Ultimate Cheerleaders

Here’s an interesting opportunity offered by LivingSocial.com. If I was in Dallas I would totally do this! ~sasha

Shadow the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders for a Game
Cowboys Stadium • Arlington, TX
December 16

[Click here to book it!]

What you get:

  • Shadow the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!
  • Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity
  • Team Meet and Greet
  • Field Access for Rehearsal
  • Cowboys Stadium Parking Lot Pass

Widely considered to be the most renowned cheerleading squad in professional sports, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have been dazzling fans for more than 30 years — and here’s your chance to be a part of the experience for a day. For $750 (regularly $4,000), you’ll shadow “America’s Sweethearts” on December 16 as they gear up to help lead the Cowboys to victory against Pittsburgh. Head to Cowboys Stadium the morning of the game — a parking pass and party pass ticket are included — where you’ll be escorted to the locker room for an initial meet and greet before heading out onto the field to watch rehearsal. Your personal guide for this unforgettable afternoon will be Brooke Wicker Alexander, a former Cowboys Cheerleader who’ll share her insider perspective of what it’s like to be a member of the storied squad. Once it’s kickoff time, you’ll enjoy field-level club access for the entire game. A once-in-a-lifetime experience at 81% off? Now that’s worth cheering about.

Need to know:
Shadowing begins: 10:30 a.m.
Kick-off: 3:25 p.m.
Valid for 18+

By Stefanie Carrier
Orlando Magic
October 31, 2012

ORLANDO — The 2012-13 Orlando Magic Dancers are a group of talented and successful women. While some are in college, others like Tiffany, a rookie on the squad, have already begun to pursue their career passions. Tiffany is the founder of Miss Fanatic, a sports-inspired apparel brand that blurs the line between fashion and sports. Her clothing line includes a variety of fashionable items from swimwear to sundresses that allow women to flaunt their team’s colors in style.

The idea for the clothing brand Miss Fanatic came to be while Tiffany was an NFL Cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins and in fashion school at the same time.

“My coach at the time had asked me to help create a few fun pieces for a fashion show we had coming up,” Tiffany said. “I created sports-inspired looks, some of which included cutting up numerous footballs and creating a bikini, as well as jersey-inspired pieces and another using actual astro turf.”

Needless to say, the looks were a hit and people started contacting Tiffany to buy their own versions of the looks she created for the team.

“This really made me take another look at the market, as well as the opportunity there could possibly be in this industry. That blossomed my idea of the Miss Fanatic Brand you see today.”

After graduating from college, Tiffany took her idea to the next level and began marketing and selling her pieces under its current name “Miss Fanatic.” There was a lot of time and research that went into the production of the pieces, and she took her time to examine the market and be sure that her brand would be perceived the way she envisioned.

“I learned a lot my first year,” Tiffany said. “I had to learn how to develop a line that would be universal to all different women with different style, taste and silhouettes.”

But with an amazing eye for fashion, a budding business and reliable manufacturers, Tiffany’s Miss Fanatic clothing line has seen nothing but growth. Miss Fanatic is offering their collection to over 150 universities across the country and has recently started branching out into the NBA. The Orlando Magic Team Shop even currently carries a few pieces from the Miss Fanatic collection.

“We are currently selling two swimsuits styles, two legging styles and a cute Polo Dress. We will be also delivering a tank dress, game-day jersey and fun novelty glasses in the next two weeks.”

While owning her own company is a big venture, it also gives Tiffany the flexibility to really focus on another one of her passions, which is dancing for the Orlando Magic.

“Dancing is my first passion and fashion my second,” Tiffany said, “so being able to say I can do both is truly a blessing!”

Tiffany hopes that Miss Fanatic will triple in size in the near future and be able to add the NFL, MLB and NHL licenses to the brand. However, Tiffany’s goals are not just for the clothing company to grow; she also hopes to use the brand to inspire young women.

“I hope to be able to inspire other young women to follow their dreams as I have,” Tiffany said, “and show them that everything is attainable as long as you’re willing to work hard to reach your goals!”

I randomly came across this gallery today. Great photos from last year! [Click here]

Everyone wants to be you.

Happy Halloween!

Raise your hand if you ever dressed up like a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader for Halloween! I’ll admit I did it. (Not for long, though. My mother put a stop to it when she saw me running around with the hem of my blue t-shirt pulled through the collar so my tummy would show “just like the real cheerleaders.” I think I was 8 or 9 at the time.) I also remember being very disappointed in my pom poms. I had a blue one and a white one. They were kind of limp, and nothing at all like the real thing. And I didn’t have boots. I really wanted the boots. But my mom was a firm believer that the only white shoes kids should have are sneakers. (Scuff marks, don’tcha know.) But I digress…

I am 100% convinced that you could go to any state in this great country of ours and find somebody, somewhere, in a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader costume. (And you will also find someone else taking a picture of it to post on Facebook.)

Often imitated, never equaled.


That’s a 12k run. Can those “boots” go the distance?

Is this the “show group” on tour overseas?

Showing up to a game dressed like a DCC. That’s one way to get attention.

What’s with the shiny fabric on these outfits?

The belt was clearly a last minute decision.

Why the chair?

This one is Hooters girl at work. No, really.

This is Jennifer Gareis, a soap star (Young & the Restless, Bold & the Beautiful)

This is Caprice Bourret, American model who has her own line of clothing, “By Caprice Lingerie”

Is it me or do Jennifer and Caprice look an awful lot alike?

This is way better than the costume I had

“I have to do jump splits?”

Ok, she’s just stinkin’ adorable

Perhaps the DCC should explore the idea of a dress instead of shorts.

This one’s getting shipped right to Dallas.

The hat is a nice touch, kid

Cue the drag queens!

(Showing your ta-tas is the only way to get noticed when you are with these two fellas.)

He said it was “hazing.” Riiiiiight.

I get the feeling this guy does this for a living

Dee Snider as a DCC?

Like you didn’t see this coming

I’m glad the real DCC outfits don’t have a giant hole in the backside. Brrrrr – drafty!

Here’s a switch: a real DCC in a fake DCC outfit. Pennie Booker was a DCC from 1994 to 1999.
I think this photo was for the sales catalog. She didn’t actually were this trick or treating.
Or at least I hope she didn’t. That would be weird.

Jena, a 4th year Titans Cheerleader courageously stepped forward and owned up to wearing the Big Bird costume. Only it isn’t Big Bird, it’s a duck. (And if you think about it, of course. Everyone knows you can’t be Big Bird without striped orange and pink tights. Duh.)

The costume was Jena’s idea, and her teammate Jalanda brought it to life. * (We’ve mentioned Jalanda before. She created the swimsuits for the team calendar cover this year. Even without that, Jalonda is already a rock star for the totally rad Elvis costume she wore last year. Believe me, you saw it. Her photo was everywhere.)

* Several people have contacted me to remind me about a similar costume worn by Athena from the New England Patriots Cheerleaders last year [check it out]. I have inadvertently stirred up a little bit of controversy because Athena’s costume last year was created by teammate Stephanie S’s mom, and those girls in New England are fiercely loyal. (Stephanie’s mom has made a variety of costumes for the NEPC, including the adorable Cookie Monster costume Stephanie wore this year.)

It comes down to this: I should have worded this article a little better. I should have written that Jena described what she wanted, and Jalanda made it for her. Period. None of the Titans Cheerleaders had ever worn a duck costume to a game, and they thought it was a cute idea. I should have left it at that. (But if you’ve been around here for a while, you might have noticed my tendency to go on and on about things. Sort of like I’m doing right now.) Jena did not, I repeat, did not tell me that the costume was an extra special super duper original idea that no one has ever had before. Neither Jena nor Jalanda took credit for the original design. There was no intent to “steal” the idea and pass it off as their own. Basically this is all my fault. (I hate when that happens.) So, my apologies to both sides.

I’d like to say I’ll never do it again, but unfortunately, I have knack for this kind of screw up. It’s a personal flaw. Kind of like kleptomania.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

But back to Jena, she did the footwear herself, sacrificing a pair of her beloved cowboy boots for the cause. A can of spray paint, a handful of sparkles, a few hours of her time, and voila: Duck feet! This costume definitely gets two snaps up.

Side note: I would also like to point out that Jena was the only one wearing a visor as part of her costume. Whether she did that on purpose or realized it after the fact, she was the only cheerleader who wasn’t squinting into the Sun that afternoon. Bonus!

You can’t just slap on some feathers and head out the door. This kind of thing takes preparation.

Jena with Brintley (dressed as Sweet Pea from the movie Sucker Punch)

Jena and Stephanie B are roomies.
Jena is very tall. Or Stephanie is very small (but mighty) Or both. I haven’t figured out which.

Or D: None of the above. Jena is kinda tall. Stephanie is kinda short. Tandra is somewhere in the middle. Yar Matey!

Jena dressed as Wonder Woman for Halloween in 2010 and 2011. This year, she passed the costume on to Heather, one of this year’s rookies. Sharing is caring!

Jalanda is Johnny Cash this year. It took her a week to paint the flames on those boots. Meanwhile, I still haven’t figured out how she makes her hair do that. There has got to be something under there. Styrofoam? Paper mache? Some kind of scaffolding?

Jena’s line. Just so you know, the Jack o’ Lantern (Stephanie A) is the one in charge.

Game on, sports fans! Sports Illustrated has fired up the NBA dance team galleries for 2012. Click here to check out the preseason action!

Click here to check out this year’s edition of the SKD!

The newly minted Cleveland Spirit Cheerleaders made their debut today while the Cleveland Browns beat the San Diego Chargers. It looks like the ladies were in good cheer despite the rainy conditions and I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of them. Hopefully the Browns will be a little kinder to these ladies than the Lions are to the Detroit Pride Cheerleaders. Click here to check out the Cleveland Spirit’s debut performance. Hey, if you have to wear brown, you might as well work it.

[Check out the Cleveland Spirit Cheerleaders on Facebook]

Step aside Gangnam Style, the Checkers are kickin’ it old school. A few of the guys on the Charlotte Checkers hockey team (AHL) go together with a few of the Checkmates to rock the mic like a vandal.

Fun times with the Patriots, Titans, and 49ers cheerleaders. Click here

Big Bird and Cookie Monster? These are sooooo my kind of people! Orange cowboy boots, for pete’s sake. I have to find out who that is, because She. Rules.