Ultimate Cheerleaders

By Shawn Donnelly

After a stunning victory over Brady and the Pats, one of Gang Green’s loveliest breaks down the upset of the year — with some choice words for Wes Welker, of course.

“Shocked the world” might be the biggest cliché in all of sports, but it might just be the only way to describe what the hell was going on Sunday night at Gillette Stadium. Namely: ridiculously nice catches by the underdogs, unlikely sacks of the soon-to-be league MVP, and a 14-2 team with an eight-game winning streak and a trash-talking slot receiver going down to a squad that it had humiliated 45-3 just six weeks earlier.


But if you think the Jets’s 28-21 playoff victory over the Patriots was a strange turn of events, imagine how it must feel to second-year Jets Flight Crew member Samantha, a retailer from Staten Island, New York. The last time these two teams met, she and seven other Jets cheerleaders were on a league-promotional tour of Mexico. “We watched the game in a movie theater in Mexico City,” she says. “The audio was in Spanish, and we were getting killed. It was like, is this really happening?” Fortunately for her, Sunday’s game really happened, too. We think.

ESQUIRE: To begin, the big news before the game was that Wes Welker would not start because of his foot-related comments earlier in the week. Did Welker, ahem, shoot his team in the foot?

SAMANTHA: Well, I think it was very classy of Belichick to sit him out. But not having him on the field for that first series definitely worked to our advantage. We got the interception, which was huge for our confidence. If he had been out there, maybe they would have scored.

ESQ: Do you think Welker regrets saying those things now?

SAM: I’m sure he does. But we’ll never know. He made a decision to do what he did, and there were consequences.

ESQ: But how nice was that interception and run by David Harris? Big man showed good hands — and wheels, too.

SAM: That was a great play. That made Tom Brady a little scared the rest of the game, I think. It sent a message that we were ready this time.

ESQ: And then your defense followed it up by sacking Brady a total of five times. Were you surprised by how much pressure they got?

SAM: I thought that was the biggest factor of the whole game. Five times. Amazing. We just didn’t make it comfortable for him back there. The whole defense played great.

ESQ: Meanwhile, Mark Sanchez had no sacks. Impressive, right?

SAM: No sacks, no interceptions. He had a great game, I thought. At the beginning he seemed like he was a little nervous, but he calmed down and made some really nice throws.

ESQ: What was going through your mind in the third quarter when Tom Brady marched the Pats down the field for a touchdown and two-point conversion to make it 14-11?

SAM: I knew they still had to get another score. But I was getting a little nervous. Fortunately, we came right back. Sanchez had a beautiful throw to Cotchery, and Cotchery had a huge gain.

ESQ: Yeah, for 58 yards. And then how about that touchdown catch by Santonio Holmes in the end zone on third and four? Reminiscent of his Super Bowl grab for the Steelers?

SAM: That was crazy. I think he couldn’t even believe he caught it. He makes huge plays, especially when his team needs them the most. Because we really needed a touchdown right there.

ESQ: Then the Pats tried to rally, albeit very slowly. And when they did start to hurry it up, it looked like some Jets players might have gone down “injured” to slow their momentum. You okay with that?

SAM: I probably shouldn’t comment, but… you have to do what you have to do.

ESQ: Then it came to a fourth-and-13 for the Patriots from the Jets’s 31-yard line. Belichick elected to go for it rather than kick a field goal, and they failed to convert. Bad decision?

SAM: I don’t know why he would think that they would be able to make that. It’s not like it was fourth-and-one or something. Maybe he thought Brady could make a great throw and get the first down. But odds are against you on fourth-and-13.

ESQ: How about Rex Ryan going into the end zone to celebrate with his players after Shonn Greene scored to make it 28-14. You don’t see many NFL coaches pulling that move, do you?

SAM: Anybody would get excited in that situation. He was obviously very happy. I’m okay with what he did.

ESQ: Let’s look ahead to this Sunday. Packers at Bears — who do you see moving on to the Super Bowl?

SAM: If I had to choose, I’d say the Packers. I think Aaron Rodgers will be too much for Chicago.

ESQ: Jets at Steelers?

SAM: The Jets, obviously.

ESQ: So Jets-Packers in the Super Bowl?

SAM: Sounds like a pretty good matchup to me.

ESQ: Finally, you’re a big musical-theater fan. Other than taking you to Jersey Boys, what can a man do to impress you?

SAM: Be nice, be genuine, be funny. Be regular.

[Samantha at NYJets.com]


The Carolina Speed Velocity Girls Dance Team is a high-energy dance team that performs at The Carolina Speed Football home games at Bojangles’ Coliseum, and at other events in the communities they serve. The dance team makes appearances and performances throughout the year. The Velocity Girls Dance Team entertains crowds and supports the Carolina Speed through its appearances at the Bojangles’ Coliseum, business and social events, Carolina Speed community functions and other public and private events. All Carolina Speed Velocity Girls Dance Team members maintain high ethical standards and are actively involved in supporting worthwhile causes in the communities they serve.

