Ultimate Cheerleaders

The Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders are auditions holding prep classes every Tuesday in the month of March.  To register, click on the image below.

Say hello to Krista, a second year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

When I was Younger I remember watching a Laker game and getting my first glimpse at the Laker girls. I was in awe of how talented and beautiful they were. As a young girl taking dance classes in my small town, it opened my eyes to the possibilities and just how far dance could take me. Since then it was always been a dream of mine to be a professional cheerleader.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

Throughout my time time on the Fury I have met some truly inspiring fans. People who I will never forget and memories that I will cherish forever. Getting to connect with our awesome fans are always my favorite experiences.

What is your favorite dance style?

I have always enjoyed ballet. I love the amount of dedication it takes to master the technique of the style. Jazz is my favorite style to perform. When I’m on the field I feel right at home with a sassy jazz combination!

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

You can never go wrong with a hair whip but I also love showing off some big leaps!

What are the three words that describe you?

Energetic, confident, and ambitious

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

When I was younger I was mistaken for the long lost Olsen triplet! People would always come up to my parents telling them I looked like the twins from Full House.

What is your favorite music genre? Who is your favorite musical artist?

Country is my favorite and is always turned up loud in my car! It’s so hard to pick just one artist. My top favorites are probably Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Chris Young, and Lee Brice.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Yoga pants, Oreos, and my favorite book.

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

Can I cheat and say both my parents?! They are the hardest workers I know and have instilled that same work ethic in me. They have taught me to pursue my dreams and to keep striving for success. I don’t know where I would be without their constant support.

What is your motto to live by?

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t slow down once in awhile, you might just miss it.” This is one of my favorite quotes and it’s from the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day off. A lot of the time I think we get caught up in the future and where we think we have to be at certain points of our life. When we are focused too much on that we forget to enjoy the journey.

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

Be persistent! It may not happen right away but keep trying and keep taking dance classes. If you are consistently working towards your dreams you can make them a reality!

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I see myself owning my own company and married with kids. I want to be living in Southern California while still traveling the world every chance I get!


For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]

I consider the period after the holidays to be a time of relaxation and rejuvenation. And January and February are the months that I spend with the Ontario Fury. It’s a fun experience, more laid back and less stressful that other events because the Fury staff is so welcoming and the shooting environment is more chill. And the Ladies of Ontario Fury are really fun to shoot…its all good.

So here are some snapshots I took last Sunday as the Ontario Fury defeated the Soles de Sonora 7-4 to stay in the playoff race.








Meet Nikki, a second year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

Growing up I’ve always been passionate about dancing, and now that I am older I am able to not only do what I love, but receive all the perks and benefits that come with being a professional dancer.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

Performing in front of a big crowd is one of my favorite experience as a professional dancer, but being able to inspire and encourage future dancers would have to be my favorite experience of all.

What is your favorite dance style?

I am in between jazz and hip hop, as my favorite dance style, because I can easily put my own style by being sharp and clean.

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

My favorite dance move would be anything that has pirouettes in it, but my go to dance move would be anything that involves a booty pop!

What are the three words that describe you?

If I had to pick three words to describe myself would be active, daring, and awesome. In all, I am a very easy going person who lives in the moment.

What is your favorite music genre? Who is your favorite musical artist?

Any type of music I can dance to would be my favorite music genre, but I do prefer to listen to country and pop. As of right now, my favorite music artist is SAM HUNT… not just because of his looks, but his voice of course.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Definitely my guilty pleasure would be going to the movies, because I get to sit back with a bucket of popcorn and no interruptions.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

I wouldn’t say one thing I can’t live without, but two. My two cats are something I cannot live without.

Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Or some other app. What’s your favorite app?

Snapchat! I get curious to see what people are doing and it is an easy way to communicate to people through pictures or videos in the moment.

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

The one person who inspires me would be my eldest sister, because I would not be so open-minded to everything that life has to offer me.

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

My advice to future professional dancers would be to just get up and do it! Dancing is about constructive criticism and it is something dancers will just have to learn to accept to make their dreams happen.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I see myself being a homeowner near the beach and working as a flight attendant.


Come and meet Nikki and the rest of the Ladies of Ontario Fury at their last home game of the season on February 24th at the Citizens Business Bank Arena. For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]


This is Alex, a first year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury. Let’s get to know a little more about her.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

I auditioned for the Ladies of Ontario Fury for a variety of reasons. I have a huge passion for dance. I have been dancing since I was three and have loved it ever since. After my years of high school dance teams and college dance teams, I was looking for more. I wanted to become a professional dancer because it seemed like the next step in my dancing career. I’m always pushing myself to grow not only as a dancer, but as a person as well, and Fury has helped me do that.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

My favorite experience so far has been when I got the opportunity to give back to the community during the 8th Annual Colonies Holiday Miracle Event. This program gives back to families in need and helps spread some holiday cheer. I had the pleasure of taking a little boy shopping around just in time for Christmas. We went to three different stores and he got a lot of cool gifts for his mom and brothers; and of course we were able to cross off a couple of his Christmas list items as well! The whole day was such a rewarding and fun experience! I’m thankful for Ontario Fury for not only giving me three privilege to dance and perform; but also do work like this and with the Fury Foundation!

