Ultimate Cheerleaders

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders

This photo is from the 2008 season. The sky opened up in a blinding storm right at quarter end. Most fans abandoned their seats, and it appeared to be just me and the cheerleaders left out in the rain. My philosophy has always been, if they stay and dance in the elements I’m staying to photograph. Not a bad shot for my simple point & shoot camera of those days. Captured four of my all-time favorites. Barbara-Rachel-Milly-Tiffany.

A Miami Dolphins Cheerleader

Dancer hopes her hard work pays off in efforts to become a member of the professional cheerleading team

By Hannah Johannes and Taylor Williams

When the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders take the field in the fall, a TCU student hopes to be among them.

Joining the squad is a longtime dream of Courtney Johnson, a first-year strategic communication major.

“I see DCC as a sisterhood of incredible, inspiring, poised leaders,” Johnson said. “Once I met some of the current cheerleaders, I became even more encouraged, and knew I wanted to be in their position.”

Johnson devotes more than 20 hours a week to dance, taking classes at TCU as well as taking private lessons with current DCC members.

Johnson has been training for the DCC auditions since August 2013, going from two to seven prep classes a week.

A typical day for Johnson starts with a 6 a.m. workout class at the University Recreation Center.

From there, Johnson works at the front desk of Sherley Hall, where she works on her homework assignments. After work, she attends classes until 5 p.m, and then immediately heads to dance practice.

Most of the time, Johnson drives to Dallas to train with current and alumnae DCC cheerleaders, choreographers and the technical coach, Kitty Carter. Johnson said she generally gets back to her dorm at either 1 or 2 a.m.

“I am so busy, and I love it.” Johnson said. “It makes my life so exciting.”

Along with dance practice, Johnson studies the history of the Dallas Cowboys by listening to podcasts on her walks to class. She also said that when she carpools to dance with friends, they have practice interview sessions.

The hopeful Dallas Cowboys cheerleader said she never stops dancing. When the Rec Center multipurpose rooms are closed, she uses the mirrors in the locker room. If that doesn’t work, she lines up mirrors in her room to practice.

Melinda McNatt, Johnson’s former coach of eight years and owner of Spirit of Tyler gym, said that Courtney is one of the hardest workers she’s ever worked with.

“She would be the first in the gym and the last to leave,” McNatt said.

Johnson said her ultimate goal is to become a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, but along the way she hopes to be an inspiration to others.

“I want other people to know that it feels incredible to pursue your dreams,” Johnson said.

Christen Lockett, a first-year pre-business major, describes Johnson as having “a beautiful spirit that shines through her dancing.”

Johnson said she wants to join other Horned Frogs who have ties to the Dallas Cowboys.

In 1961, TCU defensive tackle Bob Lilly was the Dallas Cowboys’ first draft choice, and the current DCC director is a TCU alumna. The DCC have also included former TCU Showgirls alumnae Kelsey Bond, Jordan Daigle and Emma Dutton in recent years.

“I used to dream about coming to TCU, training at the elite dance studios in Dallas, and auditioning for DCC,” Johnson said. “Now I have translated those dreams into goals.”

Auditions for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders will start May 10.

Watch a video of this report here.

A few folks have written in to give us a heads up about this story. Needless to say we’re quite aware of it. We’re not going to get into the all of the allegations. If you are interested in reading them, Google is your friend.

This month is our Tenth Anniversary and to celebrate we’re posting some of our all-time favorite photos.

Charlotte Lady Cats Jessica, Ashley and Kristy

NBA.com used to run a dance team bracket competition, and for the first couple of years the Miami Heat Dancers dominated. Then in 2010, the Charlotte LadyCats dethroned the champs with help from a hot photo of Lady Cays Jessica, Ashley and Jordin.

At the P-R-O Convention, I had the dancers recreate the photo with Kristy subbing for the absent Jordin.

See the original photo here.

From Sunday afternoon – Amanda of the Philadelphia Soulmates

This month is our Tenth Anniversary and to celebrate we’re posting some of our all-time favorite photos.

Natalie, BriAnna, Lana and Colleen


Another early Sunday morning photoshoot at the P-R-O Convention, this time with the Gotham City Cheerleaders on the sky bridge linking hotels in downtown Atlanta.

The AFL season started back in Mid-March, but due to the vagaries of the schedule, the Soul didn’t play their home opener until last weekend.

The 2014 Soulmates feature 6 veterans and 12 rookies

Captain Diana (right) with Co-Captain Maurisa

Captain Danielle (right) with Co-Captain Samantha

Rebecca models a Soul jersey that would be auctioned for charity

Former Soulmate Christina stopped by to wish her former teammates good luck.



[Soulmates Gallery]

[Philadelphia Soulmates]

This month is our Tenth Anniversary and to celebrate we’re posting some of our all-time favorite photos.

Marissa during the 2013 Pre-season.


Growing up in the Philadelphia-area, it was natural that the first pro cheerleaders I ever met were The Liberty Belles, as the Eagles Cheerleaders were known back in the late 70s and early 80s. So it was quite a treat when I started this blog to meet the Eagles Cheerleaders of the 21st Century. And over these past ten years, Marissa really stands out as one of my favorites. Beautiful smile, great dancer and lots of energy.