Ultimate Cheerleaders

The team has been announced! This year’s squad includes 15 veterans and 5 newbies. Click hereto learn more more about the ladies. And when you’re finished with that, check out the audition galleries here and here!

The Clippers want your input. Click here to cast your votes!

Bios for the 2014-15 MVC are now online. Click here to learn all about the ladies. The team did a great job with the video bios, showing you that these are far more than pretty faces!

The 4th of July is my most favorite holiday of the year. Friends, food, and fireworks, with no stress-inducing gifting or familial obligations. It is the best holiday of them all. But as great as July 4th is, it is only the second best thing about the month of July. The first best thing about July is Clippers Spirit auditions!

This year’s auditions took place last Saturday at Redondo Union High School, and as I pulled up in the parking lot, I marveled anew at what a nice school this is. Even the parking lot is nice. Like so many schools in the area, the lot boast brand new solar arrays that shade the cars but also save on energy costs. I got the last spot right up front. SCORE! It was gonna be a great day.

[Click here to check out the photo gallery!]

As I approached the entrance, the first thing I noticed was the film crew. Fox Sports did a series about Spirit auditions last year, and they were back to do it even better in 2014.

The first people I ran across were these two, twins Rina and Ena. I found out later that one of them is in a sorority with Clippers veteran Kellie, and is in fact her big sister. When you see these two in photos later, remember Rina is wearing green-a. Har har.

Inside, the ladies were already warming up and preparing for a long day of dance.

I found Spirit Dance Team Director Audrea Harris (left). Audrea keeps it in the family. Every year her mother and sister Adrianne help out with auditions.

I also discovered this year’s helper elves who would assists with teaching the choreography, Spirit Alumni Bianca, Justene, Shannon, Becca. Shannon had to choose between the team and spending the fall semester in the UK. She chose study abroad, and can you blame her? But maybe we’ll get lucky and have her back next year. You never know! I’m afriad the other three are retired for good, although there’s always hope!

The audition started right on time, with Game Entertainment Manager Marianne Bogoyevac introducing Audrea (Game Entertainment Teams Director) and the choreographer for the day, (and Spirit alumna) Kristin Hollowaty (née Egusa.)

Marianne gave a little speech which was both awesomely honest, and also terrifying.

At every audition, someone stands up at the beginning and gives the candidates a little pep talk. Thanks for coming, glad you’re here, do your best, we’re all rooting for you. But Marianne added something that everyone knows but nobody ever says: listen, there are a lot of you in the room and most of you aren’t going to make the team. So why not just have fun with the experience and enjoys yourselves? She said it in a much nicer, more uplifting way, but that was the gist. And she’s right. 16 spots on the team means the odds are astronomical. Marianne keeps it real.

And it was time to get down to business. Kristen stepped up front and got it started. Kristin choreographs a lot of fun pieces for the Spirit, who there’s no one better to put the dancers through their paces on audition day. (Although she has been known to whip out a hip hop combination so intricate, dancers start crying in teh middle of the audition. No wait, that was me crying, last time around.)

The first combination was a technical piece designed to sort out those who have the goods from those who don’t. Battement, battement, tilt, double piroutte, another double, a couple of leaps, and we’re done. The music was Pharrell’s “Come Get It Bae.”

Dancers had just about 35 minutes to learn the combination.

It seemed like just a hot minute later, it was time to line up for the first round of auditions.

These were the judges.

They seem like nice people, don’t they? Not like they hold your fate in their hands or anything. But after the first round, they sent more than half of the dancers packing. Hey, somebody has to do it.

While the judges were off deliberating, I snuck off and found the helper elves going over the jazz combination in the schools fitness facility. Did your high school have one of these. Mine sure didn’t. But this one had elliptical machines as far as the eye could see.

The other thing that happened at that point was last year’s veterans arrived. Most of them haven’t seen each other in a few months, so it was a big love fest.

So here they are. Come on newbies, they don’t look that intimidating, do they? A few of them were in your shoes last year. And a year from now a couple of you reading this right now will be the ones making kissy faces in the photo.

Standing: Natalie, Kelsey, Brianna, Brittany, Brooke, Tatum
Seated: Karissa, Kellie, and Candace.

And check it out – another pair of sisters. Gosh, I love when this happens.

On the left, we have Tatum, a Spirit veteran. And on the right, lil sis Tyra.

This was Tyra in 2009, repping the Clippers Jr. Jam squad in the back row

Tyra is quite a little dancer. I sure hope they both make it.

Every year Audrea pulls the veterans aside for a little talk. I’m not rude enough to bust up in there, but I imagine it’s something along the lines of “go out there and show the judges why they picked you for this team last year.” I call this the “please don’t embarrass me” speech.

Kelsey is wearing flirty briefs from The Line Up! How cool is that?

