Ultimate Cheerleaders

Toronto Sun
November 19, 2012

The Toronto Argonauts will battle the Calgary Stampeders for the 100th Grey Cup on the field at the Rogers Centre on Sunday. On the the sidelines, it will be the Blue Thunder vs. the Outriders.

The cheerleading crews for both squads will be out in full force supporting their teams — and providing a distraction between plays — during the big game.

Who would win your vote to secure the Grey Cup if it were up to these ladies? The underdog, come-from-behind Blue Thunder or the red-hot Outriders? Does it matter? Let us know!

[Photo Gallery]

By Paul LaPann
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
November 21, 2012

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – A Parkersburg High School graduate is a member of the National Basketball Association’s most popular dance team.

Amber Tracewell is in her third year with the Charlotte Bobcats’ Lady Cats, who perform dance routines and interact with the fans during basketball games. The Lady Cats also have a philanthropic side as they visit children in hospitals and distribute food to the hungry as part of the Cats Care program.

Fans have selected the Lady Cats the top NBA dance team the past two years in online voting. Tracewell has two championship rings to show for her efforts.

“We hope to win this year for a third time,” Tracewell said.

The Bobcats did not fare as well as the Lady Cats on the basketball court last season – posting an all-time NBA worst record of 7 wins and 59 losses. But the team was 5-4 after Monday night’s win over the Milwaukee Bucks.

Even with all the losses on the basketball court, Tracewell said she enjoys being a member of the Lady Cats.

“The fans have been great,” she said.

Tracewell attended Williamstown schools before transferring to Parkersburg High her sophomore year. She was a member of the Red Wings dance team at Parkersburg High and participated on all-star cheerleading squads during this time.

After graduating from Parkersburg High in 1999, Tracewell was a cheerleader at West Virginia University for two years before a severe ankle injury cut short her college cheerleading career.

She received a degree in English/political science from WVU in 2003 and a master’s in public administration from West Virginia University in 2008.

Tracewell moved to Charlotte in 2008 after graduate school. For three years, she was the executive director of the Matthews Free Medical Clinic for low-income, uninsured people in North Carolina, a job she loved and found rewarding.

Tracewell said she plans to return to nonprofit work some day and enjoys public speaking.

As a Lady Cat, Tracewell has traveled to Milan, Italy, and Cancun, Mexico, to promote the NBA. The Bobcats’ “My Hero Gala” fundraiser in October supported the Presbyterian Hospital Community Care Cruiser and the Cats Care Foundation.

NBA legend Michael Jordan is the majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats.

The Lady Cats participate in Charlotte’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in March.

Tracewell is a fan of WVU and Williamstown High School football. Her brother Jake was quarterback for the Yellowjackets this season and brother Alan was a football standout at Williamstown High.

She attends WVU alumni events in Charlotte and enjoys living in the “Queen City.”

Tracewell said she “recruited” former Marshall University cheerleader Hali Eplin of Man to join the Lady Cats.

Amber is the daughter of Ken and Kim Tracewell of Williamstown and the late Paula Brace of Vienna.

I’ve posted some of these before, but I lost track and now I’m playing catch up.

Click here for week 8

Click here for week 9

Click here for week 10

Click here for week 11

Click here for week 10! (Ravens, Jaguars, Patriots, Panthers, Dolphins, Bengals, Saints, Bucs, Vikings, 49ers, and Eagles)

Click here for week 11! (49ers, Bills, Patriots, Chiefs, Redskins, Panthers, Raiders, Rams, and Falcons)

The Steelers fired up the Way-Back machine last month and took the field in the 80th anniversary bumblee jerseys. The jerseys, originally worn in 1934 were…let’s just call a spade a spade…they were ugly. Fugly, even. But if you ask me, that’s sort of the point of the whole thing. Why go vintage if you can’t gaze upon the jerseys in open-mouthed incredulity that people ever wore outfits like that for real? After all, if the vintage stuff was cool, they’d still be wearing it today.

It’s supposed to look crazy. At least this guy gets it. Isaac and I may be the only people who follow the mantra “if something is worth doing, it’s worth over doing.” Even if thousands and thousands of people will see you, your image will be captured for all time, and people you thought were friends will point and laugh.

Then again, Isaac sustained a concussion yesterday, so he might not be as into the stripes as he was before the game. Hey, feel better, big guy!

For me, the high point of the game was the throwback Steelerettes. Or at least it would have been, had the Steelerettes not been 86ed some forty years ago. I like to think that if the Steelerettes were still with us, they would get into the spirit of things. And maybe halftime would’ve gone a little bit like this:

(Actually those are unfortunate winter uniforms worn by the Redskinettes in 1983. They appeared for one season only, for reasons that are glaringly obvious.)

We usually don’t post items like this. (And by “like this” I mean salacious, negative and stupid.) However, I am making an exception in this case, since the dancer in question isn’t identified in the article. Let this be a reminder to all. In your personal life, you can do whatever you want. Shimmy and shake all night and day. Do you. But we all know accidents happen. So when you’re performing in front of thousands, please, for the love of God, get some double stick tape, some butt glue, a few safety pins, and whatever else you need to keep your girls locked down, m’kay?

Do you have any idea how long it will take to live this down? Months! Years! Decades, even!

“Wardrobe Malfunction” For Rocket Power Dancer
by Michael WIlliams
SportsRadio 610
November 8, 2012

For those who have been to a Rockets game this season, you have probably noticed the massive new 25-by-58-feet scoreboard that was installed during the off season.

You also probably noticed that it gave you a clear view of whoever the camera was focused on at the time. You probably enjoyed the lifelike display. If you were at Wednesday night’s match up against the Nuggets, however, I imagine that you REALLY like it’s lifelike display.

During a performance by the nearly world famous Rocket Power Dancers in a timeout in the second quarter, one of the dancers “Reggie Millered” out of her top while the camera was on a tight close up of her.

The in-house video director was sharp enough to get the image off of the screen with in a second of the flop, but not before half of Toyota Center got the best show of the night.

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I just came across this article, and it gave me pause. Why is an Indian news portal interested in the Mavs Dancer’s costumes? Is this big news? Someone must be watching very carefully to know that the dresses are new this year. Why single out the Mavs dancers? Dance teams get new costumes every year. This silver dress the writer refers to is very similar to a blue dress the Mavs Dancers wear. Was the blue dress news in India when it was first introduced? And if people in India are offended by “skimpy” outfits worn by dance team halfway around the world, why report on it?

So many questions. So few answers.

I do, however enjoy the fact that he refers to their performances as “daring and athletic” ~Sasha

US basketball club cheerleaders debut skimpier outfits
08 Nov 2012

London, Nov. 8 (ANI): US basketball club Dallas Mavericks’ cheerleading team took to the playing arena for the half-time show, wearing short, white spandex dresses with cut-out panels, it has been revealed.

Although skimpy dresses are run-of-the-mill for women performing the daring and athletic routines at professional sports games, the briefness of the cheerleaders new ensemble could raise some eyebrows.

The outfits have brought the Mavericks at par with another bunch of cheerleaders in the same Texas city – the Dallas Cowboys’ dancers, who are known for the briefness of their hemline, the Daily Mail reported.

But despite the Mavericks’ prominent public profiles – up to 16,000 fans have been known to attend games at their home stadium in Texas – the financial reward is somewhat lacking as they are paid a flat rate per performance.

Most of the club’s dancers – a commitment which can involve three practices and three games a week – are employed in other careers.

The cheerleaders are professional dancers, elementary school teachers, radiologists and sales girls. (ANI)