What is your favorite dance style?

My favorite dance style is fast jazz. I love being sassy and dancing to upbeat fast songs. I grew up in competitive dance, so I love anything that allows me to show off my technique!

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

My favorite dance moves are definitely turns! Fun fact: growing up I competed and often won best turner at competitions!

What are the three words that describe you?

Three words that describe me are sassy, optimistic, and energetic.

What is your favorite music genre? Who is your favorite musical artist?

My favorite music genre is electric dance music. My favorite artist is Yellow Claw.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

One thing I can’t live without is my family and friends. I’m very fortunate to have the best support system around me and would go crazy without them!

Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Or some other app. What’s your favorite app?

Instagram! I love editing pictures and sharing them with all of my friends.

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

The one person who inspires me the most is my mom. She gives the best advice, the warmest hugs, and constantly pushes me to strive to be my best. She leads by example and always has her head held high, even in the toughest of situations. She has overcome so much, yet does everything she can, along with my dad to support and provide for my family.

What is your motto to live by?

My motto to live by is “Carpe Diem” which means “seize the moment”. I always try to remind myself to take full advantage of the opportunities that are given to me and to live everyday like it’s my last.

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

Some advice that I would give is to first find confidence in yourself. It’s very hard to go out and in front of thousands of spectators when you aren’t confident. In addition to that I would take as many dance classes as possible. You can never take too many technique classes!

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years my only wish is to look back and have no regrets. I want to be happy with a degree, maybe my masters, and have a successful job and be a devoted and loving wife, and maybe even a mom!


You can see Alex and the rest of the Ladies of Ontario Fury at their next home game on February 21st at the Citizens Business Bank Arena. For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]

This is McKenzie, a second year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury. Let’s take a moment to get to know her.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

Performing has always been a huge passion of mine ever since I started dancing when I was 3 years old. As I grew older I began competing on my dance studios team, then moved onto cheerleading through high school, and then continued onto the collegiate level for two years. When the opportunity to audition for a professional team came across my path there was no doubt in my mind that I had to jump on the opportunity. Being a professional cheerleader for the past two years has been one of my biggest accomplishments. Being able to perform on the field and to be able give back to my community has been more than a dream come true.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

My favorite experience, hands down, has to be the very first time I stepped onto that turf, looked out into the crowd, and took a deep breath in. I remembering being able to hear my heart beating so loudly I could hear it in my ears. Seeing all of the fans, including my family, and hearing the roar of the crowd and our music still to this day gives me chills. That moment is something I will forever cherish.

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

Just one!? That’s not fair, I have so many! For me, my favorite dance move is anything that I can do a hair flip, shimmy, and shake. My go to dance move, technically speaking is a left high kick, but I can also do a pretty mean hand jive! ;D Ha ha.

What are the three words that describe you?

Adventurous, supportive, and courageous.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

Something most people don’t know about me is that I am a huge gym junkie. I go to the gym 5-6 times a week. If I don’t go, I legit get sad. Lifting, cardio, yoga, I love it all! Challenging and pushing myself is definitely a hobby of mine. Before I go to bed I plan my workouts and it makes me excited to wake up in the morning.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Donuts and those cheesy wedding videos on Vimeo. They definitely make me cry but that’s when the donuts come to the rescue! Haha.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

My family and friends! They’re my support system! They let my dreams run wild yet they keep me grounded. Without them I’d be lost. Oh and coffee! Without that I’m a grumpy zombie.

Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Or some other app. What’s your favorite app?

Instagram, Instagram, INSTAGRAM! I love taking pictures, sharing pictures, and seeing other peoples pictures! I’m definitely that annoying girl that constantly asks to take pictures!

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

My Grandpa. He is by far the most kind hearted person I have ever met. He would do anything to see his loved ones healthy, happy, and successful. I truly admire that and hope to by like him one day. Quite literally, if it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be able to be doing the things I’m doing today. Everything I do, I do for him, and to make him proud.

What is your motto to live by?

“Those who don’t jump will never fly.” I’m a huge believer in taking the risk, even if it scares you, you never know unless you try. It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. Sometimes you have to trust the unknown and take the chance.

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

Never give up! It’s definitely a long and tricky road but it is 110% worth every bit of it. Set a goal, work hard every day, stay true to yourself, and just have fun! Pay no mind to the fear of failure, just keep doing your thing. Keep an open heart and a strong spirit. You’ve got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want except you, and nobody will be as sorry as you if you don’t get it. So don’t ever give up on your dreams.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Ten years? Oh man! I don’t even know what I want for dinner! Haha. In ten years I’ll hope to have my Bachelors and Masters in Communications. Maybe be working as an entertainment news anchor for E! News. I hope to be traveling the world or living in Dublin with my two future dogs. I hope to still be happy and healthy and I could never ask for more!


