Ultimate Cheerleaders

It was a triple-header in Baltimore earlier this month as the Junior Blast Cheerleaders and the Blast Cheerleaders Alumni both performed with the Blast Cheerleaders.


Following up on the Miami Heat Dancers Giveaway Poster. Here’s a video of the photoshoot.

[Miami Heat Dancers]

Hopeful at 2009 NY Jets Flight Crew Auditions

Whether they’re flying 30ft above the court, or pumping up the crowd, The Bowflex Stunt Team is an integral part of every Trail Blazers home game. The team is one the best in the business, and they’ve got the awards to prove it.

At the 2003 United Spirit Association Nationals, members of the Trail Blazers Bowflex Stunt Team swept the top three spots in the Open Team Partner Stunts category.

In addition, a squad comprised mostly of Blazers Bowflex Stunt Team members took National Championship honors at the 2003 USA National Cheer Championships in Las Vegas.

During the summer of 2004, the Stunt Team was invited to perform on live TV in Hong Kong for the opening ceremony of the Greece Olympics.

[Trail Blazers Stunt Team on Facebook]

A Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader

[Going Pro Houston Expo]

Second-year Tennessee Titans Cheerleader Jessica, who is nearing the completion of her Ph.D. at Vanderbilit University, shares some of her favorites.

From TitansOnline.com

The first off-season spotlight shines on second-year veteran Jessica. Jessica is originally from Alabama and is currently focused on finishing her Ph.D. at Vanderbilit University. She’s the embodiment of a “science-cheerleader” and it is an honor to have her on our team.

You are now a doctoral student. That is awesome! Give us your education history.

At Vanderbilt University, I majored in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I have always enjoyed math and science and applying them to “real world” application was just a plus. In a total of four years, I completed both my Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I am now pursing my Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Vanderbilt University.

What did you do to prepare for your second year of tryouts?

To prepare for my second year of tryouts, I focused on perfecting my physique. Our uniforms and tryout costumes are not forgiving. So a well-toned body is required. I trained three times a week with a personal trainer and completed a cardio circuit on my own twice a week. I also enrolled in several dance classes to aid in learning choreography quickly. In addition, I started a clean diet with lots and lots of water. I also refined my look by making sure my hair, skin, and makeup were at their absolute best.

Give us a day in the life of Jessica.

During the season, I wake up around 7:30 a.m. I eat a small breakfast and prepare for the day. I arrive in the lab around 8:30 a.m. and start my workday, which may include anything from debugging a code, attending seminars, to preparing a presentation. I rarely have a day that is the same, and that is something that I enjoy. I work until about 1 p.m. when I take a short lunch break. I continue working until around 6 or 6:30 p.m. I grab a small bite to eat and head to practice early enough to warm up my muscles and practice any new routines. We practice for at least two hours, and then I head home to finish up homework and prepare for the next day.

Which do you prefer…

Heels or wedges? Heels

Chicken or fish? Chicken

Shopping online or going out shopping? Going out shopping

Elliptical or treadmill? Elliptical

Eating at home or dining out? Dining out

What is your favorite part of being a TTC? Appearances, game day, performances or practices?

My favorite part of being a TTC would have to be being involved in the community. Since moving to Nashville in 2006, I have grown to love the city and the people who live here. So having the ability to interact with the Nashville community is something I truly enjoy. My favorite appearance so far would be the Christmas Party for Foster Kids that we have every year at the facility. The kids are so grateful and sweet, and you cannot help but love them.

How do you stay fit?

I watch what I eat and always try to eat clean. I try to eat several small meals throughout the day. To stay toned, I do Pilates. I love Pilates! It’s relaxing, and I feel as if I can push myself to complete more reps with each session.

What is your greatest accomplishment to date?

In a total of four years, I completed both my Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I completed a Masters thesis, as well as my required undergraduate work and senior project, simultaneously. This proved to be a difficult task that resulted in a lot of stress and many all-nighters. However, in the end it proved worth it when I received both degrees on graduation day.

What words do you live by when you are facing adversity?

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone that has auditioned two or more times, and wants to audition again?

I would tell them to try a different approach. If they used the same approach each year and received the same results, they should switch it up. I would also tell them to make sure to plan and perfect the things that they are able to control, such as weight, hair, and makeup. Last but not least, I would say to remain positive throughout the process.

At Friday night’s Clippers-Heat game, fans in attendance received the new Miami Heat Dancers poster. The three foot long, two-sided horizontal poster folds in half down the middle and features all 23 of the dancers in all of their glory.

[Miami Heat Dancers]

A Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader

Back on January 27th, the Philadelphia Soulmates held a second Open Call Audition at Xfinity live in South Philadelphia.

It was a marathon; choreography, cuts, bootcamp and interviews all rolled into one long grueling process.

Ladies who survived the day didn’t have much time to recover. Finals were held just two day later.
