Ultimate Cheerleaders


A pair of New York Lizards Dancers

By Sam Cooley
Ottawa Sun

With her elbows bent and her upper arms exactly parallel to the lobby floor, Evony Thompson demonstrated a perfect pushup … because nothing less is acceptable at the NFL level.

“You have to do 25 of them,” she said. “Non stop.”

Thompson, 23, is a native of Tennessee and is also the youngest and most physically fit member of the Tennessee Titans’ cheerleaders.


She and three members of the cheer squad flew to Ottawa to meet with local fans for a promotional party in the Byward Market during Thursday night’s game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Though she is the newest member of the team, Thompson has carved herself a place of respect among the other 26 cheerleaders.

“She is our team fitness champion, two years running,” said Stacie Kinder, the Titans’ cheerleading director.

Kinder said her husband, an Olympian, puts the team through gruelling physical training sessions to prepare them for four hours of marathon-like dance routines during National Football League games.

Before getting a shot to sign a one-year contract, the women must pass four out of five elements of a demanding fitness test.

Thompson easily destroyed the tests like an Ottawan eats a BeaverTail. (The Titans cheerleaders said they had neither heard about, nor consumed, any of Bytowne’s famous BeaverTails while in the capital.)

“There’s a lot of things I want to eat, but I can’t,” she said.

Similar to other members of the squad, past and present, Thompson is a university grad in psychology and communications. She also has a full-time career at Tesla Motors, where she works as a product specialist.

Her colleagues on the team hold down jobs in accounting, entertainment and the legal field, among other pursuits.

Thompson views her commitment to the Titans as a professional hobby that is separate from her day job.

She said she first got her start in the automotive world while in school; during the summers.

“…to pay for school in cash I would buy cars from auctions and resell them for three times as much,” she said.

What it took to pass this season’s cheerleader test:

25 perfect pushups;
25 V-ups (an abdominal exercise);
100 step-ups within two minutes;
A one-mile run within eight minutes;
12 repetitions of a 25-metre sprint.
Four of five conditions must be met, according to Kinder, otherwise you don’t make the cut


Carolyn at Philadelphia Soulmates Finals on Tuesday.


The new Soulmates squad makes its first appearance at Chickie’s & Pete’s at PARX Casino last night.


Julia and Theresa last night at Suulmates Final Auditions. Jewelry by Bernie Robbins Jewelers

From DenverBroncos.com


You’ve been a Denver Broncos Cheerleader for four seasons, what keeps you coming back?
Becoming a professional cheerleader in the U.S. was a goal that I had for a long time. I came to the U.S. all the way from Japan. Last year, I thought last year was going to be my last season but I realized that I could go back home to Japan anytime but being a Denver Broncos Cheerleader is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have grown so much as a dancer and as a person through being a part of this organization. I love cheering for the Broncos.

How does the audition process change from year to year?
I think the audition process gets more competitive every year. I was nervous at my first tryout because of the language barrier; I couldn’t speak English very well at the time. But this year I was nervous for different reasons. There are so many beautiful and talented dancers that come to audition and now I understand what my competitors are saying and they’re awesome. All of the girls inspire me in so many ways. I have learned so much from the audition process and getting to know all of the ladies.

What is a Broncos experience that you will never forget?
A Broncos experience that I will never forget happened during our trip to Hong Kong. A guard came up to me and asked me how she could become a cheerleader in the U.S. and she reminded me of myself when I was younger and living in Japan.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to work at the bakery when I was younger because I loved sweets. So when I was in college I got to work at the bakery and that was my first job.

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
I would take my iPod, yoga mat and sunscreen.

If you were a Broncos player, what position would you play?
I’m not very good at throwing or catching the ball so I would be a kicker.

What is your favorite holiday?
New Years.

What is your favorite Disney movie?

What is something you can’t live without?

What is your go-to meal to cook?

What is your favorite music genre?

What is your favorite vacation spot?

More photos from the Blast Cheerleaders home opener on the 7th









[Blast Cheerleaders Gallery]


Last night at the MVC Holiday Show. 6-year veteran Karen was named the Vikings 2016 Pro Bowl Cheerleader


MVC PB Alumni: Kim ,Erin ,Theresa Sarah ,KAREN, Peyton, Pam and Kaylee


Coach Tami with Karen and Tami’s daughter Dorianna



A Pair of Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders

Thanks to reader Steve for a few more photos of the Vikings Cheerleaders from the November 8th game.





[Steve’s MVC Gallery]