The first cut was announced around 11:45, and when the dust settled, it was time to learn the jazz combination. The music was “Problem” by Ariana Grande. If you’ve never heard it, you must not listen to the radio, like ever.

I have a love/hate relationship with this song. I do like it a lot, but Miss Ariana tends to get a little screechy. Amiright?

“Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and And realize that I’ve got…” by the time she gets to the end of that line, she is absolutely shrieking, and I swear I can hear every chihuahua in the neighborhood barking.

Kristin gets to work teaching the combination.

I think they only had about 40 minutes to learn this combination, then they had a few minutes to put the glam on.

And off we go with the second cut.

An hour later, the second cut was announced. THe 51 dancers left put on their big girl pants and prepred for the final combination of the day: hip hop. (insert ominous sounding music.)
Hip hop is always so interesting to watch. You can tell some of the girls have been dreading it. Hip hop doesn’t just require getting the moves right, you have to have the right attitude. Both a required. And if you aren’t solid on both, hip hop can make you look like a jackass in a way that jazz can’t.

On the other hand, you can tell there are other girls who have been waiting for this alllll day. This is their element. They turn it on, turn it up, and throw themselves into the choreography.

With only 50 something ladies left, round 3 went fast. This time, the song was Jason Derulo’s “Bubblegum.”

While the judges were off deliberating, the helper elves found ways to amuse themselves…

This is also when The Wobble happened. Because The Wobble is now A Thing. A Thing People Do At Dance Auditions. I can’t help but wonder if this is what happened in the 80s when the Electric Slide came out.

When the judges returned, they announced 34 finalists.

But that wasn’t all of the news. Things will be different this year. Finals are in a different location, solos will be longer, music will be provided ahead of time, and ah yes…the fan vote.

This is how the veterans reacted to the news that the fan vote would delay announcement of the team. Instead of finding out if they make the team two days after finals, it would be at least a week. Maybe longer. That went over like a lead balloon. Waiting with one finger on the refresh button, hoping everyone you know votes for you like 50 times. Stress!!!

Well, it’s been a few days and the dancers have been through interviews and lots of rehearsals at home in front of the mirror. Finals are tomorrow night, and we shall see who brings her “A” game to the show.

Auditions are underway for the 2014-15 Milwaukee Bucks Dance Team. Click here to read up on the candidates and cast your votes!

After a loooong day of auditions yesterday, the field of candidates was narrowed down to these 34 lovely finalists. Congratulations, ladies!

Nine members of last year’s team auditioned to keep their spots on the team, and all are still in the running. WOOT!

Last year’s returners with Director Audrea Harris. From left: Kelsey, Kellie, Tatum, Brianna, Audrea, Brittany, Natalie, Brooke, Karissa, and Candace.

These dancers will now go through interviews, reference checks, and a final dance audition on Wednesday evening. Usually finals are at the team’s dance studio, the team is announced the following Friday, and the next two days are the team’s annual “work weekend” where they get to know each other, start to bond as a team, and learn a lot of new dances. But not this time around! This year, a fan vote will be a contributing factor to who makes the team. After finals, the finalists’ photos and bios will be posted on the Clippers website, and fans will have about a week to vote for their favorites. In the meantime, all of the finalists will participate in the work weekend. So there’s still a lot to do before the 2014-15 Clippers Spirit Dancers are chosen. Stay tuned, Spirit fans! Tons of photos and info coming soon.


Ok, I said I wasn’t going to bother with spoiler alerts this year, but I’m doing it just this one time because the squad was announced early and fans might not be on guard for spoilers in the interwebs yet. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team, season 9 starts in a couple of weeks, and if you’re one of those who really really doesn’t want to know the outcome ahead of time, more power to you. Avert your eyes, and scroll on by the rest of this post.

The squad was announced a couple of days ago. Thank you to veteran DCC Jasmine who tweeted the photo below. Click on it to see the full-size version.

2014 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, in order by tenure and first name
Row 1 (top row): Sydney, Nicole, Angela, Brittney, Emma, Holly, Katy, Veronica, Ashley, Danielle
Row 2: Jacie, Jasmine, Jenna, Jennifer, Jessica, Jordan, Kelsey, Kinzie
Row 3: Abby, Ashley, Jennifer, Jessica, Jinelle, Paige, Rachel, Samantha
Row 4 (the rookies): Ashley, Breelan, Caila, Courtney, Erica, Lacey, Loren, Mary, Melissa, Victoria

These were the 16 rookie candidates selected to training camp. The stars indicate those who were ultimately chosen to the team. Congrats, ladies!

UPDATE! Post has been edited to include the correct Erica.

Note: Those who are huge fans of the show may notice there is one veteran missing. Hannah either withdrew or was released somewhere along the way. I have no idea whether her departure will be addressed on the show.

