Woohoo! The Celtics have finally updated their dance team pages with individual profiles and photo galleries. Click here to learn all about the ladies on the team.

Jessica, Tiffany, and Alyssa
The Denver Nuggets website has been updated with lots of new dance team content, including bios, videos, and photo galleries. Click here to check it out!

LOVE the new outfits.
(Ignore the levitation)
My favorite is the fun gallery 🙂
Meet the 16 ladies selected to this year’s Arizona Rattlers dance team! This year’s team includes six veterans and lots of beautiful new faces. I’m looking forward to seeing this talented group WERQ out on the field this season.
Top row (L to R): Tiara, Hannah, Chali, Lauren, Clara, McKenze, Megan, Tierney
Bottom row (L to R): Morgan, Amanda, Genesis, Kristin, Mariah, Hillary, Candace, Alexandra
(Click photo to view full size)
Alexandra (veteran)
Amanda (veteran)
Candace (veteran)
Chali (newbie)
Clara (newbie)
Genesis (newbie)
Hannah (veteran)
Hillary (veteran)
Kristin (newbie)
Lauren (newbie)
Mariah (newbie)
McKenze (newbie)
Megan (newbie)
Morgan (newbie)
Tiara (veteran)
Tierney (newbie)
The team was just announced. Congrats ladies!
Click here to check it the photos!
Doug Perry
January 10, 2014
There are Patriots fans, and then there are PATRIOTS FANS.
Paula McDonald falls into the latter category. The former cheerleader for the team sent FOX 25 a photo of her new hairdo – the Patriots logo shaved into her head.
What makes it incredibly special is that Paula is battling stage IIIc breast cancer. About six weeks ago, she had a double mastectomy and just this week started undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
“Before my hair fell out because of the chemo, I wanted to do something insane,” said Paula. “What better way than to support the Patriots!”
Paula said her other purpose of getting her head shaved was to bring awareness to women performing self-exams.
“This year, I found my own lump,” said Paula. “I insisted on a biopsy and that is how it was found.”
Paula said she had a 6.5 centimeter tumor and the cancer had spread to 18 lymph nodes.
She said her goal through the entire process is to turn something awful into something incredibly positive.
“Something that I learned as a Patriots cheerleader!” she said.
Sea Gals Show off Their Intelligence: ‘I’m on a team of 33 women who are all very smart,’ says one with a new job
The Olympian
January 9, 2014
All bod and no brain?
Not so fast, there, bud.
Monday’s announcement that Sea Gal Stephanie Hemphill will be the new executive director of Lacey’s Chamber of Commerce came as a shock to some who labor under persistent stereotypes about cheerleaders — even the professional women who cheer teams in the NFL.
You know the drill: While the Seattle Seahawks’ dance team has more than enough sexual wattage to light up football fans across the country, they could not be otherwise brilliant.
Hemphill is too refined to call that notion BS, but
when she heard it repeated Wednesday, she did make a sound that might have been called a snort.
“I’m on a team of 33 women who are all very smart and intelligent,” she said. “Any one of them would disprove that stereotype.”
Hemphill, a Thurston County native, praised the intellectual qualities of her fellow Sea Gals on Wednesday, shortly after helping Gov. Jay Inslee hoist the Seahawks’ 12th man flag at the Capitol campus flag circle.
In his remarks to about 250 noisy Seahawks fans gathered in the rain on the steps of the Legislative Building, Inslee gave a special shout-out to Hemphill, who he said, “has been doing some great work in a leadership position.”
“I happen to be here today because of my new job,” Hemphill said later, “but I’m not an exception. To be a Sea Gal, you really have to have a good head on your shoulders. The last thing you want to do is to send somebody out in the community who doesn’t represent the team in the best way.”
The résumés of the women on the Sea Gals roster help make her case.
Like Hemphill, who has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Washington, most of the Sea Gals on this year’s team either have advanced degrees or are working toward them. (Their ages range from 18 into the mid-30s, so some are still in school.)
n Playboy-style videos on its website, the Seahawks reveal just about all there is to be revealed about the women physically, but the organization will not provide the women’s last names.
“For security reasons,” said Armando Mejia, who is in charge of fan development and international outreach for the Seahawks.
Therefore, we learn that Alicia attended the U.S. Air Force Academy and is now a first lieutenant.
Kelly is a businesswoman who owns her own dance studios.
Mhkeeba is an attorney in the contracts department of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Pia is a wealth management associate.
Carli is a teacher.
Et cetera.
Being a Sea Gal involves far more than just getting out on the field and shaking your bootie, Hemphill said.
“We grew up taking dance classes,” she said. “This is our sport. This is what we love.”
In addition to their professional day jobs and televised show time on game days, Hemphill said, the Sea Gals typically have two five-hour nighttime practice sessions a week in which they perfect their split-second timing and dance repertoire.
Their playbook is nearly as complex as those of the players. The dancers must be able to recognize 40 pieces of music by the first eight beats and be in position dancing by that time – a task made more difficult by the fact that four squads of Sea Gals around the stadiums must synchronize their movements precisely.
“It’s challenging,” Hemphill said, “and we’re good at what we do.”
As for her new job as executive director of the Lacy Chamber, Hemphill said, “I’m real excited to get started and have my hands in the county that way.
“I’m a little bit nervous,” she said, “but I’m excited about it, too.”
Final auditions for the inagural LA KISS dancers took place Wednesday in North Hollywood. Paul Stanley from KISS tweeted the photo below with the caption “Some of YOUR LA KISS Dancers. Wow! And you’ll be seeing A LOT more of them!”
Interestingly, there are only ten ladies in the photo. I know they planned to have a team twice that size, but it doesn’t look as if they took that many into finals. So I guess at this point it remains to be seen whether they decided to go with a smaller team, or if they plan to audition more dancers.
There are only a handful of photos from the auditions floating around out there, so there’s not much to go on. I am hoping there was a photographer in the room and we’ll get to see some more photos in the near future.
In any case, these couple of photos and the video below give us a few clues as to what to expect from this team in the upcoming season. One thing is for sure, with a style that’s more “video vixen” than “poms and pirouettes,” the LA KISS dancers will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen in Arena Football!