By Clara Sandoval
Laredo Morning Times
Every NFL game features personalities that enhance the action without stepping foot on the field. Cheerleaders have become a vital part of NFL teams and earning a coveted spot once is a difficult task, but one Laredoan has achieved this goal twice in her career.
Kelly Sherwood beat out over 1,500 other cheerleading candidates in April to earn a spot on the Houston Texans cheerleading squad which is only comprised of 34 athletes every season.
“This is my first year of being on this team and it is an incredible process,” Sherwood said. “Being one of the top 34 girls is incredible. Just being here cheering for thousands of fans, I can’t describe the feeling. This is amazing and I love what I am doing. I just love performing and I love representing Laredo and making Laredo proud.”
Sherwood still feels the same enthusiasm when she is about to perform in front of thousands of Texans fans that she felt when she first started in the local dance academies including Camelia’s and El Estudio.
“I still get the butterflies prior to each game, just the feeling of performing” Sherwood said. “It is a nervous feeling mixed in with a lot of excitement. It just never gets old.”
Being a cheerleader for a professional team has its perks like visiting Puerto Rico for the annual Texans cheerleader calendar shoot during the summer. However, many do not realize the amount of work that goes into each dance routine in order to make it look flawless when the cheerleaders get in front of thousands of fans every Sunday.
“People just do not know how much work is involved in being a cheerleader,” Sherwood said. “Sometimes we have practices until midnight. We work hard and practice Monday through Thursday, then we have games. We can practice from one to three hours or more, it just depends.”
One of the best aspects of being a Texans cheerleader is the public appearances that Sherwood and the rest of the squad get to do throughout the season to bring happiness to their fans through a variety of events.
“I just love the appearances,” she said. “It was incredible. We went out and gave gifts to the boys and girls and that was just so gratifying. It was an incredible moment. I love going to the hospitals and making an impact doing everything that we do through the organization. I am just so happy to be a part of it.”
When the Texans are in season, Sherwood is very limited in visiting Laredo but it is a place that holds a very special place in her heart since her family still lives in the Gateway City.
“I would love to go and visit more often but I am so busy going to school and cheering,” Sherwood said. “I have been there once this semester for one day. I wish I could go back but I will when the season is over. Right now I am so busy.”
The Alexander High School graduate started her dancing career at the age of four and was involved in a lot of dance academies in Laredo before making her first professional dance team. Two years ago while working on her undergraduate degree, Sherwood made the Dallas Mavericks cheerleading squad to become one of the few Laredoans to hold that distinction. What sets her apart is that she also earned a spot on the Texans cheer squad to become the first Laredoan to be on two different cheerleading squads for different professional teams.
After completing her undergraduate degree in Arlington, Sherwood decided to continue her education at the University of Houston and pursue a master’s degree in speech communication. She also opted to try out for the Texans cheerleading squad and had to juggle finals and the long drive from Dallas to Houston for the tryout process.
“I got into the master’s program and I decided to try out for the Houston Texans cheerleading squad,” she said. “I love performing and let’s see what happens. The first thing that I love about tryouts is it is all about fun. There were over 1,500 girls and it was a big party. Everyone was having fun and just dancing.
“After the freestyle round, you get to do whatever you want to do. The second round you learn a dance and the third round you learn another dance. Then it is finals, interview rounds and then they announced the squad for the upcoming season.”
Dancers were eliminated each round and Sherwood’s dance number kept showing up on the screen indicating that she had advanced. When the moment came for the final squad to be announced, Sherwood was ecstatic to be part of a great organization.
“To be part of this incredible team, I just don’t have words,” she said. “It took a while to process of what I had done.”
Sherwood has to be on top of her game on a weekly basis because she has to compete with the other Texans cheerleader to make the weekly squad that will perform on Sunday. She attributes her success at the professional ranks to dancing and performing with the Alexander dance team during her high school days.
“Being part of the J.B. Alexander dance team has prepared me for the weekly tryouts,” she said. “Even though we are part of the team, we have to try out every week, the same thing that we did at Alexander. Having that experience just paid off because I am used to that routine. I am used to all that hard work and dedication.”
Sherwood encourages anyone who has their goals set high to go out there and make their dreams come true through hard work and dedication.
“I encourage anyone who wants to be an NFL cheerleader. It is just not dancing. We do so many other things,” Sherwood said. “We go and help the community. We have done so many appearances that are just touching and incredible. This does not even feel like a job because I love it so much.
