Ultimate Cheerleaders

Ashley and Jen from the Raptors Dance Pak recently traveled to beautiful Vancouver, B.C., to take part in an NBA Jam Session Canada event.

Ashley and Jen from the Raptors Dance Pak recently traveled to beautiful Vancouver, B.C., to take part in an NBA Jam Session Canada event.

[Photos from Vancouver]

[Raptors Dance Pak]

By Mandy Oaklander
Houston Press

What she does: Marilu Harman makes a living by getting Houston to dance, whether in the Houston Press parking lot on National Dance Day or out on the sidelines. Harman is the coach of the Dynamo Girls, where she choreographs and drills routines.

How she got here: Harman began her dance career at Texas A&M, where she founded a dance team that performed at Aggie basketball games. She had a stint with the Dallas Mavericks and then moved to Houston, intending to go to grad school. But happy feet called, and she was recruited by the Houston Rockets to revamp their dance team. “They wanted to change it from being more than a cheering squad,” Harman says. “They wanted to raise it to the bar of LA and New York.” Harman refueled the Rockets for ten years, and then the WNBA was incorporated. She was hired to create a dance team for the brand-new Houston Comets, so she formed a hip hop-based co-ed squad. “It was an America’s Best Dance Crew before its time,” she says. And then in 2006, the Dynamo rang. “They called me up and said, ‘What do you think? Do you think a dance team would go over well with soccer?’ I said, ‘In Texas, you could have a dance team for golf. As long as they have cute outfits and can really dance!'”

What inspires her: Harman is like a heat-seeking missile for wannabe dancers. “I get my joy from inspiring other people that they can do this,” she says. “Getting out there and encouraging other people to dance feeds my soul.” It’s what led her to audition for MTV’s MADE as the dance teacher for Leighann, a tomboy who wanted to join her school’s drill team. Harman landed the gig — and although Leighann didn’t make the team, she’s still dancing. Harman keeps in touch with her via text. “She never imagined she could ever be a dancer,” Harman said.

​Her proudest moment: Harman holds auditions on a regular basis, where she meets a lot of aspiring dancers. Sometimes out of nowhere, one will stop her on the street and tell Harman she inspired her to dance. “They’re people you meet for one day,” Harman says. “The results of that one day and one connection was that they pursued their passion. It almost makes everything worth it.”

What’s next: Whatever project the dance world throws at her next, Harman’s ready for it with a high kick and a smile. But secretly, she misses performing. “The girls keep bugging me to jump out there and dance with them,” she says, laughing. “One day I might do it. Camouflaged, no one will know.”

Do you have what it takes to be part of Rochester’s Best Dance Crew?

We want dancers, cheerleaders and models!

What: Rochester Lancer Dancer Auditions
When: Saturday, August 27th 2011 starting at 11:00am!
Where: Total Sports Experience, 880 Elmgrove Road, Rochester, NY 14624

What To Expect:
11:00am: Registration
11:30am: Dancers will be taught a routine
1:00pm: Judging and interviews
**Promotional models do not have to learn dance routine

Audition Attire:
Dancers: Sports bra with fitted dance bottoms such as shorts or capris. Hair must be worn down with full stage make up. No jewelry. Dance and/or cheer experience preferred.
Promotional models: Business casual attire with full makeup and hair down.

What To Bring:
• Application Fee: $40
• Head Shot
• Talent Resume
• Water bottle

[Complete Audition Information]

[Precious Metal Dance Team]

Andrew Dodson

Former Garber High School pom-pom dancer and Michigan State Dance Team member Stephanie Estes is going pro.

Last week, Estes, who grew up in Essexville and graduated from Garber in 2004, was named to the Detroit Pistons Automotion Dance Team. The 25-year-old outlasted the competition and scored a position on the team that performs at all Pistons home games and team promotional events.

“I’ve always wanted to dance for a professional team,” said Estes, who found out she made the cut last week. “And it’s great that I can continue my dance career, here in Michigan.”

Estes’ mother Amy Estes said she knew her daughter had potential at the age of 2 to be a great dancer.

“She’s been entertaining us mostly on the stage, but even at home, since she was a little girl,” said Amy Estes. “I just looked at her when she was a little girl and said, ‘That girl needs to go to dance lessons because she has something special.’ ”

So Amy Estes sent her daughter to the Perry Woodard School of Dance in Bay City and later to Miss Lore’s School of Dance in Essexville, where Stephanie says her true potential blossomed.

“Miss Lore’s school was a big influence on my dancing, and I really owe everything to them,” Stephanie Estes said.

After performing as a member of Garber’s pom-pom squad, Estes went on to Michigan State University, where she was a member of the dance team performing at Spartan football games.

She wasn’t sure if she would continue dancing after graduating from MSU with a degree in communications in 2009, so she went on to a career in modeling for the next two years.

Now, as a member of Automotion, Estes says she’s been given another opportunity to pursue her passion.

“At this point, just to be able to dance again after two years off is such an honor and very exciting for me,” she said.

Being a member of Automotion is only a part-time job, but Estes will be plenty busy as she plans to return to school at Oakland University to follow in her sister Sarah Estes’ footsteps and become a nurse.

“She’s good with people, cares about people — she’ll make a great nurse,” said Amy Estes.

Plus, studying at Oakland is much closer to the Palace of Auburn Hills where rehearsals and games takes place, Stephanie Estes added.

For now, the dancer says she’s living her dream, but will never stop aspiring for more.

“I would love to be on Dancing with the Stars, either as a star, or a dancer,” she said. “Either would be good.”

2011-12 Nashville Predators Dancers

2011-12 Nashville Predators Dancers

Auditions began for the Nashville Predators Dancers on July 10th and ended on the 24th before a live audience at The Hard Rock Cafe, the first time the finals were open to the public.  In the end 20 dancers were selected for the team including former Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders and some ladies who do work for CMT and are in up-and-coming music videos.

Check out the new squad and see photos and video from the whole audition process here.

Reader Scott was present when the Houston Dynamo Girls unveiled their new swimsuit calendar last week.

[Houston Dynamo Girls]

[Scott’s Dynamo Girls Gallery]

[Dynamo Girls Calendar in the Houston Chronicle]

Auditions will take place at the Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad Street in South Philadelphia

6:00 p.m. – Registration Begins, Dancers enter through Broad Street Executive Entrance

6:30 p.m. – Stretching and Warm-up in Broad Street Atrium

6:45 p.m. – Choreography and Routine Instruction in Broad Street Atrium

7:25p.m. – Short Break

7:30 p.m. – Dancer Evaluations in small groups In Hall of Fame Room

8:30 p.m. – Judging /Finalist Selection

Registration is $30. Selected members will be interviewed and more cuts will be made the following week.

[Angels Registration Form]

Football is back and the Eagles Cheerleaders take to the field!

Football is back and the Eagles Cheerleaders take to the field!











[Eagles Cheerleaders Gallery]

[Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders]