Ultimate Cheerleaders

The ladies who are moving on the the next phase of auditions for the dance team and ambassador squad have been listed on the Jills website. Click here to see who is still in the running!

Note to self: Find out why some of them are dressed alike in pairs.

Apr 15, 2011

The 115 finalists for the 2011 edition of the Oakland Raiderettes took part in two dance rehearsals this week to prepare for the final auditions on Sunday. The participants learned a dance routine from the choreographers on Tuesday and practiced the moves on Thursday.

The ladies will audition for a spot on the 2011 squad by interviewing with the panel of judges and performing the routine they learned during the rehearsals. By the end of the day, the judges will have selected the roster for Football’s Fabulous Females.

[Check out the photo gallery from the Raiderette audition rehearsals.]

The New York Jets website has photos from this year’s Preliminary Auditions for the Flight Crew. Click here to check them out!

The Atlanta Hawks Dance Team is featured this week on the Sports Illustrated website. Click here to check it out!

NY Sports Club hosts class for potential Jets Flight Crew members to give them a leg up in this week’s auditions.
By Rick Karas
East Meadow Patch
April 15, 2011

[Photos and Videos]

The seats of Meadowlands Stadium are empty. Football season is five months away, and because of the ongoing labor dispute, it could be even longer than that. Eventually the game will return. That means the Jets, and with them, the Jets Flight Crew.

This crew doesn’t take care of the field, they dance on it. Since 2007 they’ve patrolled the sidelines, cheering on the men in green, entertaining the fans in their own unique style. It all starts with an audition. Actually, with a class to show a prospective member what the audition is all about.

What To Expect

This week, it started in East Meadow. New York Sports Club hosted a class where dozens of women began the journey they hope will lead to them taking off with the Flight Crew when (or whenever) the NFL rolls around again.

Many of the hopefuls come from a dance or performance background. Still, preparing to perform in front of 80,000 screaming Jets fans can be an intimidating experience. That’s what the class is geared towards: preparing to prepare.

“The potential candidates learn our style of dance which is very specific,” Flight Crew director Denise Garvey said. “It’s athletic, it’s sexy, it’s very showy…they’ll learn choreography we actually do on the field.”

The Flight Crew hold several such classes in advance of the auditions, which take place at the stadium this weekend. Rookies are not only shown some of the dance moves they’ll be expected to know, but are also taught proper stretching, conditioning, anything one would need to make their audition a productive one.

A Lifestyle Change

Hundreds are expected to try out, about half will make it to the next round, and in the end, around 40 new Flight Crew members will join the squad. It’s a full-time commitment, with hours of rehearsal and public appearances part of the job. Crew members must re-audition every year, and if a rookie outshines them and takes their spot, so be it.

“Technique, showmanship, presence, overall excitement…I ask is this somebody that I want to see again?” Garvey says of what judges look for in an audition.

Who better to show the girls what to expect than a current Flight Crew member? Jennifer is one of the class instructors and is in her fourth year with the team. She says newcomers should enjoy the process, and for those that make it all the way, to hang on for the ride.

“It’s going to be an exciting time of their life,” Jennifer said. “It’s definitely not going to be easy, but I think it’s something that they’re going to take home with them as a great experience.”

Rookies Come Aboard

Women come from all over in hopes of taking off with the Crew. Christina Moore is from Charlotte, and now calls Brooklyn home. She said she’s ready to commit to a life wearing green, cheering on the Jets.

“You have games, appearances…people are always watching, so it’s a big lifestyle change, but I’m willing to make that sacrifice for the Jets,” Moore said.

Closer to home, Bellmore’s Brianna Ellis comes from a family of Jets fans, so it’s only natural that she’d want to perform for the fans as a Crew member.

“I’ve aspired to be a member since high school, I love watching the Jets games with my dad and it just looks awesome, I would love to do it,” she said.

Garvey says a common mistake at auditions is when a girl is preoccupied with someone else with a similar look or outfit. She says it’s important to focus on yourself, and what you bring to the table, or in this case, endzone.

“[The rookies] probably have never performed in a theater for 80,000 people, and that’s what the Meadowlands stadium is, we consider that our theater in the round,” Garvey, a former Knicks City Dancer, said.

J-E-T-S!! Just Entertain This Season. Here’s hoping the season starts on time, and the Flight Crew can do just that.

By Caroline Gallay
Houston Culturemap

The Houston Texans cheerleading squad may have said goodbye to twins Marisa and Larisa, but it may say hello to twins Kirsten and Kristen.

There are three sets of twins among the 50 finalists for the 2011 squad, including Texans cheerleading vets Dresdynn and Schuyler, the twin sister of Texans cheerleader vet Michelle and the aforementioned Kri(ir)stens.

All 50 finalists have video segements and bios up on KTRK Ch. 13’s website, and we’ve got to say that our favorite so far is Sharon.

A 39-year-old mother of four, Sharon designed her own outfit and even beatboxes her own dancing tune. Watch her video below and rate your favorite cheerleaders on KTRK to help finalize the 2011 squad.

The final 50 will perform at the Texans’ draft party on April 28.

The judges have narrowed pool down to these 53. Click here to learn more about each candidate for the team, and give your feedback on who you think should make the team.

Lana cherished working with Rihanna during NBA All-Star weekend
This is the 14th post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls
Mark Medina
LA Times Lakers Blog
April 16, 2011

Laker Girl name: Dara

Hometown: Friendswood, Texas

Area of Residence: Thousand Oaks, CA

College/High School: I am currently enrolled at Santa Monica College with a major in Communications.

What prompted you to want to become a Laker Girl?I wanted to become a Laker Girl because it is a job that would give me the opportunity to get paid to do what I love to do which is dance! Also I would have the chance to be a part of the wonderful Lakers organization

What do you think stood out to the judging panel, about you, regarding your audition? I honestly am not sure, but I am more than grateful that something I did was noticed.

What do you think makes a good Laker Girl? I think a good Laker Girl not only possesses great dance ability, but is a “people person”. She has to be an individual that is not afraid to interact with a crowd or speak in public. I feel that Laker Girls are well rounded young ladies, that carry themselves with class and represent the Lakers’ organization well on and off of the court.

What is your dance experience? I started dancing when I was 8 years old in a competitive dance studio back home in Texas. I competed in dance competitions from the age of 8 until my senior year in high school. Once I graduated from High School I auditioned for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and made the team for two seasons straight. After my two years of fun filled memories and experiences in Dallas – I then decided it was time to move to Los Angeles and tryout for the world famous Laker Girls! I am happy to say, this is where I have been since the summer of 2009.

Favorite dance routine, while being a Laker Girl? As of right now there are two routines that I consider my favorites. One is to the song “Higher Ground” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the other routine is to “Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar. I love the song and I think it will be a crowd pleaser!

Favorite uniform? My favorite uniform would be what we call our White “L.A.” uniform. This is the uniform that we usually wear at Sunday games to match the players white uniforms. I like it because I think it looks flattering on everyone and matching the players in their traditional white uniforms feels like we are all united as a team and a city.

Favorite Lakers Player? My favorite Lakers player is Derek Fisher. I love the character that he shows on the court and off the court. (in our community)

Favorite Laker Girl memory so far? The greatest memory I have so far would have to be game seven last season against the Boston Celtics. That night you could just feel the unity of all the Lakers fans in Staples Center! Not to mention, the heart of the city beating! It gave me such an adrenaline rush the whole game. The entire experience was so surreal and truly felt like a dream come true.

What do you like most about being involved, as a Laker Girl, at local charity/community events? Taking part in charity events and getting involved in our community is one aspect of this job I truly enjoy. I think that this is the time where we get to spread our love and joy for life to others. We also get to show that we are more than just a “dancer” or “pretty face”. I love that I get the opportunity to touch someone’s life in some way, whether it be with an autographed photo or just a simple smile. It allows me to leave each event knowing that somehow I made a difference and I couldn’t ask for more than that!

What would you say is your beauty secret? I wouldn’t really call this a beauty secret, but I do try to get a good night’s sleep so that I do not wake up with huge bags under my eyes the next morning. (because that is never fun) Other than that, I just have fun and attempt to live each day without stress. I think life without stress keeps you young.

What diet/workout tips do you have? In order to stay fit and be healthy, I encourage others to try to eat right. Also, try to do some kind of work out or activity a day. I try to make sure I have at least one good meal a day that consist of fish or chicken with two different types of vegetables. I also try to substitute my unhealthy snacks with things like fruit. As for my workout, I personally enjoy running because it gets my heart rate going…..and it can be a great stress reliever.

What are your hobbies? Aside from dancing, I love to read, write, go shopping. In addition, I enjoy a nice day at the beach.

Career aspirations? As of right now I am not exactly sure what career I would like to hold, but considering that my major is in Communications, a job involving Public Relations is my interest. I am young right now, so I am simply taking each day as it comes!

The 2011 Denver Broncos Cheerleader audition process didn’t just include the cheerleaders. The tryouts also resulted in the selection of this year’s Denver Outlaws dancers. The Outlaws are a Major League Lacrosse Franchise, and the dancers perform at all of their home games and represent the team in the community.


