Ultimate Cheerleaders

Kings Vision was on hand for the 11-12 Ice Crew calendar photo shoot! Check out this profile featuring Ms. June, Carrlyn!

[Carrlyn at the LA Kings Website]

Ford has selected four teams to compete for the last spot in Escape Routes – and their fate is in your hands! Cast your vote for the team you want to see in this ultimate interactive reality series. America’s Choice will join five other teams as they go head to head in fierce challenges across the country in the all-new Ford Escape.

One of the teams is former Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleader Tiffany and her fiancé Devin.

Vote once each day. Voting ends March 4!

[Vote Here!]

Date: Sunday March 11, 2012
Time: 12pm-3pm
Place: New York Sports Club
Palisades Center Mall
West Nyack, NY

– be 18 years of age or older
-have dance experience (other talents are a plus)
-have a reliable form of transportation
… -be available for weekly practices and scheduled games
-supply a valid form of I.D.
-preregister for audition via email (TSBulldolls@yahoo.com)
*Be prepared to submit a current headshot along with a brief bio including name, DOB, address, dance experience, occupation, hobbies and weekly availability
Audition Attire:
-Dance shorts/nude tights
-Sports bra/dance top
-Dance/running sneaker
– Arrive with hair/make-up complete (hair worn lose)
*(please come in team colors: black, red, white and silver)

What to expect on audition day:
-Freestyle round (expect to perform 30-60 second freestyle to current song played at random)
-Choreography piece (2 rounds to be taught, perfected and performed in front of judge panel)
-Solo (please come prepared with a 60 second, self choreographed solo to song of your choice- costumes are encouraged, but not a must! Please bring music on CD)
-Possible interview

** For more information or to register for auditions, please email: tsbulldolls@yahoo.com **

[BullDolls Dance Team on Facebook]

Twenty years before Linsanity, the Knicks City Dancers took Madison Square Garden by storm. I should know—my aunt invented them.

Your instinct at the end of the first quarter of a Knicks game might be to stand up and stretch your legs. But be warned: There’s a good chance you’ll be chided, with various degrees of politeness, to sit back down, because you’re blocking the view of 20 lithe, leggy Knicks City Dancers shaking what their mamas gave them. On some nights, particularly before Carmelo Anthony and then Jeremy Lin came to town, they could be the most entertaining thing on the court.

Last Friday night, after the buzzer signaled the end of the first quarter against the New Orleans Hornets, the dancers stormed the court. The Knicks were down 27-13, an unpromising start to what would be their first loss since Linsanity took hold earlier this month, and Madison Square Garden was packed with fans who had come to see the Harvard-educated point guard. But for just a few minutes, all eyes were focused on the dancers as they performed a routine from their early days, part of their 20th anniversary celebration.

“My Aunt Pam created the Knicks City Dancers,” I explained loudly, and unnecessarily, since all of my friends already know this. My standard game outfit resembles that of a headstrong, overgrown child: I sport a bedazzled Knicks hat adorned with playoff pins from 1993,‘94, and ‘96, sized to the largest notch, and an early ‘90s Larry Johnson Hornets jersey, which formerly hung to my knees but these days is best described as slim-fitting, from before Johnson was traded to the Knicks in 1996 and the Hornets relocated from Charlotte, N.C., to New Orleans. It’s a nod to my childhood fandom and the ‘90s Knicks, who, though I was only in single digits at the time, figure heavily into my early memories. That’s because my mom’s younger sister, Pamela Harris, joined the Knicks in 1991 as director of marketing. In addition to overseeing the development of the classic “Go NY Go” theme song—which asked fans the ever-important question, “Are you down with the orange and the blue?”—she spearheaded the creation of the Knicks City Dancers. In the process, my aunt facilitated one glorious, loosely interpreted “take your daughter to work day” during which I got to use the announcer’s microphone and even dribble on the court.

Read the rest here.

Former Sea Gal and Sonics Dancer Ali Dee makes her case:

Hi its me, Ali Dee, a singer/songwriter from Texas and CMT’s Texas Women 🙂 I am ready to share my new music with the world!!! Only one little teensy weensy problem… I need your help to raise to moola to make it happen!! Record labels can spend upwards of $80,000-$500,000 smackers to get their artists albums made, I am asking for a tiny portion of that because I have folks that believe in me and are willing to knock off some change here and there to make it happen. I’ve got some of the best people lined up to make incredible music, I just want to be able to pay them what they deserve to help me make my dreams come true…

HERE IS WHERE YOU COME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the best fans in the entire universe and if you look to your right you will see lots of cool REWARDS I have set up to give away in order to collect the dollars to make this thing a go. Browse, pick, and then donate whatever you can and know you are a part of helping this gal get to where she wants to be, the top of the charts!!

