Ultimate Cheerleaders

[Online Registration]

[Going Pro Expo in DC]

Preliminary and semifinal rounds

Closed to the public

Date: Sunday, Feb. 24
Time: Check-in: 5-6 p.m., Preliminaries: 6-8 p.m., Semifinal: 8-9 p.m.
Location: Edge School for Athletes — 33055 Township Rd. 250, Calgary
Cost: $10 if you pre-register; $15 if you register on the day of auditions

Note: Registration closes Friday, Feb. 22; space is limited

Additional information

Attire: Half top/bra top, short dance shorts (hot pants), dance shoes or runners. Wear hair and make-up as you envision wearing it on game day. Hair must be worn down.

You must be 19 years of age by July 1, 2013. You must be able to attend all rehearsals and other related activities.

Please arrive with enough time to warm up on your own before the audition. We will start with some across the floor exercises, including but not limited to: walks, high kicks, jete and pirouettes.

You will have one hour to learn a one-minute routine similar to what we do on the field during home games. You will perform this routine for the judges in small groups, after which the first cut will be made.

If you are invited to stay for the semifinals, you will be performing the routine in smaller groups for the judges. Those being invited to our 2013 training camp will be notified by noon the following day.

Training Camp (by invite only)

Dates: Wednesday, Feb. 27; Sunday, Mar. 3 and Wednesday, Mar. 6

Interviews (by invite only)

Date: Saturday, Mar. 9

Final audition (by invite only)

Date: Sunday, Mar. 10

[Complete Outrider Audition Info]

Congratulations to four-year veteran Antonia. She is graduate of California State University, Chico with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, option in News Editorial, Minor in Dance.

[Antonia at 49ers.com]

[More on Antonia]

Our good friend Sandy Charboneau is on her way to Hawaii for the Pro Bowl. And from there she’s heading out with seven different tours across the world.


[Pro Tour Productions on Facebook]

Four Titans Cheerleaders Will Embark on Trips to Visit Members of the Armed Forces in Alaska, Japan and Djibouti

From TitansOnline:

Four Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders will spend Super Bowl week with brave members of the Armed Forces at bases in Alaska, Japan and Djibouti.

The cheerleaders will join other NFL cheerleaders, mascots and players for the tours, which will feature meet-and-greet, photo, autograph and entertainment sessions with the service members.

Titans Director of Cheerleading Stacie Kinder said the cheerleaders who were selected are thrilled by the “great honor” and the opportunity to lift morale and show appreciation to the service members who protect our freedoms.

“It’s an honor for us to be invited to go on these tours,” Kinder said. “Sometimes it’s a little bit more of a challenge because it’s a smaller market, but I think since we have Fort Campbell so close, so many of our Fort Campbell soldiers are all over the world, so I think they get excited to see their hometown cheerleaders come and visit.”

Tiffany, a 2012 captain who just completed her third season, left for her first Pro Bowl on Monday. She and Titans mascot T-Rac will be participating in many events leading up to Sunday’s Pro Bowl and the game in Honolulu, Hawaii. After completing her assignments in the tropical locale, Tiffany will fly to Alaska and set up camp at Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks.

An approximate difference of 70 degrees Fahrenheit between Hawaii and Alaska created a packing challenge, but Tiffany was willing to figure it out because of the unique opportunities.

“She’s thrilled,” Kinder said. “This is the second year a Pro Bowl cheerleader has had the opportunity to travel on. Last year Brooke went from Hawaii to Guam, which was more of an easier transition. This year is a little bit different, but she was equally excited about the opportunity. She actually has a special interest in Alaska. She had previously been kind of discussing going there — possibly not in January and February, but she’s really interested in it so she was thrilled to have the opportunity to be there with our military.”

Tour organizers were so pleased with the job that Brooke did on last year’s trips that they requested her to go to Japan this year, and she will leave early next week for Sasebo Naval Base.

Brooke, a captain who just finished her seventh and final season on the Titans Cheerleaders, rearranged personal plans so she could participate. Brooke grew up near Fort Campbell and has always enjoyed opportunities to support service members.

“They really loved her and how she engages the military and she was specifically requested to return and go to Japan for Super Bowl week, which is a country she’s never been to, and she was thrilled to accept,” Kinder said. “In fact, she moved her engagement party. Her engagement party had been planned for that weekend, and she moved it so she could take advantage of the opportunity to kind of have her last hurrah as a Titans cheerleader.”

Kinder said Jessi, a 2012 captain who just finished her fourth season, and Tandra are excited to team-up for a unique trip to Djibouti, a small country on the east shore of Africa where the Red Sea meets the Gulf of Aden.

“Jessi went to Kuwait last year so she’s a little familiar with that part of the world,” Kinder said. “Aside from Antarctica, (Africa is) the only continent that she hasn’t been to, so she was thrilled to have the opportunity to kind of check that off her bucket list.”

Tandra returned to the squad for her fifth season in 2012 after being away for three years. The trip will enable her to punctuate her time as a Titans Cheerleader as she prepares for her nursing career.

“She kind of came back for a fifth and final season before she begins her career in nursing, so she was really happy to have an opportunity to do this as she closes out her career,” Kinder said.

“It’s a great experience for them both,” Kinder added. “Djibouti, that’s one of those bases where they really need the entertainment and support from us to make it feel like they’re not so far away, so I think of all the trips that we’re going to, the Djibouti one is the most important because they are just out there by themselves in such a different culture, and having the girls there for the Super Bowl will make them feel like they are still Americans.”

[Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders]

A Houston Texans Cheerleader at the P-R-O Convention

First game visit on the new year was to see the MISL Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders at the 1st Mariner Arena:


By Troy Hirsch

From the time she was old enough to watch football with her dad, Marissa says all she dreamed of was joining the Chargers and getting on the field.

Now, she gets to do even more than that: the Charger Girl dance team member will go to Hawaii as the only representative at the Pro Bowl.

Marissa earned her trip to the Pro Bowl after receiving a nomination from her fellow Charger Girls and earning the most votes in an online fan poll.

“I was so excited and just so in shock,” Marissa said. “I felt like I was dreaming.

“My father’s from Hawaii and I’ve always wanted to visit the island, so this is amazing for me.”

The 29 year-old South Bay native, who graduated on the Dean’s List from San Diego State, works at a local high school in marketing and publications.

After she learned of her Pro Bowl selection at the final Chargers’ game of the season, her co-workers decorated her cubicle with the Aloha Spirit.

Amazingly, the Pro Bowl selection did not make the top of her list in 2012.

“I recently married the love my life, last summer,” she said. “We have been together for a decade and he was with me from day one of auditioning for the Charger Girls. For every audition I didn’t make, he pushed me to succeed and challenge myself.”

Marissa says she auditioned nine times before she earned a spot with the Charger Girls. Now, after three seasons with the team, she considers every one of them a close friend and essentially had 20 bridesmaids in her wedding.

“I am so incredibly inspired by them and they are my whole world,” Marissa said. “I look up to them and respect them and the fact that I am going to the Pro Bowl from their nomination is absolutely the biggest honor for me.”

Marissa will leave for Hawaii on January 21st and she said she will spend the week making appearances and also practicing with the other 24 cheerleaders from other NFL teams.

[Marissa at Chargers.com]

A San Diego Charger Girl