Ultimate Cheerleaders

ColbyHBy ANNETTE WHITE Tribune staff writer
Daily Tribune
May 6, 2015

Growing up, Colby Hanks said she remembers watching Christy Van Meter and Brooke Sorenson perform as Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders during the 1990s.

“Those girls were cheering in the Super Bowl,” Hanks said. “Christy was a hometown girl, and Brooke was from Sulphur Springs, but it was amazing getting to live that dream through them as a little girl.”

Hanks said she has always felt like a cheerleader, and that perhaps that feeling is one of the biggest motivations for deciding to try out for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad.

“Growing up, I never really thought one could do this as a part of your career,” she said. “But that dream came back to me. It all happened so fast.”

Hanks, the daughter of Tom and Karen Hanks of Blodgett, graduated from Mount Pleasant High School in 2002. She was a MPHS cheerleader her freshman year before becoming a Tiger Doll her sophomore, junior and senior year.

“I have to say, Tiger Dolls helped me a lot in this,” she said. “The one thing that came back to me and felt pretty natural were those kicks.”

Hanks also graduated from the University of Texas with degrees in finance and Spanish. After completing college, Hanks traveled back to Mount Pleasant to work for her former dance studio, the Academy.

“I had been a part of the pom squad at college, and I had grown up dancing at the Academy there in Mount Pleasant,” Hanks said. “Around the time I graduated, the studio sold to a group out of Dallas and I was able to come in and help run the dance program my first year out of college. It had been a long-time dream to be in a studio environment.”

Hanks recently moved back to America after living in London for the past seven years.

“I was working for Estee Lauder Companies as an online marketing analyst,” she said. “I actually have my British citizenship. I just felt like it was time to come home.”

The decision to leave London wasn’t an easy one for Hanks, who also helped manage a fitness studio, Slice, where she was teaching dance and fitness classes to students of all ages.

“I felt like God was leading me home to greener pastures, but I sure didn’t picture it in the form of a football field,” she said.

Hanks auditioned for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders last weekend, but she said she has been preparing for this dream for months.

“I was actually watching the Cowboys play in London when I saw the notice about the cheerleaders’ tryouts,” she said. “I moved to Dallas, and I began training in February. It’s been a transition for me, bringing out the performer that’s been dormant for 10 years.”

Hanks said she has also been able to meet many veteran cheerleaders, including Brooke Sorenson.

“Brooke has been really supportive of me through this process,” she said. “She’s given me great tips and feedback.”

Hanks is one of 59 finalists selected from the audition to move on the DCC Vote 2015, where fans can vote for their favorite cheerleader(s). The cheerleader with the most fan votes will receive an automatic invitation to the 2015 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders training camp.

“Anyone who has watched the show on TV can probably tell you that the real challenges will kick off when we get to training camp,” Hanks said. “You’re able to see how it allows us to take on the full DCC style – how we’re expected to live, dance and interact with people.”

Hanks said the training camp will include everything from makeovers to choreography to character building.

“This is the part I’ve been looking forward to most,” she said. “I would love to be able to be there and train with these coaches and girls that I really admire, who are all incredible women who have a lot to give.”

Hanks said the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders is a squad that celebrates differences, and that the audition and training camp is really all focused on building a team that relates to the fan base and that people can feel connected to.

“The vote ends Friday, and I go back on Friday for my panel interview with Charlotte Jones, Jerry Jones’ daughter. I’ll also be doing a kick routine and dance routine with the other rookie candidates, as well as a solo on Saturday. They’ll announce the results of the fan vote this weekend, and the names of the 43 other candidates who will be invited to training camp,” she said.

Fans can view Hanks’ audition tape and vote online at www.dallascowboys.com/content/dcc-vote-2015. Voting ends Friday, and fans are eligible to vote once per 24 hours.

Regardless of the results, Hanks said she feels incredibly blessed to be able to follow her dream.

“It’s never too late to do something you want to do in your life,” she said. “The truth is, I’ve found my American dream and it’s cheering for America’s team.”

Raylee StearmanJoe Elerson, Staff Writer
Athens Review
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Becoming a member of America’s Team.

Malakoff senior Raylee Stearman has a chance to accomplish a lifelong goal of being a member of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

“I have wanted to do this for a few years now,” Stearman said. “I just this year am old enough and this is my first audition for any professional league team in the NFL or NBA. I am very excited. It was nerve racking this past weekend.”

