Ultimate Cheerleaders

In these challenging times, we continue our coverage of NBA dance teams with an in depth look at the Indiana Pacemates dance team.

More photos after the break.


Editors note: some good news regarding two cheerleaders who are having a positive impact on the community as we undergo this unprecedented time in our country.  We thank Darren Urban and the Arizona Cardinals for bringing this to our attention.

Darren Urban

Cardinals cheerleader Darby, a local nurse, works at her parking lot station this week as she helps screen incoming patients for the coronavirus.

As she watches cars drive up each day, Darby doesn’t know if the person inside will have a mild cough or no illness symptoms at all. She doesn’t know if the potential patient just broke a foot or is showing the serious signs of COVID-19.

But as a nurse, this is what she wanted to do. In another part of her life, Darby is a Cardinals cheerleader (per team policy, azcardinals.com won’t use her last name). But nursing is her profession, and as part of her hospital’s disaster response team for the coronavirus, she has spent the last week in the parking lot screening those that drive up, never knowing for sure exactly to what she has been exposed.

Her hospital has all the personal protective equipment it needs for now. She feels lucky in that regard. But the unknown is reality. Treating someone with no outward symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

“Right now, I don’t feel in danger, but I don’t really know what’s to come,” said Darby, who has been a nurse for six years and is heading into her fourth year with Cardinals Cheer. “Will supplies change in one week? Two weeks? Three weeks?

“I try to stay in the moment. As a healthcare worker, I think it’s important that we keep our calm. Every day it’s changing.”

Shasta has been a nurse for almost five years. She works with newborn babies and their mothers, in that day or two they are in the hospital for a birth. She isn’t necessarily dealing with COVID patients – “I have a crazy amount of respect for the people that are going in there every single day to do that,” she said – but as a nurse, the coronavirus inevitably was going to touch her life.

Shasta’s mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer three years ago. Shasta bought a house two years ago and both her mom and dad moved in. When COVID-19 arrived, the fear set in, and she saw no option other than moving out.

“I couldn’t stand the thought of potentially coming into contact with (the coronavirus), not knowing if I was positive and exposing her to that,” Shasta said. “That would be more catastrophic than anything.”

Cardinals cheerleaders Darby (left) and Shasta in their work clothes as local nurses.

Shasta, going into her third season as a Cardinals cheerleader, first moved in with a friend, who is also a nurse. That friend – who had only had the mildest of symptoms and tested only when she had trouble smelling and tasting – was soon after diagnosed with COVID-19.

Shasta had to stay home from work. She moved to a hotel for a week to quarantine while she waited for her own COVID test results. Those results came back negative, and she moved in with her brother and was able to return to work. (Her friend is doing well.)

“It’s been a little crazy,” Shasta said.

Darby, who has twice gone to Haiti to help provide free medical care in desperate areas, has a boyfriend who is a firefighter. She said he too has the proper equipment now, but with him as a first responder, they have had conversations about their heightened exposure to the virus.

The fall, with the potential of football and cheerleading, can seem so far away. In these circumstances, it can feel meaningless.

“There are a lot more important things than cheerleading and the NFL,” Shasta said. “But this whole (sports) industry gives people hope. If we do what we need to do to get everyone healthy, I keep thinking this will be something people can look forward to. People won’t take (that life) for granted.”

As for nursing, no matter how dangerous the profession has become, neither has regrets.

“I really have never been so proud to be a nurse,” Shasta said. “That doesn’t mean it’s not scary, to think of what the future holds.”

Darby, in a family full of healthcare workers, long thought about being a caregiver at the bedside, doing hands-on patient care. Given the world around her, the idea of being in a different line of work, “you wonder those things.”

“But I am the type of the person where I want to be responding to this,” Darby said. “I want, with my whole heart and soul, to help people.”

I hope everyone is safe, adhering to the government guidelines, and keeping a positive attitude during these tying times.  Let’s keep our spirits up with a few images of the Boston Celtics Dancers from social media.

More photos after the break.


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Virtual Auditions Guidelines

All dates and events are subject to change in the sole discretion of the Miami Dolphins.


  • 18 years old by May 31, 2020
  • High school graduate by June 2020
  • Able to attend all cheerleader rehearsals for the entire season
  • If selected, must live in or relocate to South Florida and have means of transportation

Rehearsals are typically Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings with an occasional Saturday afternoon rehearsal.

General Information

  • Preliminary and semifinal auditions will now be virtual auditions. All candidates must fill out the online questionnaire found here as well as submit an online video and headshot to Cheerleaders@Dolphins.com
  • We ask that you submit the questionnaire, headshot and video on the same day
  • Deadline for submissions is May 2, 2020

Guidelines for Preliminary Auditions

Round 1

Must submit online audition questionnaire, headshot and audition video by May 2nd.

We ask that you submit all three pieces on the same day to eliminate any confusion.

Videos and headshots should be labeled with your last name, underscore, first name, underscore, and either video or headshot. Ex. Smith_Jane_video

Video can be the following: YouTube Link, Vimeo Link, or iPhone video

Video must include:

  • 30 second Introduction: Name, where you are from, why you are trying out
  • 45 second improv/freestyle to song of your choice
  • 2 eight counts of straight kicks to the front


  • Creativity in freestyle
  • Fitness
  • Stage presence
  • Performance quality

If you are ready to virtually audition, please click here for the questionnaire.

Round 2

Everyone that auditions will receive an email by May 6th on whether or not they have made it to the 2nd round.

If selected, candidates will have next audition steps in their email. They will be required to learn 8 eight counts of choreography in a fairly quick turnaround and resubmit their new video. Keep an eye on your email so you don’t miss these instructions!

Second round learned choreography video must be submitted by Saturday, May 9th at 5:00pm, EST.

Video must include:

  • 30 second Introduction: Name, where you are from, why you are trying out
  • audition choreography and music full out
  • 2 eight counts of straight kicks to the front

Video can be the following: YouTube Link, Vimeo Link, or iPhone video


  • Ability to learn choreography quickly
  • Kicks
  • Fitness
  • Stage presence
  • Performance quality

Upon submission, any videos, photos or other materials shall become the property of the Miami Dolphins.


We want you to feel the most relaxed and yourself. Feel free to wear a comfortable dance outfit with optional dance shoes. You may go barefoot if you would prefer, for your freestyle. We do prefer dance shoes or sneakers for the kickline portion.


If you make it to Finals round, you will be contacted by MDC cheer staff.

Finals round is currently still being planned to be held in person, but will be reevaluated in the upcoming weeks.


  • In town interviews in person or video call interviews dates TBD
  • Out of town in person or video call interviews dates TBD
  • Boot Camp Week dates TBD
  • Finals auditions show dress rehearsal date TBD


  • Date: TBD 
  • Location: TBD

As we endure the corona virus crises and the continued shutdown of the NBA season, let us continue our look back at NBA dance teams from earlier in the year.  This time, we take a deep dive into the Clippers Spirit Dancers from the season that was.

More photos after the break.


Honey Bee Courtney17v02

With the current state of affairs in the nation and sporting events suspended, let’s take a look back to earlier in the NBA season and focus our attention on the Brooklyn Nets Dancers.  Enjoy and stay safe.

More photos after the break.