Click here to check out the gallery on the Golden State Warriors site.

Veronica Henri
Toronto Sun
July 12, 2014

In fluorescent tube tops, bras and mini-shorts, talented dancers twisted and turned to the beat of Beyonce’s “Grown Woman.”

Two hundred Toronto Raptors Dance Pak hopefuls took to the practice court at Air Canada Centre on Saturday for auditions in front of judges Amberley Waddell, Anton Wright and Steve Benetti,.

The competitors, aged 18-30, gathered nervously in the hallway awaiting their turn — stretching, applying last minute makeup, sipping water and munching on high-protein snacks.

[Photo Gallery]

Jennifer Thiessen, 28, who was voted Miss CHIN, 2014 and is a professional cheerleader for the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles, an Australian rugby team, smiled and moved in sync to every beat in front of the judges as she tried out for the first time.

“My husband got me to move to Canada by showing me a Toronto Raptors Dance Pak video,” Thiessen said, adding she prepared by taking a dance classes and doing fitness training. She plans to try again if she doesn’t make it this time.

She’s not the only one with dreams of joining the Pak

Jenna Gowland, 20, has attended Raptors games since she was 11 years old, always eyeing the Dance Pak, making that her goal.

“They were so feminine and strong,” Gowland said. “I wanted to become one of them so badly, so I took dance classes, stayed fit and just danced trying to create my own style”

Thiessen and Gowland said they met amazing girls with healthy and positive attitudes and found the experience very “upbeat.” Judge and head choreographer Waddell said she’s looking for “energy and personality” and chooses carefully.

“The girl will be an ambassador of the Raptors organization so the dance team is looking for the total package,” she said. “A well spoken girl with looks, talent and personality.”

The Raptors pick 20 Dance Pak members each year. Dancers from previous years must also audition.

Hamad Aleaziz
SF Gate
July 12, 2014

While most of the basketball world focused Saturday on the return of LeBron James to Cleveland, nearly 200 women – and one man – focused on impressing judges as they tried out for the Warriors Dance Team in Oakland.

The tryout meant a chance for the hopefuls not only to be a part of a team, but to achieve what many said was their lifelong dream of dancing in front of large crowds for the Golden State Warriors.

[Photo Gallery]

The competition was tougher than the rivalry between the Warriors and the Lakers.

By the end of Saturday’s preliminary audition at the Warriors’ practice facility in the downtown Oakland Marriott, hundreds of hopefuls were to be reduced to 40 to 50. And by the end of the audition process on Thursday, only 16 to 20 will be selected for the team. Even past members have to try out again.

The dancers learned jazz and hip-hop routines, getting a chance to practice each of them for just 10 minutes before their big audition. They teamed up in groups of four, spinning, dipping and shimmying in brightly colored skimpy outfits for the eight judges.

Most were in their 20s, yet many were left breathless – but excited.

“Should we do it again?” said the choreographer. In unison the women – and the man – shouted “Yes!”

Though they knew the odds of making the team weren’t high, many hopefuls expressed gratitude for the opportunity to dance for the chance.

“I love being part of a team and getting to share this experience with other girls who have the same passion as me,” said Danielle, a San Jose resident who will go into her third year with the team if she’s selected. Sabrina Ellison, the team director, told the dancers not to give their last names.
Hard to keep composure

Danielle, who works at a restaurant while attending school, said she has danced since she was 3. “I absolutely love doing live performing for an audience,” she said. Still, she noted, auditioning against so many other women can make it hard to stay calm.

“I’m very nervous – it never gets easier, even coming back as a veteran,” she said.

Ellison – also a judge – said she senses the anxiety at the auditions. “There’s a lot of nervous energy. … When you’re being judged, it’s natural. We try to make it fun and energetic and like a dance class,” she said.

Beyond just dance ability, the judges were looking for well-rounded applicants who enjoy being out in the community, she said, adding that most team members have full-time jobs or are in school.

Ellison declined to say what the dancers earn but said they are paid hourly and “well above minimum wage.”

Newcomers like Lauren, a Hayward resident who works as a receptionist for Virgin America and has danced since she was 6, said that despite the competitive vibe at the tryout, she felt like those auditioning were a team. She reminisced about her three years on the 49ers’ cheerleading team, where she experienced a similar sense of camaraderie.

“You’re always helping each other out – you need help with a dance, you’re in a bind and can’t get to practice – everyone watches each other’s back,” she said. Lauren added that being a cheerleader gave her lifelong friends, including two former teammates that will be in her wedding next year.
Lone male contender

The 40 to 50 attendees who make it through Saturday’s preliminary audition will try out again Thursday. They’ll perform both routines, do an on-camera interview, and dance a 45-second individual freestyle routine.

If the man is one of the winners, he’ll be the first male dancer on the team once known as the Warrior Girls.