You can see McKenzie and the rest of the Ladies of Ontario Fury at their next home game on February 21st at the Citizens Business Bank Arena. For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]

Let’s get to know Lizzie, a first year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

My dance teacher from childhood started her professional dance career as a Laker Girl so it inspired me to keep the cheer path open as a way to pursue my dreams.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

My favorite experience has been bonding with ladies and getting to know them individually. It’s really quite amazing that everyone has something unique that she brings to the team, and I believe that is what makes our team so special and great.

What is your favorite dance style?

Jazz, especially the 80’s style.?

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

Give me a good pas de bourree any day! My go to dance move would have to be any type of groove, I like to feel music.

What are the three words that describe you?

Adaptive: I don’t mind change.
Observational: I always try to keep in mind others and my surroundings.
Hopeful: I have good feelings about the future and I have faith in the workings of the universe.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

That I am surprisingly versatile, it even surprises me sometimes ha ha. I enjoy a wide range of things from country line dancing, nascar, hikes to fantastic views, anime, and reading.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Sleeping for hours!

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

The people who inspire me the most would have to be my family. They are so strong, and they support me beyond belief.

What is your motto to live by?

“All you need is love…and a cat.” Ha ha 😉

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

Grab every opportunity that you can! Don’t give up, always strive for improvement, and you will eventually find where you fit.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I see myself successfully immersed in my profession and possibly married with a family!


Come and say “hi” to Lizzie and the rest of the Ladies of Ontario Fury at their next home game on February 13th at the Citizens Business Bank Arena. For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]

Let’s meet Sative-Skye, a second year member of the Ladies of Ontario Fury.


Why did you become a professional cheerleader?

I always knew that dancing and cheering would be more than just a hobby for me. Through my many many years of dancing, and eventually being a cheerleader on the high-school and collegiate level, I realized that being a professional cheerleader would be a dream come true. Being able to dance, entertain a crowd, and cheer on my favorite sports team makes my heart so full.

What was your favorite experience as a professional cheerleader?

Last year a few members of the Ladies Of Ontario Fury along with myself, were selected to live in Mumbai, India for two months to perform on and film a live television show. Having that experience with my teammates was such a life changing experience and I am forever grateful. I would have never imagined that an opportunity of that nature would ever come my way, and it was even more amazing because I was able to dance alongside my beautiful and talented friends.

What is your favorite dance style?

Up until the age of about 14 Ballet was my heart and soul. Now I would definitely have to say that a solid Hip-Hop routine and sassy Jazz combo really get me going!

What is your favorite dance move? What is your go to dance move?

That’s a tough question… you can never go wrong with some hip rolls and a hair toss. But I’d have to say that high kicks and a leg tilt are always my go-to.

What are the three words that describe you?

Dedicated, caring, and witty

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

I actually really love to read and write! Once I get wrapped up in a book there’s no stopping me until I finish. Journaling is also one of my outlets besides dance that I use to unwind after a long day, or just a way to get some feelings out.

What is your favorite music genre? Who is your favorite musical artist?

It’s too hard to choose just one favorite music genre! I love everything from Top 40 pop, to hip-hop and indie alternative. If I had to pick a few favorites: definitely Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, James Blake, The XX, G-Eazy, and Lorde.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

The support from my mom and all of my wonderful friends and family. There is never a day that goes by where I don’t think about how incredibly lucky I am to have such great, loving people in my life.

Who is the one person that inspires you the most?

My momma. I can only imagine what being a young single mom must have been like for her, and she still managed to give me the world. She obtained a Master’s degree from USC while raising a kid and working full time, so if she can do that I feel like there is no reason I can’t continue to follow my dreams.

What is your motto to live by?

“Just keep swimming”. There are going to be tough days, and rough patches along the way. But that should never ever be a reason to give up. You gotta just keep swimming and eventually all of your hard work will pay off.

What advice would you tell someone who aspires to become a professional cheerleader?

It is going to take a lot of hard work and dedication. Not only by bettering yourself as an athlete and dancer, but by dedicating time and effort to your team! Never let the fear of competing with other talented girls keep you from showing up to an audition. If you have dreams of performing on a court, field, turf, or ice, you show up to that audition and stay confident in yourself and your abilities! You will hear a hundred “no’s” before that “yes” so just keep showing up to those auditions with a bright happy smile on your face. My best wishes go out to you.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I see myself very happy in ten years, as I am very happy now. Hopefully I’ll be traveling the world with my husband! Maybe recently have started a family? I will have completed college by then and will have put in my time as an NBA and NFL dancer 😉 I know that as long as I keep working hard to accomplish my goals, only the best is to come.


You can see Sativa-Skye and the rest of the Ladies of Ontario Fury at their next home game on February 13th at the Citizens Business Bank Arena. For more information about the Ontario Fury, please visit their website here.

[Ladies of Ontario Fury]
[Ladies of Ontario Fury Facebook Page]

This past weekend, I spent some quality time with the Ladies of Ontario Fury. Game day is always special because at the Citizens Business Bank Arena, you can get up close and personal with the girls and because of the intimate setting, I always get some great photos of the girls in action.







