somehow inferior. My mom could bench nearly double her bodyweight. That’s obviously an extreme example. But female dancers are athletes too, and will probably never get enough recognition for it.”

From her early dance days loving to make music with her feet in tap, to contemporary and original choreography as a Dance minor in college, to entertaining on the sidelines with upbeat jazz and smile-filled cheer routines, dance and Nicole have been inter-twined throughout her life. But over the last couple of years, Nicole has really focused on making dance a centerpiece of her life, including increasing the role of dance instructor. Nicole loves how dance adds so much to her life, describing, “Making (dance) my LIFE opened up so many more opportunities almost immediately. Everything happened at the same time. I started teaching dance again. That gave way to additional dance teaching jobs. Once I auditioned and made one dance team, that gave way to another professional dance job, et cetera. It feels great to only spend my time (and get paid!) doing what I believe in and enjoy most. Think Russell in Almost Famous, ‘From here on out, I’m only interested in what is REAL! Real people. Real feelings. That’s it! That’s all I’m interested in from here on out!’”

And part of Nicole’s reality is her academic pursuits. “I’m currently working toward my MA in English at UMass-Boston,” Nicole explains. “As an undergrad, I double-majored in English and (cultural) Anthropology. I had taken just a few Anthro classes as electives, but found it interesting enough to pursue all the way. I’m personally interested in modern American fiction and women writers but have decided to turn my focus to the teaching of composition. It’s more rewarding, like teaching dance.”

So what is on Nicole’s “Top Five Book” list? “My top five are,” Nicole says, “The Age of Innocence and The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, Song of Solomon and A Mercy by Toni Morrison, and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway.” And Nicole’s preference, e-books or printed books? “Even though I’ve never tried an e-book,” Nicole explains, “DEFINITELY printed books! I mark up the margins and underline phrases while I read, so e-books would ruin the whole experience for me.”


Tanya of the Boston Cannons Dance Team at last Thursday's game

New England Patriots Cheerleaders Caitie, Cassie, and mascot Pat Patriot at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame"]<

History tells us that in 1891 Springfield, Massachusetts, physical education teacher James Naismith put peach baskets on the walls of the YMCA and invented basketball as a winter activity for a rowdy class with “cabin fever.” But I posit that perhaps the future physician Naismith thought, “I will invent a game that will become so popular, that there will be a Hall of Fame named for me right here in Springfield, and in the summer, we can invite some of New England’s best cheerleaders to the Hall.” Nice plan Dr. N, and it worked, but unfortunately it took a little too long to all pan out for you to get to meet them, since you joined the big pick-up game in the sky in 1939.

As part of the “60 Days of Summer” at the Naismith Hall of Fame, Patriots Cheerleaders Cassie and Caitie, along with mascot Pat Patriot were on hand last Wednesday for an autograph session and to be in photos with their multitudes of fans. The 60 Days of Summer program offers 60 consecutive days of family oriented interactive museum programming from July 1 to August 31. There will be some cool activities, so if you are in Springfield, check out the rest of the upcoming activates here.

But it cannot get any cooler than meeting NFL Cheerleaders Cassie and Caitie. Cassie is in her second season as a Patriots Cheerleader. A dance instructor from Oakdale, Connecticut, Cassie was on the squad that went to the Super Bowl in Indianapolis last February. I did not want to bring up the memories of a loss (to a cheerleader-less franchise at that), but, as an Indy resident, I had to ask if my city hosted sufficiently. Despite the loss, Cassie was overwhelmingly positive about being at her first Super Bowl. “Actually, it was SO fun just being there on the sidelines of the Super Bowl,” Cassie smiled. “It was just awesome.”

And although rookie Cheerleader Caitie has not been to a Super Bowl yet, the exercise physiologist from Stratford, Connecticut had a recent interesting “wing walking” experience. As our Sasha recently pointed out here, some of the Patriots Cheerleaders were photographed on the wings of a Jet Blue airliner as part of their calendar photo shoot trip to Jamaica. Caitie was one of the cheerleaders on the wing. “They drove the stairs up to it,” Caitie explained. “It was kind of scary, but it was a really cool picture!” laughed Caitie.

Many fans were probably visiting the Hall to take a respite to beat the heat of the summer of 2012. I asked mascot Pat Patriot, who is emotive but on the quiet, well, silent side, if he was hoping for cooler weather, and Pat signaled, “a little bit.” When asked if he would rather be on the sidelines for a game that was 100 degrees or zero, Pat emphatically signaled “zero!”

So it was so nice to see Caitie, Cassie, and Pat at the hoops hall. And until there is a pro cheerleader marble columned Hall of Fame for the deserving people in pro cheer/dance, maybe the throngs that swamped the Patriots Cheerleaders autograph table can plant the seed that some center court entertainers deserve to be in Naismith’s hall. Perhaps Laker Girl Paula Abdul, or some of the many other influential people like the Orlando Magic Dancer’s Manager (and former OMD herself) Jeanine Klem-Thomas, whose squad brought dunking dancers to the NBA. Sure Dr. Naismith, you had lots of good ideas, but you missed adding mini-trampolines and dancers to the equation. Adding some dance/cheer notables to your Hall would be a good set of moves in Springfield. And Canton, you’ve got next for the football sidelines!

There are a few more photos at this link.

 Caitie and Cassie

Caitie and Cassie

With the last Milwaukee Mustangs AFL home game this weekend, the regular season for their Fillies Dance Team is also coming to a close. Earlier this season, UltimateCheerleaders featured interviews with three of the Fillies, so, (and feel free to sing along to the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”), “We know Director Danielle, who rides out on a Harley; Arena Bowl nominees Angela and Carlie; But did you know, we have more great Fillies left to go!”

