Ultimate Cheerleaders


Okay, some of you may remember several years ago the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders did a cover of Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe music video.  Well, I just stumbled upon this gem on YouTube (Yes, I know I’m about 8 years late on this one) and if you never saw it nor the original MDC cover, I think you might like it.

A  little beefcake for our female readers.

Post a comment below and let us know which version you liked better.  The MDC or the US Military.

And here’s some more Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders video goodness:





Virtual Auditions Schedule

Are you ready for virtual auditions? All rounds of Auditions will be held virtually through the application process, routines taught by video, and live rehearsals.

Friday, May 15: Interview & Freestyle Round
6:00 PM | Registration Due
All applications that will include the Interview and Freestyle Rounds are due by 6:00 pm (EST) 

Saturday, May 16: Quarterfinalists Announced
Candidates will receive an email if chosen to advance to the Quarterfinals Round.

Sunday, May 17: Quarterfinal Round
Candidates that make the quarterfinal round will receive a video with routine(s) to learn and submit on May 17th.
Semifinalists Announced

Monday, May 18: Semifinal Round
6:30 PM | Several rounds of cuts will be made during this time.
Finalists Announced

Tuesday, May 19: Photo Round
Finalist will submit photo in their audition attire for this round. Guidelines will be provided to all Finalists.

Finalists Rehearsals and Interviews
6:30 PM – 10:30 PM | Rehearsals
Interviews will be scheduled throughout the day and finalists will be able to sign up for interview times.

Tuesday, May 19
Wednesday, May 20
Thursday, May 21
Tuesday, May 26
Wednesday, May 27
Thursday, May 28

Friday, May 29: Final Auditions
The 2020-21 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders will be announced at the completion of Final Auditions.

Monday, June 1: Virtual Team Meeting
6:30 PM | Mandatory

Other Important Information:
Additional team schedule will be provided at the team meeting on June 1. Those from out of town will need to relocate once we are able to assemble as a team in person. 

All dates and events are subject to change by sole discretion of the Washington Redskins.

For more information, please click here.

Editor’s note: The 2020 audition season is coming soon and with the advent of virtual auditions, it’s a new challenge.  Sideline Prep a longtime sponsor of this blog, has some more tips for aspiring professional cheerleaders and dancers.

Grab your 5 Day Game Plan to make it to the PROS!

Have you heard?! The countdown to OPERATION PRO CHEER CHALLENGE is on!
We kick off on Monday May 11th!!

Wondering if you should join us? Well… If you’re READY to…
• Dance on the sidelines, the field or the court
• Sign autographs
• Be a role model and/or
• Travel around the world to perform for our military…

Then HECK YEAH… you should join us. We are here to help you with all of the above.
We have a FREE 5 day Operation Pro Cheer Challenge that’s going to help you get a game plan for your next audition in only 5 days! We want to help you become prepared, polished and confident for this upcoming audition season! And did we mention its FREE!

During Our “OPERATION Pro Cheer Challenge”, You’ll take micro commitments to…

– Improve Your CONFIDENCE, KNOWLEDGE, LOOK & DANCE ABILITY to set you up for SUCCESS at your next audition

GAIN CONNECTIONS to a COMMUNITY of women with the same goals, aspirations & desires as YOU! We’re in this TOGETHER!

CAPTURE A UNIQUE ADVANTAGE over your competition because you will know WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and HOW to do it the RIGHT WAY!

BECOME P-Cubed: Properly PREPARED, POLISHED & POSITIVE walk into auditions with CONFIDENCE!



Business Insider, a publication known more for publishing business or tech related news stories, has a more lifestyle oriented YouTube channel and they recently published a video on what it takes to be a Golden State Warriors Dancer.

Like most of you, I am a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.  Every year, I watch CMT’s Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team series and, by far, my favorite segment is the uniform fittings.  The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have the most iconic uniforms in all of professional cheerleading and to see the excitement of those women who have made it to training camp and are wearing the uniform for the first time is priceless.

To see more of CMT’s video series on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team, click here.

If there is any phrase that exemplifies our American culture, it’s the iconic jingle, “Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, they go together in the good ol’ USA.”   If I may editorialize, I would add the “Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders” to that phrase.  The DCC are as about “American” as any other icon I can think about.

And we should say thank you to Kelli McGonagill Finglass, the Director of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, for shaping the iconic squad to what they are today.