Stearman is currently in Dallas working with the choreographers as she is in the finals for the auditions to become a cheerleader.

“Of course, I am nervous but I am excited. There are about 50 beautiful and lovely women who are all wanting the same thing,” Stearman said. “There are actually 13 rookie spots this year, which is a lot for this year. I am excited and having last week under my belt I am ready to get this weekend going.”

Stearman took part in the preliminaries and semifinals May 2-3 in Dallas.

She said she will take part in panel interviews Friday to show her personality to the judges.

Candidates had to be at least 18 years of age or older at the time of the preliminary auditions.

“Friday, I will show up and there will be the director, Jerry Jones’ daughter and the head choreographer along with a few others,” Stearman said. “It is basically your chance to show them your personality and how well you can get along with people and speak.”

If she makes it to Saturday’s portion of the finals, Stearman will have a written test on general knowledge about the Dallas Cowboys Organization, the cheerleaders history, the National Football League, current events and dance terminology. They will perform a 90-second individual talent presentation following the test.

They will then perform the dance combination and kickline taught previously at Semis in groups of five for the judges panel.

The judges will then make the selections for those making the summer training camp.

Stearman said she would love to have the citizens of Malakoff see her audition at https://www.dallascowboys.com/content/raylee as the top vote getter receives an automatic bid to training camp June 1.

“I do need the votes because the girl with the most votes gets an automatic pass into the training camp,” Stearman said. “I would love for that to be me. The town has helped so much with sharing it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They have been so helpful and supportive and I have gotten several wonderful messages from people. Their support is definitely there.”

With so many girls trying out for the team, Stearman said she is nervous but ready to see what the weekend holds for her during tryouts.

“I am going in there with an open mind but realizing this is my first year,” Stearman said. “A lot of these girls are coming in with their second and third year of trying out. Being my first year, I am excited and that would be a dream come true.”

With her experience at the state UIL prose competition, Stearman feels confident in her speaking ability with the panel.

“I think at this point you just have to be yourself. They have already seen you dance and kick line and appearance,” Stearman said. “You have to show them that you are comfortable with who you are and would be a wonderful spokesperson for the Cowboys.”

With all of the messages on Facebook and support on Twitter and Instagram, Stearman is thrilled for the support of people in Malakoff and Tool.

“I am so happy to have all of the support I have had. I did not realize how many people were watching for this and keeping up with it,” Stearman said. “I have been dreaming of getting this for years. I have been driving to Dallas for years hoping one day this would be a possibility. I can not even tell you right now what I would think.”

Ai Mitsui and HitomiLouis Ojeda Jr.
Fox Sports Southwest
May 6, 2015

ARLINGTON, Texas — The Dallas Cowboys are known as “American’s Team,” but they’re big all over the world.

Two sisters from Osaka, Japan made the long trip to AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas last weekend in hopes of becoming part of the organization at Cowboys cheerleaders auditions.

“The Dallas Cowboys are famous in Japan and the Cowboys cheerleaders are also very famous,” Matsui said.

Matsui, 31, and her 27-year-old sister, Hitomi, are both professional dancers and instructors in Japan.

“I’m a cheerleading coaching in Japan for 300 children,” Matsui said.

Despite speaking little English, they’re both ready to leave their home country and start a new life in Texas if given the opportunity to cheer for the Cowboys.

“If I make the team, I will move to Dallas,” Matsui said. “We’ll quit our current jobs and move here.

“It seems like my family is supporting me, but I’m not sure what they actually think.”

Their husbands wouldn’t hesitate to make the move as both are willing to drop everything to help their wives fulfill their dreams.

“My husband is supporting me and is a big fan of Dallas Cowboys,” Matsui said. “So I think he will be happy if I become a Cowboys cheerleader. He loves the Cowboys.”

It’s time to vote!

The field of potential rookie Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders has been narrowed down from several hundred to 59, who will compete against last year’s veterans for a spot in DCC training camp. Finals are this weekend and the Cowboys want your help to narrow it down. Click here to watch videos of each candidate performing the audition choreography and vote for your ten favorites. The photos are all scrambled up on the voting page, so here they are in alphabetical order (click to view full size):

DCC 2015 Finalists

The Titans selected their 2015 cheerleaders during Final Auditions at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville.
By Gary Glenn
Titans Online
May 4, 2015

2015 TTC selection

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — In another close competition, the Tennessee Titans selected their 2015 cheerleaders in front of a sold-out crowd at Wildhorse Saloon on a night that included a surprise appearance by iconic rock star Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.

