Ultimate Cheerleaders

Game Day Action – Pats Cheerleaders

2009patsaction_49smPhotos from last weekend’s game

Game Day Photos – the Ben-Gals

2009-bengals-action_tara2Lots of action photos on the Bengals website.

Game Day Photos – the Sea Gals

2009-seagal-action_7New action photos on the Seahawks website.

Game Day Action – Jaguars

09-jags-thumbNew photos!

East grad catches on with Wolves

lexiNow a college graduate, Zimmermann is still dancing in Mankato. Only now, she’s a professional with the Minnesota Timberwolves, and she performs in heels.

Dolphins Profile Photos – UPDATE!


NFL Week #4 – SF 49ers Gold Rush

sf49ers4-02Rex’s photos from the game

Small-town Girl Enjoys Glitz of Titans Cheerleader

clairtitansMeet Tennessee Titans Cheerleader Clair

Making the Silver Dancers

silverdancersWatch the process from start to finish.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team

2009-dcc_tobie-percivalWatch the first episode!