“I feel sometimes being in Laredo people think that they are not going to make it, that it is too hard. I would like to tell them if you believe it you can do it. I always dreamed of being an NFL cheerleader and it is awesome to see your dreams come true. All that hard work paid off. This is something that I dreamed of and to be going out there and performing in front of thousands of people is a great feeling. Just entering the stadium and performing is so much fun.”
By Donna Echols
Clarion Ledger
The glamour, beauty, perfectly choreographed dance moves, and glitzy black and gold uniforms are all part of the allure of the New Orleans Saintsations. We got a rare, exclusive peek behind the scenes to see what game day is like for these women on the Saints cheer and dance squad.
About five hours before kick-off, our Saintsations from Mississippi, are busy packing and then riding together to New Orleans for the game. All their training, exercising, healthy eating, practice and more practice is about to pay off before thousands of fans and often before nationally televised audiences.
Once we made our way into the large circular maze of the Superdome, we went to the Saintsations locker room. Yes, they have their own locker room with uniforms laid out in each locker with their names and photos above each. Off to the side of the locker room is an area for doing hair and make-up.
Walking into the Saintsations locker room you could feel the excitement and adrenalin as these women were rushing around getting ready for kick-off. Everyone was zoned-in and getting focused on game day. The atmosphere was fun, supportive, and highly energetic. This was my first time to meet our eleven Mississippi women who are part of the Saintsations team. We hugged and laughed together as if we were all long lost friends finally united.
Some of the Saintsations were busy practicing to perfect a dance move and others were paired up going over a routine. What was obvious to anyone in that locker room was the unity and camaraderie these women have with each other. The obvious support and encouragement they have for each other reminded me of walking into a big family reunion. Everyone had their game face on as the clock was ticking.
“We get to the Superdome several hours before the game and practice our dance routines” said Brandy Jarvis, of Biloxi. “As we rush around getting ready, we talk about how each other is doing in life outside of the Saintsations with our jobs, classes, and families. The women on this team help each other and support one another on and off the field,” Jarvis continued.
“It’s so exciting to walk into the stadium, the lights on the field are dim, and fans are already gathering outside to tailgate before the game starts,” said Summer Rials, of Hattiesburg. When asked what the most important lesson was from being on the Saintsations team, Rials said, “As women, we face a lot of adversity. I know how much encouragement I have received from other members of my team and what a difference it has made in my life. We should always find kind and positive words to express to one another, because strong women lift each other up, instead of bringing each other down.” Summer and fellow Mississippi Saintsation Kriste Lewis of Moss Point have both been selected to Japan with the USO. “I’m excited to go and see our troops overseas and bring a piece of home to them,” she said of their upcoming trip.
Sarah Friday, of Ocean Springs, says she loves game day because it means carpooling to New Orleans with some of the other Saintsations from Mississippi. “Once we get dressed in our uniforms and practice a bit, the most exciting part of the day is going out to Champion Square and visiting with tailgating fans,” she said. Friday added that selling calendars and taking selfies with children in the crowd is a part of what makes the experience exciting for her.
“The first time I dressed out with the Saintsations, it was like coming home to Mississippi when I walked into the Superdome,” recalled Elizabeth Kiehn of Hattiesburg. “I remember practicing my routines in our locker room before the game started. I was so excited, and kept thinking… bring on the field! Running onto the field, hearing the deafening roar of the fans cheering, the music blaring, I almost passed out, Kiehn laughed. Today, she’s a seasoned pro who loves interacting with children dressed in little Saints jerseys or Saints cheerleading uniforms.
The Saintsations from Mississippi all talked about their friendships and closeness from being a part of this group. “This team blurs the line between family and friendships… It’s a sisterhood for us here.” A person can only be on the Saintsations for a total of four years before they retire. And that limited time together creates a lifetime of friendships and fun memories.
The other element that was obvious from talking with our Mississippi women is how their director, Lesslee Fitzmorris, empowers them to do better, be stronger, and above all to support each other. Each member of the team is required to work a full time job or be enrolled in school full time. They credit their director with this requirement as she wants them to focus on bettering themselves and doing for others. Fitzmorris has been directing the Saintsations since 2001, and she’s no stranger to dance having been an LSU Golden Girl. “There is no such thing as being perfect,” said Fitzmorris. “I look for the unexpected in people, and help guide these women to do better, do more, and to give back to the community through service projects,” she said.
