Ultimate Cheerleaders

Every year, I promise myself that I’m driving down to San Diego for a Chargers game. I’m driving down to Fan Fest. I’m driving down for the calendar release party. And it never happens. I contemplate the traffic and my tendency to get sleepy at the wheel, and I think “Next time. I’ll definitely go next time.”

And then it’s audition time again, and I’ve missed a whole ‘nother season of Charger Girl fabulosity. Sad, really.

I may miss the games and the other stuff, but I will not miss auditions.

I didn’t miss it this year, either, and I have lots of photos for you here.

This year the planets were aligned in my favor. Traffic was light, and I arrived early and without incident.

The first familiar face I saw was former Charger Girl Katrina, who now dances for the Los Angeles Clippers Spirit. Katrina had arrived bright and early to help demonstrate the choreography.

I also ran into Jessie, who was a rookie on last year’s team. (Also used to dance for Clippers Spirit.) Jessie was also helping out for the day. She had reluctantly decided to hang up her poms after one year on the squad. She loved being a Charger Girl, but balancing school and the frequent commutes to San Diego were wearing her out.

The crowd was sizable when the doors opened at 9. I scoped out the registration table to see who besides Jessie was retiring this year.

Dang. Giselle, too?

Registration was an orderly process and the arena quickly filled up. Before I knew it, it was 10 am, and time for the whole shebang to get started. Maria Giannini from E2K and Charger Girls Director Lisa Simmons explained the audition process, introduced choreographer Jeannine Sabo, and the four former Charger Girls who would help demonstrate the dance: Kyli (retired in 2005), Ashley B (retired in 2007), Amanda (retired this year) and of course, Katrina (retired 2009)

Katrina, Kyli, and Ashley

Charger Girls Director Lisa Simmons

I’m having a difficult time believing this is Lisa’s SEVENTH year as director. It’s been seven years? Already?


Over 160 hopefuls try out for spot
Apr 4, 2011

The New Orleans Saintsations held their 2011 tryouts Saturday April 2 at the Saints Training Facility. Over 160 hopefuls auditioned for a coveted spot on the 2011-12 New Orleans Saintsations team.

The candidates, ranging in age , from 18 to 40 began the audition process at 9:00am. After submitting their resumes, the applicants had their first photo shoot and then began the dance audition. The girls personally introduced themselves to the judges and then performed the first dance routine. After the first round, the judges selected 99 applicants to advance to the second round of the audition process.

The 99 lucky ones were taught another dance routine at a quicker pace by team choreographer Blair Buras. Once again candidates performed for the judges in groups of eight. After all performed, 45 applicants were called back for a second look. The judges took their time analyzing their resumes and dance evaluations before determining the 61 girls who would advance to the interview round of competition. As the numbers were announced, the facility erupted in screams. Each semi-finalist received a Saints throw towel to commemorate making it to the next step in the audition process.

“We are overwhelmed by the amount of talent that applied for a position on the team. The candidates are very impressive in terms of talent and intelligence. I’m honored to have such a great pool of applicants compete for a spot on the team.” stated Lesslee Fitzmorris, Team Director.

The second round of auditions will be held Tuesday. This round consists of the professional interview, photo test shots and the NFL football test. Each semi-finalist must test their knowledge of the NFL and how the game works. They must also meet with business professionals to measure their level of composure in interview situations.

The Saintsations, who in addition to performing on gameday, also serve as ambassadors throughout the city. Last year, they made over 450 appearances in numerous events throughout the year. While serving as representatives of the Gulf Coast region, they have attracted national and international exposure, performing in London when the club played a regular season game in 2008 in Wembley Stadium, representing the club at Super Bowl Week events, in Mexico on an NFL tour, in the 2010 Madden commercial as well as in Super Bowl XLIV and traveling to United States military bases overseas. Tremendous opportunities in the media are also present as they have appeared in national publications and also are part of an annual swimsuit calendar and regionally televised “behind the scenes” television show about the making of the calendar.

After the interview portion of the competition, the field will narrow again. The third and final round will be held Thursday, April 7. The 32 team members will be posted on Friday, April 8th at www.neworleansaints.com.

Chargers photographer Mike Nowak has uploaded a few photos from last weekend’s auditions. Click here to check ’em out!

Woo! Work it Chelsea!

Fox 5 San Diego also has a gallery of photos from Sunday. Click here to go there now.


Local Pride spreads worldwide
By Shelby Little, Features Editor
The Medaille Perspective
April 2, 2011

Stefanie Jannotti, Senior Communication major, places her passion on the sideline; the stadium sideline. Jannotti dreams of becoming an NFL Sideline Reporter for ESPN, and credits the Bills as a major reason she likes Buffalo. Jannotti is also a fifth year Buffalo Jill cheerleader.

“As a Buffalo Jill, I am given many responsibilities,” said Jannotti. “During the season I have to complete a minimum of 20 appearances in a wide variety of functions for numerous charities, community events, our armed forces and local businesses.” Jannotti was trained in professional etiquette to prepare for meet and greets, posing for photographs, dance performances, and working with children; just a few of the common duties for a Jill.

