Ultimate Cheerleaders


Bomb Squad Dance Team second audition is September 21st

Kim Garrett, Director of Bomb Squad Dance Team, has a second audition planned for her squad. The Bomb Squad Dance Team supports the Beltway Bombers, a charter team of the Atlantic Coast Professional Basketball League. The Bombers play their home games in Largo, Maryland.

Shuckers Dance Team Debuts New Look and Coach at Season Opener

Sometimes, when you start a new job you have the luxury of having your team in place, ready to go. And then there are times when you have to start from scratch. When the Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team had their official 2012 unveiling this past weekend, they debuted their new coach as well as […]

Welcome to the 2012-13 Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team

Heading to Genesis Arts studio in Columbia MD to cover the last day of tryouts isn’t usually such a trip.  That is, unless the usual Sunday-morning commitments and heavy traffic conspire to make you so late, you miss almost the entire thing. I arrived just in time to catch Director Shay Meador announce the new […]

Audition for the Beltway Bombers Bomb Squad Dancers

The Bomb Squad Dancers are the official dance team of the Beltway Bombers Pro Basketball Team. Auditions for the Bomb Squad dancers will be held October 9, 2011 at 11am. The Bomb Squad Dancers are a key component to the Beltway Bombers Game Entertainment. Off the court the dancers serve as role models and ambassadors […]

Audition Alert: Northern Virginia

Join the Bomb Squad Dance Team Auditions Saturday, November 20 Do you like to dance? Have you had any experience being a cheerleader? The Beltway Bombers will be holding auditions/casting calls for their new dance team: the Bomb Squad! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Bomb Squad or know someone who […]

At the Lady GreenHawks Dance Team Tryouts

The first day of tryouts for the Lady Greenhawks  was held in Washington DC this past Saturday.  Another round of tryouts will be held Sunday Sept 19th. Anyone interested in auditioning should send an email to  greenhawks.dance@gmail.com. The Lady Greenhawks are the official dance team of the Washington Greenhawks, who play in the Atlantic Coast […]