The Saintsations participate in various causes throughout the year. This year, one of their focuses is to teach others how to combat bullying. As one of the Saintsations pointed out, attractive girls get bullied, too. Learning how to cope with the negativity of others is helps develop a more self-confident, successful person.
Kriste Lewis, of Moss Point, added, “Even at 42, I still deal with bullying. People can say some hurtful things, and we have to be stronger and believe in ourselves as the best revenge against negative, hurtful people.” Lewis said, “Just enjoy the joy and be a positive person who helps inspire others as we do for each other on the Saintsations, and I do with other women who I meet.” Lewis’s advice on being supportive of others, “As women, we are each other’s cheerleaders, and we have to build each other up through support, encouragement, and finding our strengths. There is value in each of us, and we have to strive to find that in each other.”
Lewis went on to say, “To be a member of this team and let them see me fail, shows vulnerability. There is safety with these women, my teammates, and that vulnerability means trust. To be okay to fail and learn from that is what the Saintsations are all about.” No one on this team tolerates “mean girls.” Empowerment of each other builds strength and confidence in one’s self and that is a central theme each of these women exudes when they speak about the team effort Fitzmorris has created with the Saintsations.
After getting to visit with a few of our Saintsations from Mississippi, a voice boomed in over Fitzmorris’s walkie-talkie and said, “Get ready, we’re going in early, and you’ve got only three minutes to go.” With a commanding voice, she called the Saintsations together and said, “Okay, it’s game time. Circle up and let’s get ready to run the field.”
Everyone came to the center of the locker room, circled up, and Fitzmorris offered support and a prayer before the game. “It’s a joyful day, and share this experience with others through encouragement and mutual support. Give joy to those around you through actions as these actions speak the loudest.”
By Ethan Stacks
New York Daily News
Time nearly ran out before the Brooklynettes’ captain could capture that timeless sunset photo that is one of the stunning highlights in the first swimsuit calendar from the Nets’ official dance squad.
Amanda, the captain of the Brooklynettes, and her photographer were forced to race into the Barbadian surf to get the picture-perfect moment with just seconds to spare.
“Because hair and makeup ran very late, our shot that we had planned for 30 minutes was down suddenly down to six minutes,” recalled Amanda, 26.
“But within that six minutes we got it. And I felt like an out of body experience, it was so surreal to be in the midst of this tropical environment. It was just such a different feeling from being in Brooklyn.”
It’s a different feeling all around for the squad, which partnered with the official tourism company of Barbados for the 2016 calendar. They traveled together as a whole team abroad for the first time for the photo shoot.
Proceeds for the $10 calendar will go to the Nets’ philanthropic arm, the Nets Foundation.
Brooklynette Anna improvised her photo on horseback after a chance encounter with a man and his horse.
The NYU graduate student, who competed in equestrian events during her teenage years in Poland, got the chance to improvise a photo on horseback.
“A man walked down the beach with a horse and asked if we wanted to take a picture with him,” said the dancer. “It’s a funny coincidence because on the plane ride earlier I had said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great to take a photo on a horse?’
Hey Colts Nation! My name is Sarah, and I am stoked to be your Cheerleader of the Week!
I am blessed to say that this is my first season as an Indianapolis Colts Cheerleader! The past few months have been so surreal, and I am honored to be a part of such an outstanding organization. Aside from cheering, I work as an underwriter for an insurance company, and I am studying to attain my Associate of the Society of Actuaries. It’s incredible to have two jobs that are complete opposites from one another because it allows me to experience so many different aspects of life. In May, I graduated from the University of Louisville (Go Cards!) where I was a part of the Ladybirds Dance Team. Shortly after graduating, I moved to Indianapolis and have fallen in love with this wonderful city.
All of this would not be possible without the amazing people in my life. I am thankful for the wonderful opportunities that God has given me, and do not take any of them for granted. I’d also like to thank my family for their love and support. I couldn’t have done it without you! Finally, I’d like to thank my extraordinary teammates, Coach Kelly, the Colts organization, and our amazing fan base. Each one of you inspires me daily! I am beyond blessed for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
You have won three National Dance Alliance titles. How long have you been interested in dance?
Yes, I have! I was lucky enough to be a part of the 13 time National Champion Ladybirds at the University of Louisville. While on the team we won a NDA title in Hip Hop, Open and Team Performance. I have been dancing since the age of three and I have been captivated with it ever since. As soon as I started taking dance class I fell in love with not only the performance aspect, but also the pretty cool costumes that I have worn throughout the years. Dance has always been an outlet for me to express myself through something that I love.
Merry Christmas, how do you plan on spending your day Friday?
I plan on spending lots of time with family and friends on Friday. I will be traveling up north this week to a little town in Michigan’s Thumb region. But first, we’re making a pit stop at Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan. It is home to the world’s largest Christmas store and truly is a sight to see, especially around the holidays. I am still holding out some hope that I will have a white Christmas up north! A few of my Christmas family traditions include a Christmas Eve service, matching pajamas, and opening one gift on Christmas Eve.
Is there a certain style of dance that you prefer?
My preference of dance style has changed over the years. When I was younger, I loved lyrical dances; I always had a lyrical solo. However as my dance career has progressed, I’ve grown very fond of jazz and stylized routines. I enjoy these styles because they typically have a great crowd reaction, which always makes it very fun to perform. When the crowd and fans can enjoy our routines as much as we do, it really makes you appreciate the performance that much more.
Any big items that you want from Santa this year?
There’s not much on my Christmas list this year. I would just like to enjoy the holidays with my friends and family. However, I would like a Colts win on Sunday!As the year comes to an end, what is your most memorable experience from your rookie year?
I have to pick just one? My rookie season has been filled with so many memorable experiences, ranging from being able to help announce a draft pick, performing in the Indy 500 parade, and traveling to Mexico to shoot our swimsuit calendar. Although all of those were life-changing experiences, there is still one that stands out the most in my mind. That experience came after our Week 4 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars. Not only was it a great game, but it was also my first time experiencing a win as a Colts Cheerleader. We all know how electrifying Lucas Oil Stadium is after a Colts win, but it was just that much crazier being in the position that I am so lucky to be in. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Colts Nation!
By Kristi Scales
Q: What is Saturday night going to be like for you? Are there mixed emotions since you’ve been cheered for both the Jets and the Cowboys?
DANIELLE: I’m so excited about this particular game because it’s cool that it’s come full circle for me. When I started with the Jets’ Flight Crew I was a baby, just 18 years old, and had no idea what it would lead me to, which is the DCC. So I’m obviously a fan of both teams.
My dad, who grew up a die-hard Jets fan, did not miss a game of all three years I was there. He’s coming to AT&T Stadium for this game, so I’m excited. We loved the Cowboys, too, because there was no rivalry with the Jets. They’re in different conferences, so we could root for both teams. But my dad’s excited to see the Jets in our amazing stadium and to see me cheer on these sidelines.
Q: How does your experience with the Jets differ from the one you’ve had with the DCC?
DANIELLE: The year I started in 2008 was the first open audition for the Jets. They had 10 girls on the field the previous season to see how the fans would respond. It was positive, so they held open auditions the next year for a small group and the squad was born. They called us Flight Crew Members because they didn’t want to call us cheerleaders.
My second season with the team was their first calendar and we did them on the beaches in Long Island and New Jersey, so that was interesting. But it was so successful that the next year we flew internationally to Aruba, and now they’re going to Turks & Caicos.
So it was interesting to be at the genesis of one team, then to come here to Dallas where the DCC was already an empire and I was the one who was coming in brand new. It was difficult because the DCC because has so much material. And the jump split is something I hadn’t done since high school. The Jets had a kick line but it wasn’t nearly as immaculate as it is here. So I had a lot of work to do because it’s a step up as far as the challenge of performing the volume of routines.”
Q: What made a nice girl from Long Island want to leave home for the Cowboys?
DANIELLE: My first year in Dallas was 2012 and I came with Jasmine. We were both with the Jets and we watched the show Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team regularly. We would talk about it at practice, saying it would be so cool to do that.
Also, our director with the Jets, Denise Garvey, was a DCC in 2000 and I remember her telling us about her DCC pinkie ring and what it meant to her. She came from Long Island to Dallas by herself and didn’t know anyone. She inspired me stories of how she had to be strong. Now I have my own ring and it means so much to me. If not for those years with the Jets, I would not have had the confidence to try for the DCC. It’s really wild how it’s come full circle for me.”
Q: What are the differences cheering on game day for Cowboys fans compared to Jets fans?
DANIELLE: The stadiums are completely different. I went back to an alumni game and the stadium in New Jersey feels so much smaller than AT&T Stadium. Also, the Jets have a chant J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets which is crazy when 80,000 people scream it. But our stadium here is the loudest I’ve ever heard. I can’t communicate with the girl standing next to me because it’s so loud.