Stephanie Huffman – Dance Team Coordinator

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Registration: 11:00am-12:00pm
Tryouts: 12:00pm
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to registration! ++

ZX Fitness Center Matthews
10404 Independence Blvd
Matthews, NC 28105

Registration Fee:

Cash Only

Tryout Requirements:
• Must be at least 18 years-of-age and a High School graduate or equivalent by January 29, 2011. There is no maximum age limit.
• Must complete a Carolina Speed Velocity Girls Application and Waiver
• Must pay the Registration Fee
• Must provide proof of ID
• Must provide a current dance and professional resume
• Must provide 3 references
• Must provide proof of insurance
• Must provide one non-returnable headshot (5″x7″ or larger preferred).
• Must be available for all phases of the audition process and be prepared
to stay as long as necessary (no exceptions!)

Attire for Tryouts:

Half top/sports bra, any color
Briefs/hot shorts, any color
Sheer tights and Dance Sneakers or Jazz Shoes
Performance ready hair and make-up

Audition Process:

A one-minute routine will be taught and performed in small groups in front of a panel of judges

Skills to be tested include: Pirouettes (single and double), Leaps (right, left, center), Toe-Touch, Kicks, Motion technique

An interview

What We Are Looking For:

• Showmanship, personality, energy, and enthusiasm
• Professionalism and maturity
• Dancers who are well spoken and can represent the Carolina Speed in a professional manner at all times
• Dance technique and style
• Consistent positive attitude
• Strong teamwork skills
• Physical fitness and personal appearance
• Ability and desire


By Brom Hoban
Austin American-Statesman

ayersMeg Ayers came to long distance running, as she describes it, on a whim.

In 2004, while she was a Lady Wrangler cheerleader for the Austin Wranglers arena football team, she entered the lottery for the ING New York City Marathon in 2004.

“I had hardly run at all before that, maybe a few miles now and then, but I got picked, so I started running,” she says.

Ayers, who is a business development consultant for the MMC Group, followed a 16-week marathon training program, which included one 20-mile long run, and then ran in New York.

“It was so painful running that far. I slept the whole day after finishing. Now, I can run 20 miles and go work afterwards,” says Ayers.

In October 2006, Ayers ran, and won, the Marathon 2 Marathon in West Texas — a race from Alpine to the town of Marathon. Her time: 3:33:51. In 2008, she improved her marathon time at the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon: 3:08:44.

Some runners start at the shorter distances and work their way up. Ayers started at the longer distances and has been working her way up.

She became interested in ultra races after pacing her boyfriend, Josh Hare, for the last 15 miles of the Jemez Mountain Trail Run 50K in May 2009. Pacing Hare at that event in Los Alamos, New Mexico, was Ayers’ first taste of what it might be like to run an ultra, and her first taste of trails.

“It was fun. Jemez Mountain is a hard race, but I loved it,” says Ayers. “I think it’s good to find a balance between the trails and road. I like that you can get lost on the trails. It’s a great place to think and reflect. And I like the variety of the terrain.”

After Jemez Mountain, Ayers decided to compete in the Palo Duro Trail Run 50K in Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo. To prepare, she spent time in Boulder, Colorado, running mountain trails. In Austin she trained with Teammac, a group coached by Mac Allen.

Ayers didn’t just finish at her first ultra in Palo Duro. She won the event in five hours, eight minutes and 16 seconds.

“Obviously, she has a certain level of natural ability, but Meg’s work ethic is off the charts. Her success is a direct result of how hard she hits her workouts — every single time. She’s got the competitive heart of a lioness,” says Phil McDuffee, a longtime training buddy.

Last weekend, Ayers went to Big Bend National Park, intending to run her second 50K. The Big Bend Ultra starts at 3,200 feet and drops steadily to 1,900 feet on packed dirt park roads.

Ayers changed her plans and ran, instead, the 25K race that is staged at the same time.

“I woke up Sunday morning at 5 a.m. feeling sick to my stomach, and decided to run the 25K instead,” says Ayers. “I had planned on running the 50K, but I’m really glad I didn’t because my stomach was so bad I just couldn’t eat anything.

“I won the 25K race in 2:11:11. Other than my stomach problems, it was a great experience — gorgeous, with spectacular views.”

A two-month all-expenses paid trip to cheer in India?

Our good friends Sandy Charboneau and Donald Wells have officially joined forces to start producing internationally touring groups. One of their first groups that they’ll be sending out is the 2011 Royal Challengers Cheerleaders. Back in 2008 Donald created the first group, and Sandy and he have been tasked to create a group that matching the level of those Cheerleaders. A group of ten ladies will be selected to travel on this all expenses paid trip.


Interested parties should send a bio and photo to Scharboneau88@gmail.com

The deadline for applicants is January 26th.