So with a big season finale this weekend, with not only Fan Appreciation Night with a chance to win a customized Harley, but also the inaugural performance of the “Lil Fillies,” let’s get to know the Fillies with a bit of Q & A. Where they started out life, whom they root for, their own “Best of Milwaukee,” their favorite stores and movies, and their favorite character of a show or movie set in Milwaukee. Here are the questions:

1. In what city were you born?
2. What is your favorite sports team, college or pro, other than the Mustangs?
3. What is your favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the winter?
4. What is your favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the summer?
5. Your favorite store/web site to receive a gift card for is…?
6. What is your favorite animated movie of all time?
7. Since you dance for the “Mustangs,” of these “horse related” activities, you would most like to……. Ride horses on the beach, ride a carriage in the city, ride a sleigh in the country, ride a merry-go-round, drive a Mustang at high speed at scenic race course Road America, or go to the Kentucky Derby with a big hat and minty drink?
8. Of these notable shows/movies set in Milwaukee, what is your favorite character from “Happy Days,” “Laverne and Shirley,” or “Bridesmaids”?

Here are the lovely Fillies!

Michelle Z

Michelle Z
1. I was born in West Allis and raised in Greendale, Wisconsin
2. I love the Green Bay Packers the most for sure! GO PACK GO!
3. Hibernate. I like winter sports but haven’t participated in them for the past few years. I hate the cold so staying inside with a blanket and some hot chocolate makes me happy on a winter day.
4. I love summer and being outside. Milwaukee always has so many great festivals going on in the summertime, all of which I love attending. I also love going to the beach and Brewer games!
5. My favorite store to receive a gift card for would be Victoria Secret, Forever XXI, or Target. I could spend hours in those stores.
6. I absolutely love the movie The Incredibles.
7. I definitely think going to the Kentucky Derby with a big hat and minty drink would be the most fun horse related activity!
8. My favorite character from Bridesmaids is Megan, Melissa McCarthy’s character, because she is hilarious and I am all about humor!

Megan and Melissa

1. I was born and raised in West Allis, Wisconsin.
2. My favorite sports team besides the Mustangs is the Green Bay Packers!
3. My favorite thing to do in the Winter is watch movies with a cup of hot coco.
4. My favorite summer activity is at the beach with friends and Milwaukee Brewer games.
5. If I could get a gift card to any store it would be Francessca’s, a cute boutique in the mall. I’m addicted to their handbags!
6. My favorite animated movie would have to be Cinderella, when I was little I would watch it when I was sick and it always made me feel better.
7. I would have to pick riding a horse on the beach because I love the beach and hopefully the sun is setting over the water while I’m riding because that is a breath taking site.
8. Bridesmaids is an extremely funny movie, I would have to pick the character Meg because that’s my name!

1. In what city were you born? Cudahy
2. Favorite sports team, college or pro, other than the Mustangs? Green Bay Packers, of course!
3. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the winter? Ice skate downtown and look at all the beautiful decorations and lights
4. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the summer? Play volleyball at Bradford Beach
5. Favorite store/web site to receive a gift card for is…? Victoria’s Secret
6. Favorite animated movie of all time? Beauty and the Beast
7. Of these “horse related” activities, you would most like to do: I’m a very spontaneous and outgoing person, so I’d definitely love to drive a Mustang at high speed at Road America!
8. What is your favorite character from “Happy Days,” “Laverne and Shirley,” or “Bridesmaids”? Megan from Bridesmaids, she is absolutely hilarious!

Alexiss and Ashley

1. In what city were you born? Honolulu, Hawaii
2. Favorite sports team, college or pro, other than the Mustangs? Brewers!
3. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the winter? I hate winter, so I’d say watch movies & drink hot chocolate.
4. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the summer? Go to the beach with some friends!
5. Favorite store/web site to receive a gift card for is…? Victoria’s Secret
6. Favorite animated movie of all time? Happy Feet
7. Of these “horse related” activities, you would most like to do: Ride horses on the beach!
8. What is your favorite character from “Happy Days,” “Laverne and Shirley,” or “Bridesmaids”? Megan (Melissa McCarthy) from Bridesmaids

1. In what city were you born? Milwaukee.
2. Favorite sports team, college or pro, other than the Mustangs? Of course, Green Bay Packers
3. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the winter? Watch Christmas movies.
4. Favorite thing to do in Milwaukee in the summer? Go camping and of course lay out by my pool
5. Favorite store/web site to receive a gift card for is…? Victoria’s Secret
6. Favorite animated movie of all time? Tangled
7. Of these “horse related” activities, you would most like to do: Drive a Mustang at high speed at Road America sounds pretty fun
8. What is your favorite character from “Happy Days,” “Laverne and Shirley,” or “Bridesmaids”? My favorite movie is Bridesmaids and I loved all the characters!

Alllison and Michelle F


Sure, London has been experiencing a royal wedding, a Jubilee, recent wins by Federer and Serena to wrap up the Wimbledon fortnight, and have the Olympics on the horizon. But, truthfully, it looks like the real fun is to be found at the Crystal Palace FC, an English Football league club based in South Norwood, London. Sharon Lacey, Head of Marketing for the Crystal Palace FC writes,

“With just over a month to go to the start of the 2012/13 season why not transport yourself to sunny Selhurst where the Crystal Palace cheerleaders have been preparing for kick-off? Dressed in brand new Palace bikinis the girls took part in a video filmed around Selhurst Park as we started the countdown to opening day.

You can watch the video here…”


Better watch out during the Olympic marathon, I bet some of the runners may take a “wrong turn” and end up heading to look for this squad in action!