A few quick notes: We only have 30 short days to meet our goal of $15,000 so PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! NONE of the funding goes through unless we raise the entire $15,000. If each of my facebook (16,000+) fans donate a small amount we can do this in no time! Any money raised over the $15,000 will go directly to the cost of printing/touring/marketing the record.

So DEE TEAM: Dig into your pocketbooks (or man purses) and LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ali Dee

[Ali Dee on Kickstarter]

Auditions for the 2012 edition of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ elite and world-renowned cheerleading squad begin on Saturday, March 17, and they will be as competitive as ever. Fortunately, for those who wish to get a leg up on the competition before the tryouts begin, there will be plenty of opportunities to prepare.

Those opportunities, in fact, are beginning immediately.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders will hold preliminary/open call auditions to begin the selection process for the 2012 squad in mid-March, followed by an extended callback phase. However, the auditions will be proceeded by a series of pre-audition and technique classes, the first of which will take place on Tuesday evening. Dance classes and Valentine’s Day have long been a good pairing for the romantic husband trying to surprise his wife; this year, it could work to the advantage of Buccaneer Cheerleader hopefuls as well.

And for those who are busy on this particular night, there are plenty of other opportunities to prepare for the tryouts. The pre-audition/technique classes will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday of every week between now and March 15, at various locations in Westchase, South Tampa, New Tampa and Brandon.

Click here for more information on the pre-audition classes for the Buccaneers Cheerleader tryouts, including dates, times and locations, and a pre-registration form.

The classes are designed to help cheerleading candidates prepare for the audition process. Class attendees will be given an overview of dance techniques and NFL-style choreography so they will have a better idea of what to expect when auditions begin. Since class space is limited, pre-registration is strongly recommended. Walk-up registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Prospective tryout participants may attend as many pre-audition classes as they wish.

The Buccaneers will also conduct a one-time only, non-mandatory Audition Seminar on Wednesday, March 7, at team headquarters from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This seminar will include need-to-know tips about the audition process, on such specific topics as audition attire, interview tips and hair and make-up suggestions. Attendees will be given an information packet and will have an opportunity ask questions with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleading department and alumni of past squads.

Those interested in the Audition Seminar may register on-line on the same page mentioned above. For more information on the audition process as a whole, including dates and times for callbacks, training camp and the final audition, please click here. A link at the top of this page can also take you to a list of frequently asked questions.

The pre-audition classes and audition seminar are meant to help talented potential Buccaneers Cheerleaders feel and perform their best when the auditions arrive. Each class will feature different choreography and each provides an outstanding opportunity for an attendee to get a head start on the upcoming tryouts.

“It’s definitely a chance to be as prepared as possible for when auditions begin,” said Cathy Boyd, the Buccaneers’ Cheerleading & Mascot Manager. “I think it could become a real advantage for some of the participants. Those who attend will get a better understand and feel for our style of performance and learn some specifics of the choreography they’ll be asked to follow. Generally, I just think it will make the process less mysterious for the auditioners when the tryouts roll around, and it will be particularly helpful for those without a significant dance background.”

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders, long considered one of the best cheerleading squads in the NFL, have been entertaining fans at Buccaneer games for more than three decades. In addition to being an important part of the game-day experience for fans, the Cheerleaders are also valued team representatives in the community. Buccaneers Cheerleaders make hundreds of appearances at charitable events throughout the year and even travel the globe to bring cheer to members of the U.S. military stationed overseas.

Become a member of this elite group of performers and team ambassadors is a tremendous achievement. Those who will attempt to do just that in 2012 have every opportunity to be prepared for the upcoming tryouts.

The Magic have posted big beautiful wallpapers for each of the Magic Dancers. Check them out here.

By Ellen Newkirk
The Record

Students struggle with managing sports, clubs, jobs and a social life, all on top of a full class load, but 2011 CSB graduate Tiana Woitas knows the balancing act doesn’t stop at graduation.

A social work major originally from Mankato, Minn., Woitas works as a full-time program specialist with the Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys. However, her dream job was to be a part-time member of the Timberwolves dance team.

A dream many years in the making

“I’ve been dancing since I was in fifth grade,” Woitas said.

She danced competitively for eight years and was a member of the St. Ben’s Platinum Dance Team during her junior and senior years at CSB.

