Ultimate Cheerleaders

The Oakland Raiders have posted their first Raiderette action photos of the season. Click here to check it out!

Minnesota Timberwolves: With the lights down low and the suspense at an all-time high, the audience waited anxiously as Timberwolves Dancers head coach Natalie Alvarado took to the stage at Treasure Island on Tuesday night to announce the members of the 2011-12 Timberwolves Dancers. Emotions ran wild as Alvarado called out the names one by one of the dancers who made the final cut. Tears of joy and congratulatory hugs filled the stage as the 12 new teammates stood together for the first time in front of all their family and friends.

Now, rewind to the beginning of July to fully understand the moment of happiness and relief the new Dancers felt as they learned their hard work had paid off. The whirlwind road to the Final Auditions started in the beginning of July with Dancer Audition Prep Classes, then Open Auditions, followed by a rigorous week of preparation for the Selection Show and finally the big night at Treasure Island. Head coach Alvarado took a moment following the naming of the 2011-12 Dancers to talk about her experience assembling her first professional NBA dance team.

[watch the video]

[photo gallery]

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Natalie Alvarado
Timberwolves Dancers Head Coach

The 2011-12 Timberwolves Dancers have finally been chosen! After Open Auditions on August 1 at the Graves | 601 Hotel, 19 dancers were chosen to move forward to the final Timberwolves Dancers Selection Show. The week prior to the show the finalists went through rehearsals, personal one-on-one interviews and an intense workout with the Timberwolves Dancers trainers, before finding themselves on stage for the final round of auditions at Treasure Island Casino on Tuesday, August 9.

It was an honor working with all 19 finalists! They were a great group of young women with so much passion and drive, but as we all know, there comes a time in the process when decisions have to be made, and this year myself along with a panel of guest judges deliberated on the final roster for over an hour. We decided this year’s team would consist of 12 strong performers who are passionate, intelligent, beautiful and hard working young women. I am beyond excited to begin working with the new team. Joining the Dancers we have five returning veterans and seven rookies. Their talents, image and personalities, along with their level of dance and performance is inspiring and I just can’t wait for the fans to see them represent the Timberwolves at games and in the community!

For the 12 dancers that were chosen their dream of becoming a professional dancer, better yet, a Timberwolves Dancer has finally come true! The talent that showed up at Dancers Auditions was stupendous and so strong this year. The girls should be very proud of themselves for accomplishing this goal, and the finalists who weren’t selected should be proud for making it as far as they did in the audition process! The new members of the Timberwolves Dancers should know they definitely earned their spots on the team.

It was a great feeling to know that each new member of the Dancers attended all or a majority of the Audition Prep Classes in July. That told me these girls wanted it, they wanted to know the key details, my style of coaching and choreography and every bit of information they could soak up to better their chances at Dancers Auditions. Even the returning vets had to step it up and prove themselves at prep classes, because the competition was TOUGH! This shows that the prep classes can really play a big role in preparation for auditions.

Seeing the hard work and dedication from 19 finalists in the week following Open Auditions made the process much harder for me – I had no clue who would make the team! It was neck and neck among the girls and going into the Selection Show it was anyone’s game. During the deliberation process it was finalized that 12 girls would make up the 2011-12 team and I felt so sure about it. I knew it, this was my team – I was so happy and my heart was satisfied!

At the Selection Show all of the finalists had the support of friends and family who drove miles to watch them give it all they had for one last time on that stage at Treasure Island, and that support will continue. Announcing those final names and numbers Tuesday night was incredible. I felt for the other girls whose numbers were not called, but to be able to see the faces of the new team members, my 12 girls, was priceless. It was meant to be – their moment, their time! I for sure know I’ll see the other girls returning next year for the second shot at becoming a Timberwolves Dancer. Although they didn’t make it this year I know they won’t give up and they’ll be back. For the new team of Dancers the night of Tuesday, August 9 is one they will never forget and neither will I! They realize that their lives are about to change and now the hard work begins.

Now that the Selection Show is over all 12 girls are ready to work! There’s nothing like seeing your daughter, granddaughter, girlfriend, friend or family member dance out there on that court representing one of the best basketball teams in the league. The Timberwolves Dancers are headed to the top and each girl has what it takes to get to that national level, which is a highly recognized elite group of NBA dancers!

Get ready fans, the Timberwolves Dancers are coming full force with a new dance style, a new look and 12 talented dancers with heart and passion! We’ll see you at the Target Center!”

The show benefits the Miami Dolphins Foundation
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Time: 9:30 PM – 2:30 AM
Your $30 Donation includes: admission for one and one free drink ticket.

Open Call


Final Audition

Sports Illustrated has a new gallery of photos of this year’s AFL Dream Team. arena Football cheerleaders/dance teams are a rare sight on SI.com, so this is a treat. Click here to go there now!

The judges have narrowed the field of candidates down to 30. Unfortunately, there are only 18 spots on the team. Now is your opportunity to vote for the finalists you want to see on the team! Click here to cast your vote.

Auditions for the 2011-12 Utah Jazz Dancers kicked off over the weekend. Click here to check out photos from the first day of tryouts.

I sure would like to know why that one girl has a camera on her head…

My favorite newbies: Anncell, Jacquelyn, Jenn, Linette, and Teresa

Janis Carr
OC Register
August 12, 2011

[Individual Photos]

Last month, nearly 500 women woke up early, tugged on their dance clothes and headed to the Lakers’ facility in hopes of fulfilling their dreams of becoming a Laker Girl.

Twenty-two women realized their dreams and will be dancing nightly in front of sold out crowds at Lakers games – that is, if the 2011-12 NBA season gets underway.

Regardless, the new Laker Girls still will be making appearances around Southern California, giving Lakers fans a chance to see them up close.

Here’s a glimpse of the 2011-12 squad. There a few recognizable faces.

Warning: the theme song with stay will you long after the video is over.