Titans Director of Cheerleaders called Sunday night’s competition, sponsored by Price’s Collision Centers, “extremely close” among the finalists.

View Gallery | 185 Photos
2015 Final Titans Cheerleaders Auditions

“We had just an incredible night of auditions,” Kinder said. “The 47 finalists looked gorgeous and put on an amazing show. I can’t wait to get started with the 2015 season.”

The squad had been trimmed from 200 to 47 ladies during preliminary auditions held last month at Saint Thomas Sports Park.

The finalists spent the last few weeks rehearsing for Sunday night, while undergoing formal business interviews with Kinder.

A panel of celebrity judges that included former Titans linebacker Keith Bulluck, award-winning producer Michael Knox, multi-platinum selling artist Taj George and American Idol Top 10 finalist Paul McDonald, helped narrow the field to 28 ladies.

The cheerleaders will have little time to celebrate as they prepare to leave for their 2015 photo shoot at the Edgewater Beach and Golf Resort in Panama, City, Fla.

Check Titans Online for daily updates throughout the photo shoot!



2015 DCC Finalists (rookie candidates only. They will be joined by the veterans in the next round.)

2015 DCC Finalists (rookie candidates only. They will be joined by the veterans in the next round.)

DallasCowboys.com has video and photos from the weekends’ open call and semi finals.

Click here for photos.
Click here for (what I think are) videos of the rookie finalist candidates performing the audition routine individually. (I suspect these are the videos for the fan vote.)

2015 AFC Auditions_1The 2015 Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders auditions kicked off on Saturday. Click here for photos from the Falcons website!

Final auditions for the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders took place last night at the Miniaci Theater at Nova Southeastern University. 81 finalists, including 34 veterans from last year’s team, competed for spots on the squad. When all was said and done, 36 were chosen: 13 rookies, and 23 veterans.

Click here to see who made the team
Click here for photos on the Dolphins Cheerleaders website
Click here for photos on BrowardPalmBeach.com
Click here photo from the Miami Herald

Congratulations ladies!

MDC 2015 selection

Here’s your rookie class:
MDC rookie class 2015
Interesting factoid: among them are four members of the now-defunct Florida Panthers Ice Dancers (Amanda, Bobbie Jean, Etta, and Paige B.)

The Seahawks announced their 2015 cheerleaders last night. This year’s team of 30 includes six rookies and 24 veterans. Click here to see the headshots of the ladies selected to the team. Click here to watch the announcement and see the team dance together for the first time as the 2015-16 Sea Gals.

Sea Gals 2015
Row 1 (top): Kylie, De’Djauna, Lindsey, Hope*, Bianca, Brittany, Allie
Row 2: Bronwyn*, Angelique, Geraldine, Gretchen, Cassie, Melanie, Myriah, Karissa
Row 3: Jessica, Kayla*, Laura, Trinity*, Sonrose, Jacqueline, Alexis*
Row 4 (bottom): Kelsey G, Erinn, Zoë, Kaela*, Christian, Kelsey P, Tamaria, Mhkeeba

Other interesting factoids: sisters Gretchen and Geraldine, who have been on the team during different years, will be on the squad for their first season together. Veterans Geraldine and Karissa are both returning to the squad after a hiatus. Veteran Kylie’s mom was a Sea Gal who cheered alongside Sea Gals Coach Sherri Thompson. Rookie Hope was a Saintsation in 2009, and rookie Alexis was a Spokane Shock dancer (2010-15) and represented the Shock at the Arena Bowl as a member of the AFL Dream Team in 2013.

I have to hand it to the Sea Gals, they do the BEST job with their finals audition coverage. Fans can watch the whole thing, and they keep it moving, so there’s no dead time. They have running commentary to tell you a little about each candidate, and you get a lot of backstory on the Sea Gals organization. The use of the split screen is genius, and they put the whole thing on line so you can watch (or rewatch) it later. I love the way the whole thing is organized and presented. Kudos! I wish every squad did it this way.

DCC auditions kicked off yesterday and semifinals are happening today. FoxSports Southwest has been posting photos since yesterday and updating their gallery as the audition process continues. Click here to check it out.

The DCC have also been tweeting throughout the audition process. Check out that coverage here.

2015 DCC audition_1