“I was actually scouted by the coach my senior year at St. Ben’s,” Woitas said as she got involved with the Timberwolves.

At first, Woitas turned down the opportunity because she knew it was something that just wouldn’t fit into her schedule as a student. But after talking to a friend who had been a Timberwolves dancer for two years, she decided to attend some prep classes to get a feel for the team.

“A big part of the reason I would choose to be on this team is I have to like the coach,” Woitas said.

After participating in a few classes, Woitas felt the team would be a good fit. She auditioned in August and was selected as a member of the 2011-2012 Timberwolves dance team.

“One of my favorite things about being a Timberwolves dancer is I am one of 12 girls who gets to experience this,” Woitas said. “I see that as a true blessing.”

Dancing through life’s balancing act

Woitas’s two jobs keep her constantly on the move. Her day starts early as she heads from her Minnetonka home to her job with the Girl Scouts by 9 a.m. At 4:30 p.m., she is off to practice or the Target Center for a game by 5 p.m.

“My work schedule is very flexible. It really accommodates the Timberwolves,” Woitas said.

On game nights, the team starts practice by marking their dances on the court and performing a few run-throughs, all while dodging players and loose basketballs.

“You are literally feet away from professional basketball players,” Woitas said.

The dancers greet and take picture with fans before joining the team on the court for the national anthem, introductions and the first dance performance of the night. After a quick costume change, Woitas and her team are back on the court for their first quarter dance.

“We learn a new routine for each game,” Woitas said. “Any time there is a timeout, it’s our time to go out on the floor.”

She also loves that she has been able to reconnect with people she hasn’t seen in years on Facebook after they see her at games.

“You never know who you are performing for every day,” Woitas said.

Returning to “roots of success”

While at St. Ben’s, Woitas worked as a Team Aerobics instructor and is excited to return to CSB on Monday, Feb. 20, to work with current instructors, as well as teach one of her favorite classes, Hip Hop Cardio.

Woitas is currently working on a new routine for the class and encourages all students to attend at 5 p.m. in Alumnae Hall %u2014 no dance experience is necessary.

“I don’t want people to be intimidated,” Woitas said. “These classes are for everyone, and we appreciate anyone who can come out and give it a try.”

Woitas attributes much of her success to lessons learned both inside and outside the classrooms at CSB/SJU. After having no post-college plans at graduation, she realized she underestimated just how far she could go when everything fell into place only a few months later.

“St. Ben’s was the roots of my success,” she said. “One of the most important things I learned throughout my experiences at St. Ben’s is how to reflect. Being able to recognize how outside surroundings and circumstances affect you internally is absolutely essential in regards to being able to maintain balance.”

[Minnesota Timberwolves Dancers]

A trip to Prudential Center is always more than just a trip to see a basketball game. Last month I traveled to Newark to see the entertainers who take center court when the players take a break:

Nets Dancers with Nets Entertainment Manager Kimberlee Garris

Nets Dancers with Nets Entertainment Manager Kimberlee Garris

Team Hype with Mini-Sly

Team Hype with Mini-Sly

Nets Kids

Nets Kids

Pre-game Circle in the tunnel

Pre-game Circle in the tunnel

Nets Dancers 4th Quarter Performance

Nets Dancers 4th Quarter Performance

These kids can dance

These kids can dance

The Nets Dancers make a strong (and successful) case for Deron Williams on the All-Star Team

The Nets Dancers make a strong (and successful) case for Deron Williams on the All-Star Team

Team Hype Flies

Team Hype Flies

Nets Dancers are all business

Nets Dancers are all business

They maybe great dancers, but kids are still kids.

They maybe great dancers, but kids are still kids.

[Nets Entertainment Gallery]

[Nets Dancers]

[Team Hype]

[Nets Kids]

The Hamilton Tiger-Cats Football Club will be holding auditions for the 2012 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders on Sunday, March 25 from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Goodlife Fitness location inside of the Burlington Mall. The team is looking for 30 talented women who are interested in dancing and cheerleading, performing for an energetic crowd of 30,000 fans, taking part in community events, making new friends, and performing at the 100th Grey Cup in Toronto in November.

All women over the age of 19 who have dance, cheer, and gymnastics backgrounds are encouraged to register for the auditions. For a full list of details and to download the registration form, visit www.ticats.ca

Audition Date: Sunday, March 25
Registration: 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Location: Goodlife Fitness in Burlington Mall – 777 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario
Fee: $20

[Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders]