Ultimate Cheerleaders

The Texans announced their 2012 dance team last night. Click here to see photos of the ladies who made the cut!

[watch the video]

I’ve decided to make this a three-parter. I will be posting the photos over the next couple of days, so as not to overwhelm you with too many photos at once.

A few things you need to know before we get started: This first batch includes the ladies whose names start with the letter “A”, as well as some miscellaneous photos. There are also a few girls whose names I don’t know. (I know many of the dancers, or am at least familiar with them, so most of the names are right. A few are guesses, based on what I thought I heard during the intros. My apologies for any names I got wrong or spelled incorrectly.)

The auditions followed the usual format. For the first phase of auditions, the dancers came out in groups of three. They introduced themselves to the judges by name and number, and then performed the choreographed audition routine. These are the photos where the dancers have poms. In the second phase of auditions, the dancers lined up by number, and then stepped out individually to perform solos that show their unique style, skills, charisma, showmanship, etc.. Those are the photos where you see all kinds of leaps, turns, tumbling, and floor work. No poms in those photos.

Also, I’m sad to say, this year I don’t have many group photos. I usually get most of those after the dancing is finished and the girls are waiting for the judges to deliberate. Unfortunately this year I was asked to leave after the solos. (Nothing personal, I’m sure. The media were asked to leave – probably so they wouldn’t spoil the next day’s announcement, and I was sitting right there, so I was asked to leave, too.) I’m really sad that I didn’t get any photos after the team was announced. It’s really fun to capture that moment of joy for the new team. But there’s always next year, and hopefully they’ll let me stay next time around 🙂

Now, on to the photos. The full gallery is posted on my flickr page [click here]. As I said, I’ll be adding more photos over the next couple of days. I’ll be sure to post a heads-up here so you know when to go look for the new stuff.

Ok, let’s do this.

First up, we have number 141. File this one under “Name Unknown.” Her name sounded like Daneen. Like “Janeen” with a “D”, but I could be making that up. I know this is kind of a weird photo, but her hair looks cool.

I have no idea who this is. Tawnie was 511, the highest number in the group. So when she finished, I turned my camera off. Then this girl, number 349, danced out on the floor to do her solo. She must’ve shown up late because I swear this was the first time I’d seen her that evening. I can only guess that something awful must’ve happened to make her miss the first half of the audition. Lawdy, what an awful feeling. You’re over an hour late. Now you have a choice to make. Show up late and look like a flake? Or blow off the whole thing entirely? I guess, if you ever want to audition for the Charger Girls again, you show up late and hopefully with a damn good excuse. I felt for her.

Really sweet girl with a Japanese name I did not catch at all, and I really tried! That’s what I get for taking Spanish instead of Japanese.

Another one – no clue what her name is. I have her on video (twice!) saying her name. Still no idea what it is.

I wanted everyone up and down the hall to wave, so I had to kind of make a jackass out of myself for this one. “YOOHOO! HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK OVER HERE!”
Won’t try this one again.

The more I look at this, the more my neck hurts.

This here is Alexa. She was a New England Patriots Cheerleader last year. She’s some sort of legacy. I know squat about NFL history, but I gather her dad played for both the Patriots and the Chargers. This is a big deal in some circles.


The first of four Alexises. (Alexi?)

This Alexis was a rookie Charger Girl last year

Alexis #3

Alexis #4.

It’s a good thing I can’t do this move, because I’d want to do it all of the time. I’d be all “Hi, I’m Sasha. POW!” and I’d throw my leg up in the air. It would probably get annoying.

This is Allison, the girl I liked, but she didn’t make the team and I hope she tries out again next year.

I’ve never met an Allizon with a “Z” before. Allizzzzzzon.

YES! Amanda is back after a year off.

This little lady is Amber.

I wonder why they made Andrea change her top? She was wearing blue at prelims. I thought it was pretty cute. This pink deal is a little more va-va-va-voom.

I guess I just answered my own question, didn’t I?

Angela was a rookie last year. I don’t know why, but I have almost no photos of her from prelims. How did I not know how cute she is? (She probably hates it when people call her cute, but she just IS. Sorry.)

Interesting thing about Anjelica (besides the fact that she spells it with a “J”): She pronounces it UnJELLica, not ANNjelica. 7UP is the UNcola. She is the UNjelica.

The girls on the team refer to her as “Jelly,” which is ok only because she isn’t chubby.

This is Ari. Rhymes with berry. Fairy. Hairy. Merry. Scary. Wary.
I’m out of rhymes.

Exhibit A: if you want to be on the team, THIS is how you must work it.

Ashley #1. Another not-great photo that I thought was kind of cool anyway.

Ashley #2

There were six redheads in the finals this year. Three of them returning veterans.

This here is Audrey.

Stay tuned for the letter “B” tomorrow!

CBS Miami: The new Miami Marlins Energy Team is touted as the most talented and spirited dancers, gymnasts, cheerleaders and break dancers in South Florida.

Here are Carin and Adriana smiling after a great performance.

The high-energy squad features a unique mix of gymnastics, hip-hop, acrobatics, modern jazz, flags and break dancing.

The Miami Marlins Energy Team includes both male and female performers.

They provide excitement and entertainment during all Miami Marlins home games.

The squad also represents the Marlins organization at various community events throughout the year.

They are the only co-ed performance pep squad team in Major League Baseball.

Not only do they perform on the field, they perform on the dugouts, and even in the stands of the ballpark! Here they are during the 7th inning stretch.

Here are Ashely, Danny, and Marlon tossing Danielle high into the air for a so-called “basket toss” during 7th inning stretch.

Now, Ashely, Danny, and Marlon get ready to catch Danielle on her way down.

Down she comes, safely into the the arms of Danny and Marlon.

Here’s Ashely revving up the crowd during a Marlins T-shirt toss.

Here’s the squad getting ready for another T-shirt toss. The crowd goes wild for these.

One lucky Marlins fan gets to hang out, just for a moment, with the Energy team on a dugout. Lucky kid!

By Martin Ricard
San Bruno Patch

Courtney Chin has always wanted to be a professional cheerleader since she was a young girl.

Now, the San Bruno native has finally reached that goal, being selected as a Raiderette in April for the 2012 NFL season.

Chin competed in a weeklong audition and interviews in a pool of 300 women. The finalists were narrowed down to 125 people. From those finalists, only 40 were chosen to be a part of the elite cheerleading squad for the Oakland Raiders.

“It was a really big deal for me because the audition was a weeklong…and you’re all doing the dance routines. Then the judges deliberate for an hour or two, and all 125 girls are sitting in one room. Then they start reading off the names,” said Chin, 22.

“The feeling you get when your name is called is unexplainable,” she added. “I was so happy, I was crying.”

Chin said her journey has been a long one.

She has had a dream of being a National Football League cheerleader since she was in middle school, and she stuck with it throughout the years.

She was a cheerleader when she was a student at Capuchino High. The team’s coach, Asha Elmore, has been a Raiderette and a cheerleader for the San Francisco 49ers, and she was Chin’s big inspiration.

At Skyline College, she founded the school’s dance squad.

Then she went on to become a cheerleader for the semi-pro Pacifica Islanders football team.

The fact that she now is living her dream is still sinking in.

She said there is a lot of pressure because she will be performing on a much bigger stage now.

“Every time you’re at practice, you have to give it 110 percent,” Chin said. “You’re either always on point or you’re not.”

But she’s always been ready for the challenge.

What’s more, she has the support of her family members, who have always been her No. 1 fans. Her dad is really proud of her, she said, because he grew up in Oakland and has been a lifelong Raiders fan.

I look forward to Charger Girl auditions every year. It’s one of the most fun things I get to do as part of this blog. Now, I realize the auditions are long over and every knows who made the team. So these photos are a little late. There are two reasons for that.

(1) I have yet to figure out how that frikkin yellow floor turns all of my photos yellow. But it takes forever to fix them.

(2) Charger Girl auditions are on a Sunday, so I don’t get to sit down to look at my photos until after work on Monday. Usually I open the folder, see how how many photos there are, and then close the folder and walk away, thinking there’s no way I’m going to be able to go through all those photos before finals. Even if I didn’t have a day job, there’s just no way. 5,000 photos. What was I thinking?

(3) I know said there were only two reasons, but I feel it’s only fair to add that I was horribly unwell last week, and spent most of the time in a Ny-Quil induced haze. (Some people call it “a cold.” Personally, I believe I was on the verge of death.)

So it took me a while, but I’ve narrowed it down to a couple hundred of the best. Click here to go to the gallery.

There was a buzz this year because only 13 veterans from 2012 were auditioning this year. While it’s a bummer to see so many veterans leave, that means a whole lotta room for newbies.

The 2011 returners
Top rowz: Starkesha, Kara, Anjelica, Katelyn, Ariel, Clarisse, Angela
Bottom row: Natalie, Lauren P, Lauren O, Tawnie, Alexis, Marissa

Alexis came back with red hair and literally had no idea who she was. (Last year she was blonde.)When I had all the veterans get together for a photo, there she was, right there in front. But Marissa was right there to her left and I figure she and I are good enough friends that she would tell me if this red-haired chick was an imposter. (Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time. Remember that flaky Salahi chick who crashed the White House dinner because she wanted to be on “Real Housewives of DC?” She used to show up at Redskins Cheerleader events and pretend she was an alum. What a nutball.)

Meanwhile, WOW. Alexis looks fan-freakin-tastic with that hair.

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, she looks completely stunning. On the other hand, that color is going to be a royal biatch to maintain (pardon my French.) And on the other other hand that means we’ve got THREE red haired veterans. Is that allowed? Hopefully this means Lauren P will get a break this year and can go back to her regular hair color.

CG Alumni Jessie, Ashley, Michelle, and Vanessa
As usual, there was a group of former Charger Girls on hand to help Lizzy (also a former Charger Girl) teach the audition routine.


The day started off with the usual warmups…

…and then Lizzy started teaching the dance. The music was Chris Brown’s “Turn Up the Music.”

Once the dancing starts, that’s my chance to get a good look at all of the dancers.

It’s so weird to me that some people will go to great lengths just to get a little attention. Then again, I’m an introvert, so it’s not like I can relate. This lady got on tv, which I guess is all she wanted. So: mission accomplished.

I spotted Amanda and Kylie from the 2010 team. They both came back better than ever, so there was little doubt they’d be back on the team this year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to get into their business and find out where they’ve been for the past year.

There were also a few alumni from other teams:

Former Laker Girls Erica and Michelle

Alexa from New England Patriots, Jenna from the Mavs, and Jacqueline from LA Clippers

ChivaGirls Brittney, Emi, and Mika

There were lots of newbies in fighting form.

Trisha here, had a baby 6 months ago. (Or maybe it’s Tricia. I forgot to ask how she spells it.)

This is my friend Merria who I feel should have made it to finals, because she looked great and worked her tail off for months, but whatEVER. Even though I feel she was robbed, I’m not bitter. (Anymore)

This here is Allison. I don’t know her, but I liked her a lot. I really wanted to see her on the team this year, dangit! I thought for sure she had it this time around.

I liked this girl a lot too. Brianna is her name. I think.

Lots of flexibility on display

Adorable girl from Japan. I heard her say her name, but my understanding of Japanese is severly limited, so I have no idea what she said.

Sisters Angela and Alexis. First time I’ve seen them dressed exactly alike. Took a few minutes to sort them out.

Chelsea rocking the boots

If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to be on a pro dance team, it would be “For Pete’s sake, don’t get a tattoo!” They always show. Even if the makeup is perfect and the tattoo is invisible to the naked eye, these things have a way of showing up in photos.

This here is Andrea. I’ve seen her at these auditions a few times. I always remember that cute top. It’s about time they put her on the team. Congrats!

I noticed this girl straight away, because of her curly hair. This here is Meridith, and she did wound up making the team. But I’ll bet you anything this is the last time you see her like this. They’re never going to let her keep those curls. (I would like to go on record as objecting to this, on behalf of curly haired girls everywhere.)

The 2011s of course were looking great.

Anjelica with the flaming Tori Amos hair.

Loves me some Ariel. I don’t know how she drives from LA to San Diego three times a week for Chargers. I only had to do the commute twice, and I was over it after the first time.

I want so very badly to ask if Clarisse still hears the lambs, but I’m holding it in.

Kara always looks like she’s having a blast when she’s dancing.


Lauren O. always wears matching cuffs. I believe they are the source of her magical powers.

The ladies in Green: Lauren P. and Tawnie

Marissa is fixin to get hitched in a couple of months.

Starkesha works it out

I think 2012 will be Natalie’s 4th or 5th year as a Charger Girl. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that makes her the most senior vet on the team now.

Check out the rest of the photos here. Photos from finals will come later this week.

EVHS senior takes a run at being a Broncos cheerleader
By Randy Wyrick
Vail Daily

DENVER, Colorado — Hayley Beard strutted onto center stage April 15 and looked like she was born to be there — which, of course, she was.

Beard was one of more than 300 women to take a shot at being a Denver Broncos cheerleader and was one of the few to make it through to the finals.

She’s an 18-year-old Eagle Valley High School senior — one of only two high school students who tried out — and a member of the Devils dance team. She was one of the last cuts, but she had a great time trying.

No. 91 in your program, No. 1 in your heart.

“I was surprised that I got that far,” Beard said. “I did it for the experience, and I wanted to have fun.”

She got both.

“There was part of me that was a little let down, but I was honored to have made it through to the finals,” she said.

Beard is headed to Austin Peay University in Tennessee and was down there to try out for the school’s dance team. She made it.

She flew back from Tennessee to Denver, and the Broncos tryouts were the next day.

Well, why not? she decided. And so she did.

“The worst that could have happened was that I wouldn’t make the first cut,” she said.

More than 300 women showed up that first day. Most went home and weren’t invited back, but Beard was.

They were put through a weeklong series of interviews, the Broncos staff checked their backgrounds, including their Facebook pages, looking for anything negative or compromising.

They took a football test. You’ll be glad to know that Beard, the beloved offspring of Eagle Valley assistant football coach Ron Beard, passed with flying colors.

That got her through to the finals.

The 500-seat theater was packed with rowdy fans waving signs and blowing noisemakers, supporting their favorite dancers.

They performed in groups of three and then a solo and then all together for a kick routine like the Rockettes.

“Dancing next to them, I learned how good these people are and what a classy organization the Broncos are,” Beard said. “They were helpful at every turn. I’ve always been a Broncos fan, but now I admire them on a much higher level.”

Hundreds Audition for 2012 Cheerleaders
Jay Adams
April 29, 2012

More than 200 of Atlanta’s best and most beautiful ladies turned out for the preliminary rounds of the 2012 Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders auditions Sunday morning.

Facing two rounds of cuts, about 270 ladies learned a portion of a routine and then performed in groups of six in front of a panel of judges, including the AJC’s D. Orlando Ledbetter and 790 The Zone’s John Michaels. Oh, and me.

The large group was reduced by about half before learning more of the routine and stepping in front of the judges once again. The semi-finalists either became finalists or were left looking ahead to next year’s auditions.

The 65 finalists chosen from Sunday’s auditions will join Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders veterans for final auditions Thursday night. Cheerleaders who were with the team last year and plan on returning automatically get a bye into the final auditions.

AtlantaFalcons.com will have live streaming coverage of the finals Thursday night. Check back during the week for more details.

For now, here’s a photo gallery from today’s auditions.
(Note: only the first 3 pages are from this year’s auditions. The rest of it is photos from last year’s tryouts)

Click here to check out some photos on Flickr.

Click here to watch the video, and don’t forget, the finals will be broadcast online at 5pm (PST) on Sunday!

Chinese airport uses cheerleaders to soothe stranded passengers

While some Chinese travelers storm the tarmac when flights get delayed, others might wish their flights never take off — assuming they’re flying from the northeast China city of Dalian.

To entertain waiting passengers, Dalian International Airport recently recruited a squad of cheerleaders to perform kicks, jumps and splits in the airport’s main hall.

During massive fog-related delays in Dalian last week, the cheerleaders’ pom-pom routines “soothed emotion and alleviated fatigue” for more than 5,000 stranded flyers, according to the Dalian Evening News.

The cheerleading show is part of the airport’s effort to “bring more convenience to passengers in the summer-autumn air season,” said Zhen Qun (郑群), an airport official.

It’s also a way for the Dalian airport to “demonstrate spirit and shoulder social responsibility,” according to an airport press release.

The airport has launched a series of other innovative services, including free physical checkups and instant weather and flight updates by text message.

Zhen did not discuss the daily schedule of cheerleader shows, but the airport has staged at least one performance every day in the past week, each lasting two to three hours, with breaks.

“The cheerleaders are enrolled in different colleges in Dalian. We hire them on a work-for-study program,” added Zhen. “The performance is free of charge for passengers.”

That’s good, because we’re not sure we’d pay to see them, anyway.

Dalian International Airport (website in simplified Chinese) is the biggest airport in northeastern China and the fourth busiest in China (by international passengers). The hub handled more than 12 million passengers in 2011.

Amid a current boom in aviation in China, flight delays are becoming a major sticking point for travelers in the country.

Poor weather, restricted military airspace and logistical issues regularly play havoc with airline schedules.

Statistics from the Civil Aviation Administration of China had almost one in four flights suffering delays last year. However, that only measures the time a plane’s doors are closed, not when the aircraft actually took off.