Recently, her spot on the Jill roster led her to Kuwait, Oman, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia to visit and entertain stationed troops. Jannotti, along with eight fellow Jills, performed a show that included six dances, various trivia games, and the occasional dance-off. “We are able to get the guys and girls over there to loosen up, have fun, and take their minds off things for a little while,” said Jannotti. “It’s a ton of fun!” Fun, but tiring; the Jills were on a taxing schedule that required back to back performances, with little time for rest. “One of the days we were in Abu Dhabi we performed at 8 p.m. and then came out and did another show at 1 am for the people that were on the clock for the 1st show,” said Jannotti. “Although these trips take a lot out of us, it is a huge honor and it’s the least we can do for the men and women over there.”

In turn, the honor proved to be rewarding for Jannotti because she was able to connect with the troops on a personal level; allowing her to gain as much from the experience as she gave. “The men and women over there are so respectful and so eager to share stories and pictures of their families back home,” said Jannotti. “My favorite part of the show is at the end when we all introduce ourselves and tell a little about what we do back home.” The open-ended communication gave Jannotti the opportunity to challenge the preconceived notion of a cheerleader, and bond on a real level. “The biggest misconception about being a cheerleader is that all we do is cheer, and aren’t the brightest,” said Jannotti. “But the majority of us are either in school, or have full time jobs.”

The education was reciprocated, and Jannotti was able to take a peek into the full time job of a troop; every day life. “We get to live like they do for a week or so,” said Jannotti. The Jills stayed in tents for three days and flew commercially almost every other day.

The short time spent with the troops as a Buffalo Jill left a lasting impact on Jannotti, and reinforced the pride she associates with being part of the team. “It is also nice to know that you were able to make some kind of a difference no matter how small,” said Jannotti. “It is an amazing feeling when I see the e-mails and facebook posts on the Jills wall from the men and women over there, and sometimes even their family back home.”

Such experiences make Jannotti appreciate the ties she has formed with her teammates. “The Buffalo Jills are a second family to me, and it is amazing to know that a lot of these girls will be life long friends,” she said. Traveling the world, making a difference, lifelong friends…another perk for Jannotti? “How can I forget, it’s pretty amazing getting a perfect up close ‘seat’ to my favorite team!”

The first round of auditions for the St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders is complete. Now 50 young ladies will interview with the team’s director Theresa Mancini, and compete in the finals pageant on Thursday night. [Click here for photos from the first day of auditions.]

Between now and then, you have the opportunity to vote for your favorite candidate to be on the team. Click here to see the finalists and cast your vote. (Note: They ask you to register before voting, but you can scroll to the bottom and click on the “Bypass” button to skip all of that.)

The Rams have also announced the five captains for the 2011 squad. Congratulations! Good luck to everyone still in the running.

[Click here to watch the video]

Final Auditions for the 2011 New England Patriots Cheerleaders took place at Gillette Stadium on Saturday. Click here for photos!

Over 140 girls high kick in hopes of making it to the finals
Erica Boniface
April 3, 2011

[Photo Gallery]

The Denver Broncos Cheerleaders held their preliminary auditions at INVESCO Field, searching for the final 26 girls to represent the team for the 2011-2012 football season. Hair was curled to perfection and nerves were rattled as 140 cheerleader hopefuls took to the dancefloor in front of a panel of judges.

And don’t think the contestants were judged on just high kicks and smiles. The judge’s sheet consisted of the girl’s numbers and a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to determine whether or not they moved on to the next round. One judge said they can tell by the eye if they have the skills or not to be a next Denver Broncos Cheerleader. But, there was some truth behind the simplicity of the judging system—some girls definitely knew their moves and others stumbled through the choreography.

The preliminary auditions narrowed the search down to 60—who will then compete in the finals on Sunday, April 10 at The Performing Arts Complex at PCS. And yes, it is open to the public (so get your tickets before the competition is sold-out).

Either way, some of Denver’s prettiest girls packed into one room for the chance of their lifetime.

Auditions are over, and 32 talented dancers have been selected to the 2011 Gold Rush squad. Click here for video and click here for photos from this year’s tryouts.
Congratulations ladies!

Unexpected Competitor Makes Final Cuts for NFL Cheerleading Squad
Inside Edition

Sabrina was an Eagles Cheerleader during the 2001-02 season

And there’s one unexpected competitor. She’s a 30-year-old mother of two! That’s right, a mom with rock-hard abs is giving the younger gals a run for their money.

Sabrina Tracey was actually on the squad ten years ago, but quit after one season to become a full time mom. She has two boys at home.

Tracey told INSIDE EDITION, “It was a dream of mine to come back and make the squad again.”

INSIDE EDITION got exclusive access inside the stadium as Tracey and the other hopefuls did their best to impress the panel of judges.

Barbara Zaun, Director of Cheerleading for the Philadelphia Eagles said, “We’re looking for beauty, physical fitness, dance, showmanship.”

Tracey nailed her first routine and moved on to the next round. She went up against the best dancers and worried that her number, 46, wouldn’t be called.

All she could do was hope for the best. Then came the moment she’d been waiting for. Her number was called. She made the final cut, and is just one round away from reaching her cheerleading dreams.

“I have to bring my A-game next time because these chicks are young and they are hot,” said Tracey.

She will compete for one of 38 spots in the cheer squads finals on Tuesday night.