Ultimate Cheerleaders

So apparently every Friday, the Houston Cheerleaders lose their minds. This phenomenon is called “Free Style Friday,” and you never know where they’re going to show up and throw down. This has got to be one of the most fun squads in the league. No wonder there were 1,000+ dancers at this year’s audition. (That’s right, you heard me. A THOUSAND. Yowza.)

Perhaps I should qualify that. I’m sure all of the teams in the league have more than their share of fun times. However, this seems to be the team most willing to show us who they really are. Peel back that sparkly, friendly-yet-unattainable, glamourous-but-approachable, professional cheerleader facade, and what you have is bunch of class clowns, willing to act a fool with merest provocation. And you know what? There ain’t a thing wrong with it. Quite frankly, they’re lucky I don’t live in Texas yet, because I’d be allllllllllll up in that.

In ones and twos and threes, they dance, they pop, and lock, they tumble. I saw the moonwalk. I saw the macarena. I saw quite a few things that probably seemed like a better idea when they were thinking about it, than when they actually did it. Watch it evolve…

The first week: “Woo hoo!” (I’m guessing this was at the end of rehearsal.)

Second week: “We’re doing this again? Ok well here’s what I should’ve done last week.”

Third week: “The building cannot contain us. We’re going public, and we’re bringing props.” (I mean, who didn’t expect the shopping cart? And what was up with the dude in the red shirt? He was not even trying to get out of the way.)

Fourth week: It’s starting to wear them down. A couple of cheerleaders in knee braces valiantly strut their injured little selves down the line. I suspect a couple these girls had their water bottles spiked with Red Bull.

I say if you’re going to go there, GO there. Let’s see the worm. Let’s see The Robot. Let’s see somebody raise the roof. Somebody teach me how to dougie. And hello? Gagnam Style!

Listen up, Texans Cheerleaders! Next week, I want to see the Carlton dance. Don’t act like you don’t know. And don’t let me down. I will be very sad.

The Colts have updated their website with photos and bios for the 2013 “Sweethearts of the Horseshoe” (Anyone know if they’re still calling themselves that?). Anywho, Click here to learn more about the ladies on the team!

Megan, Ciarra, and Hannah

Uniform photos have been posted, and hopefully bios will soon follow. Click here to go there now!

Rookies Caitlin, Whitney, and Rachel

Check out the photo gallery here!

The Arizona Cardinals’ Michelle talks great white sharks, hiking and “The Office”
Sports Illustrated>
July 15, 2013

Read the Q&A

[photo gallery]

Sports Illustrated has a great set of photos of this year’s AFL Arizona Rattlers Sidewinders dance team. Click here to see the team in action at US Airways Center!

The DC R&B Dancers are on the cover of the inaugural issue of Dance Team Magazine (click here)! This is our first look at the team in uniform. Looking fierce, ladies!

Standing (back): Brittani, Amy, Antonese
Standing (front): Maya, Miranda, Sammi, Danielle, Brittany, Melody
Kneeling :Stevee, Kara, Arianna
Seated: Christen, Jessica T, Mateya, Kendra, Jessica S.

Mandi wears the new 2013 uniforms

Archbishop Wood grad Moffa fulfills dream as Eagles cheerleader
By Stuart London Staff Writer
August 3, 2013



Growing up, Mandi Moffa loved going to Philadelphia Eagles games.

Now, fans will be going to the games and watching her.

Moffa, a Pipersville native and a 2008 Archbishop Wood High School graduate, is one of the few newcomers to make the 2013-14 Eagles cheerleading squad.

She made it in time to go down to the Jersey Shore for this year’s Eagles cheerleader calendar shoot in Wildwood. The calendar is now on sale.

“I still get the chills thinking about it,” said Moffa, 23. “It’s my ultimate dream.”

Moffa makes her debut on the sidelines of Lincoln Financial Field Friday, when the Eagles host the New England Patriots in a preseason game.

Like in football, it’s hard to break into the cheerleaders’ lineup. Out of 38 members, 31 are returnees — leaving little room for rookies.

Moffa made the final audition last year, but did not get selected. This year, she believed she was more prepared.

“I tried out in 2012 and made it to finals, which was awesome, and this year, I am so happy to make it all the way,” she said. “Going through the process last year, I knew what to improve on, and … I think, personally, a year to mature and grow up (helped).

“That night (at final tryout) … I kind of knew whatever happened, everything I had (I had) given ….”

Moffa was at home getting ready for class at West Chester University when she got the word she had made the squad.

“Part of me doesn’t even remember it,” she said. “I was home with my parents before school started and was in my room. There is a special hotline number you call to see if you made it. I called in my room and then I ran into my parents’ room and we’re all just screaming. We were so excited.”

Moffa is one of three cheerleaders named Amanda on the team, so she’s officially going by Mandi, her nickname.

She graduated from West Chester in May with a degree in elementary education and a 3.96 GPA.

The Moffa family has a long connection with the Eagles, football and cheerleading.

Her mother, Denise, and her aunt were both cheerleaders for Wood and her mother was her cheerleading coach at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and also the junior varsity coach when Moffa was at Wood.

Her father, Al, was a coach with the Romans’ CYO football program and her brother, Michael, played football at Wood.

The family has had Eagles season tickets for more than 20 years. Who gets to go to what games is definitely a hot topic of conversation.

“I’ve been taking the train with everyone — cousins and uncles — and going down to the game,” said Moffa, “I remember Reggie White and Randall Cunningham. They definitely made some deals growing up (to see who got to attend games).

“I am out of the ticket pool now, definitely a positive of all this. But now, tickets are in even higher demand because all the extended family wants to see me.”

There was little down time for Moffa once she made the squad. She was sent to Wildwood for her part in the calendar shoot, a town she’s very familiar with.

“The calendar shoot was amazing,” said Moffa, who is from Our Lady of Guadalupe parish. “I grew up spending summers in Wildwood with my cousins and my grandma has a bay house in (Wildwood) Crest.

“My shoot was at Morey’s Pier. You could feel the strength of the people there. To actually be at the pier where I had so many memories and shooting there and knowing it’s going to help people down there was awesome.

“Being a cheerleader allowed me to give back in a way I would not otherwise be able to.”

All proceeds from the calendar go to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund, according to Moffa.

She already has made a slew of personal appearances, and is busy with rehearsals and getting ready to run out on the field and fulfill a dream.

“l love the fans — they have such a connection to the Eagles,” she said. “It is so weird to think about me being on the field. I am excited for that. … At games, when something big happens and people are cheering and screaming, I think about that thrill and to be on field representing the fans.

“We are considered part-time employees of the organization, but stepping back and seeing all we do — not only for fans but in the community — I think (this opportunity) is priceless … something you can’t put a price tag on.”

The people have spoken! Or at least a couple several quite a few people have spoken. Some quite loudly. Just some friends and relatives (who shall remain anonymous) making sure their loved ones get the appropriate props, and I can’t blame them.

Clearly I’m not the only one who thought “You think you can keep us in the dark, DCC? I think not. I’ll have the answers before the sun sets on your pretty white boots tonight. Mwahahahahahahaha….”

One of my newbies was incorrect, and the three missing DCCs have been identified. This is about as “confirmed” as it’s going to get until the show airs. The bottom part of this post has been corrected so scroooooooll down.

UltimateCheerleaders.com exclusive! Eh…not really. The “official” team announcement will not be made until this season’s “Making the Team” airs. However, the team was announced last night, and the internet being what it is, the names of those who made the team won’t be secret for long. It just takes a little rudimentary detective work. Having said that….

Spoiler Alert! Avert your eyes! Scroll away from here!
(Is that enough of a warning? I really hope this is the last time I have to post that this season, because it is starting to annoy me.~ sasha)

Veteran DCC Jasmine posted this photo on her twitter account. Jasmine knows how to keep a fan in the loop, is all I’m saying. She isn’t one of “my girls,” but if I knew her, I feel certain she would be.

All but two of the newbies are on the righthand side of the photo, so it’s not much of a clue, but it’s something to work with.

39 cheerleaders were chosen for this year’s team.

If you are obsessed with the show, or like myself, someone who views secrets like “who made the team” as something of a challenge, you will know that three veterans were cut at finals this year (Colin, Kali, and Teri). Two more left during training camp. (According to my sources, Chelsea was cut and Courtney was kidnapped by aliens. Or something.) This year’s team consists of 27 veterans and 12 rookies. These 9 rookies are pretty solid. I haven’t found out who the other three are. I’ll make additions/corrections as I learn more.

Veterans (pre 2013 headshots):

Alex, Ameilia, Angela, and Ashley

Brittney, Carisa, Danielle, and Emma

Holly, Jacie, Jackie, and Jasmine

Jenna, Jennifer, Jessica, and Jordan

Katy, Kelsey, Kim, and Kinzie

Lauren, Mackenzie, Mia, and Nicole

Olivia, Sydney, and Veronica


Abby, Ashley, Courtni, and Hannah

Jennifer, Jessica, Jinelle, and Kaitlyn

Morgan, Paige, Rachel, and Samantha