Back row: Emily, Nikki, Kelsey, Brieanna (Director), Christine*, Hayley, Megan
Front row: Angela, Jenna*, Brooke*, Amanda*

(*returning veterans)

Hundreds of young women filled this year’s applicant pool for the 2011 edition of the Oakland Raiderettes. All vied for a spot in the final auditions that will be held next Sunday.
By Joey Levitt
Apr 11, 2011

[Photo gallery]

Raiderette director Jeanette Thompson calls out the numbers of the finalists.
Photo by Tony Gonzales.

The Hilton – Oakland Airport was the site of preliminary auditions for the 2011 edition of the Oakland Raiderettes. Hundreds of beautiful young women filled this year’s applicant pool. All vied for a spot in the final auditions that will be held next Sunday, in which they will match their skills against returning Raiderettes.

For the preliminary auditions, though, one could sense a nervous, yet eager anticipation among those waiting to register and receive their official call numbers.

“Oh yeah, I’m definitely nervous and can feel the pressure, but I’m also filled with lots of positive energy [for these tryouts],” responded Jessica of Brentwood, Calif.

Added Christina of San Jose, Calif., “I’m anxious, but excited and confident.” She explained that her sixteen years of dance experience helped overcome any concerns with stage performances.

Matilda stands on the stage for her audition.
Photo by Tony Gonzales.

After registration concluded, the candidates were organized into groups before their appearance in front of a panel of judges. Nicole, Mina, Laurie and Serrita, accomplished former Raiderettes, and Raiderette choreographer and coordinator, Shawna Zimmerman, assisted in registration and the interview process. Each interviewee told the judges a little about themselves and posed for photos and video. Each group returned for a collective photo shoot while the next set of hopefuls awaited their turn.

“All we can do is play the waiting game,” stated Shanika, a confident former Raiderette from 2008-2009.

During the nerve-racking downtime, prospective additions to the Raiderettes called family with updates and socialized with each other in the ballroom. Talking with one another helped mitigate worries and eased the tension.

Shanika, echoed this sentiment. “The more you connect with people around you and get their take on things, it helps to alleviate some of your nerves and pressure.”

Jessica gets her turn to stand in front of the judges during preliminary auditions.
Photo by Tony Gonzales.

Raiders.com later caught up with some of the lesser experienced participants. They described their thoughts on their respective performances on stage.

Matilda, a former business woman on Wall Street, was pleased with her interview. “I think I did well. It’s my first time trying out for Raiderettes, but once you walk in front of the judges and they see your face, it all comes together,” Matilda explained.

Jessica, a local hopeful, was humble and poised and even offered some words of advice. “I can’t be certain, but I gave it my best. I just tried to present myself as a well-rounded individual,” said Jessica. “For the remaining girls out there, smile pretty, make eye contact with the judges and just be yourself.”

Illustrating the ethnic diversity amongst this year’s candidates was Kisato, a native of Tokyo, Japan. Fluent in Japanese and French, she mentioned her unease about not being fully fluent in English.

“I was so nervous at first. It can be hard for me to speak clearly. I hope [the judges] can see past that. I want to make it to the finals,” Kisato said.

Kisato traveled from Japan to try out for the Raiderettes and smiles for the judges and the camera.
Photo by Tony Gonzales.

After a much needed lunch break, the day resumed with the judges conducting the remaining interviews. For others, the waiting continued.

A tired and nervous Ricquel of Oakland said, “I wish I brought a book [to pass the time], but I’m hanging in there. I try to stay encouraged by the mentoring of friends who tried out in previous years.”

New Orleans-raised Ashley, who is an experienced participant of Raiderette auditions, offered some of that support. “I’m definitely more comfortable having reached the finals before. I try to help out the other girls in any way I can.”

Danielle was another audition veteran who provided a guiding presence. “I tell the girls that the nerves never go away, but you just need to be able to stay strong and not take the judges’ decisions personally,” said the UCLA graduate. “It’s an emotional roller coaster, but it’ll be okay.”

Late in the afternoon, the air of restless excitement and anticipation returned in full force as the 2011 hopefuls awaited the results. Minutes later, Raiderette director Jeanette Thompson thanked all of the candidates and revealed the judging panel’s selections for the final round.

For Danielle, the results were a dream come true, even though the road to becoming one of Football’s Fabulous Females did not end there.

“In the next round, I’m going to stay true to myself and dance my heart out. I have been dreaming of being a Raiderette for so long. I really hope that this year is the year,” Danielle said.

Unfortunately, the road did end there for many of the participants in 2011. “That is the difficult part of this job,” said Thompson. “There are so many well-spoken and beautiful women. It comes down to the individual that draws our attention from the moment she walks in the door.”

As for the many qualified young women moving on, they will learn a dance routine in the next phases of the auditions taking place on Tuesday and Thursday.

They will perform that routine and compete against incumbent Raiderettes for a spot on the roster Sunday April 17.