Liz is a five-year veteran of the Chiefs Cheerleaders

[Liz at KCChiefs.com]


The Ice Angels are the dance team for the CHL Allen (TX) Americans. And the just released their first swimsuit calendar. Here’s a look at the front and back covers:



[Ice Angels Website]

[Allen American Ice Angels on Facebook]

[Buy the Calendar]

texasproAre you a current, former or prospective professional dancer or cheerleader? Does your team need fresh choreography? Would you like to meet others in the industry or hear about audition opportunities?

Then get ready for the Texas Pro Dance Workshop in Houston, TX on Sunday, January 23, 2011!

** Learn choreography from elite alumni and directors
** Representing the NFL, NBA, AFL, MLS, and MLB
** Get tips from the pros on fitness, nutrition, makeup, attire and more
** Network with other performers from the east coast (and beyond!)
** Receive giveaways from sponsors including attire and cosmetics

** Morning (9:00am-12:00pm): $45 Register Now!
** Afternoon (1:00pm-4:00pm): $45 Register Now!
** Full day (9:00am-4:00pm): $79 Register Now!
** Directors: Bring 2 or more squad members and receive complimentary admission.
** Refund Policy: 75% of registration fees may be refunded through January 20.

Our choreographers are top alumni and directors of dance and cheer teams in the NFL, NBA, AFL, MLB and other sports leagues. They will teach 6 sidelines and 2 routines in length of 45-60 seconds, representing all major sports leagues. Read choreographer bios and view photos here!

**Lindsay Dove, 2 year NFL cheerleader, Houston TX. Lindsay Scovil Kirstin-Alys

**Kirstin-Alys, Former Director of the Texas Hurricane Arena Football Lady Cane Cheerleaders, Current Director of the Houston Aeros Hockey Aero Dynamic Cheerleader. Currently the owner/artistic director of Red Satin Dance Productions

[Complete Convention Information]

By Jessica J.

jessicalionsYou always know the CFL season is just around the corner when advertisements for season tickets and cheerleading auditions flood the airwaves. Last season, we had auditions at the Scotiabank Dance Centre in downtown Vancouver which will also be the site of the 2011 auditions this March.

Being new to Vancouver, I didn’t know anyone except for Candice, who had also just moved from Toronto. As we entered the room, we saw numerous hopefuls, all with the dream and drive to own a pair of those orange boots! The auditions took place over one very, very long day, followed by interviews a couple of days later. I knew when I got that phone call inviting me to the team that it was time to get our butts in gear!

We started off the season with a bang! New routines, sidelines, Football 101 and photo shoots – everything felt like it was flying at us all at once! It was extremely challenging at first, but with our great support system of girls we pulled together and never let a Felion fall behind.

The 2010 season was a very special and memorable year for the BC Lions as we called Empire Field our home for the season. After being vacant for more than 25 years, the stadium was rebuilt and the Lions brought back the magic. With 27,500 seats to fill, hearing the first home game sold out was something that blew everyone away! I remember that first home game and how intimate and close the fans were. I felt as if we were singing Roar Your Lions Roar all together, standing right next to one another. You could feel the passion and pride of our fans!

We had a rough start to the season as the team struggled to win at home, but we turned it around mid season! The excitement of winning filled the stadium and put even more hope in the hearts of Lions fans. We can do it! The season ended too soon for the guys just missing the chance to go to Grey Cup. However, our season kept going! The Felions traveled to chilly Edmonton where the Eskimos hosted the 2010 Grey Cup. The girls kept busy doing events at hospitality suites, dancing our amazing Grey Cup routine, participating in the cheer extravaganza, being part of promos around the city and dancing at the Grey Cup Championship!

Just like that, the season came to and end. The pom-poms were returned and we said our goodbyes. It was an exceptional year for the Felions and we would like to give a special thanks to our amazing coordinator Alex Severyn for keeping it all together and our talented choreographer Aura Benwick who was a very patient, amazing teacher! Also, thanks to the BC Lions staff who worked so hard to make the season such a success! I also want to thank the fans for the continual support we received, whether purchasing one of our fantastic 2010-11 Felions calendars or coming to the games all decked out in Lions gear. We thank you! You are what takes our game day experience to another level!

The 2011 season is right around the corner, with our auditions coming up on Sunday, March 6th! If there are any Felions hopefuls out there wanting to try out, be sure to check out the auditions page at BCLions.com for more information. I strongly recommend it to anyone! As a Felion, you’ll get a chance to cheer on the best team in the CFL, dance and make long-lasting friendships.

Cross your fingers for me BC Lions fans and (hopefully) I’ll see you on the field next season!

Go Lions Go!

Jessica J.

[Jessica at BC Felions]


Deri-Andra is a student at Dillard University where she is majoring in Communications with a Theater minor.

[Deri-Andra at NewOrleansSaints.com]


[LA Kings Ice Crew]