It’s not that the fans are that different, because both sets are very passionate. But the atmosphere, the setting, is different. And it’s different putting on a world-renowned uniform. You can show a picture of a DCC uniform anywhere in the world and they’ll know what it is whereas other teams are not as recognizable. Of course, every uniform you put on, you earn it and there’s pride. But you can’t really compare anything else to the DCC.
From the Miami Herald
It’s that time of year again — when the Miami HEAT dancers take the attention away from the star basketball players with the launch of their super sizzling posters, with various images shot in the Bahamas by team photographer David Alvarez. Lithe ladies wearing only red string bikinis in the middle of December? Seems appropriate around these parts. Said posters were handed out to the audience at the game vs. the Toronto Raptors Friday night and will be scattered about the AmericanAirlines Arena for locals’ viewing pleasure for the rest of the season.
An Arizona Rattlers Sidewinder
A Pair of Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders
Congratulations to Jenny Durbin Smith, director of the Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blue Dancers, for being selected as part of the 2016 Pro Bowl Choreography Team.
Smith just returned from Los Angeles, where she worked with other independent choreographers to come up with the routines that this year’s Pro Bowl cheerleaders will perform.
One cheerleader representing each of the 32 NFL clubs makes up the Pro Bowl cheer team; each of the 32 are sent a video to learn their moves before Pro Bowl, and this year’s video will feature teachings from Jenny Durbin Smith!
Who’s ready for a comeback week? I am so excited to get back on the field Sunday and bring home a win. My name is Hannah and I am this week’s Cheerleader of the Week!
This is my second season as a Colts Cheerleader, and I am having the time of my life. Not only have I had the wonderful opportunity of traveling across the country, but I have also been able to connect with the incredible fans that make up Colts Nation! You guys are amazing and make this experience all the better. Aside from cheering for the best team in the NFL, I am currently a college student studying at IUPUI in downtown Indianapolis, work at the best yoga studio in town, The Hot Room Indy, and also perform during the Holiday season with the Indianapolis Symphony in the Yuletide Celebration. Needless to say, I am one busy girl, but I love it all and I am so thankful for every opportunity that comes my way.
With the hectic life I live, there are many people who support me day in and day out and who deserve recognition. I would first like to thank my wonderful parents and older sisters who have shown me how hard work and dedication pay off. My awesome friends, who continue to support me and make me laugh each day. The amazing Colts Organization for allowing me this once in a life-time opportunity and finally God, who makes this all possible.
Well Colts fans, that’s a little bit about myself, now let’s get excited for this Sunday against the Texans. This is a BIG game and I cannot wait!
Your birthday is this week. How do you plan on celebrating?
I can’t believe I am turning twenty! Is it weird that the number makes me feel old? On my birthday I actually have my last final for the semester (yay!) and two performances of Yuletide! After the evening show, I plan on going out to dinner with friends who are coming to watch the performance, but other than that it will be a pretty normal day for me.You starred in ISO’s Yuletide Celebration! Tell us about this show and what was your favorite part of this experience?
My whole life I have performed. It feels like home when I’m on a stage and being in Yuletide is no exception to this feeling. The talented Sandi Patti and Jack Everly host the show, with the rest of the cast coming from around the United States. I have had the wonderful opportunity to continue my passion of performing and dancing in this show. My main role is to play Elsa out in the Lobby before the show, and then during the show I am a dancer. My favorite number has to be the tap dancing Santa’s. Nothing like doing a 5-minute tap dance in a big Santa Suit!Would you rather spend time at the warm and sunny beach or in the chilly mountains? And why?
This is a hard one. I love both warm and cold weather and I also love adventure, but I think at the end of the day I would love to relax under the warm sun at a beach. Give me a good book and my music and I will be content all day long.The most memorable game for you this season has been…
No doubt the breast cancer awareness game in honor of my mom. Breast cancer has affected almost every girl on the squad and we all found someone to dance for during that game. I wasn’t thinking about how tired I was or how hot it was, instead I was thinking about how thankful I am to be able to cheer and to have my mom there to watch me.What is your oddest holiday tradition?
Another tough question! I would like to think my family is pretty traditional when it comes to the holidays. I do have a favorite holiday tradition however! Each year we have Christmas Cookie Baking Day! We make tons of cookies and take them to family and friends and to the local Fire Station. I am the happiest when I can make others happy and this small gesture sure brightens some spirits.