Ultimate Cheerleaders


Iowa Barnstormers Storm Chasers

The Arena Football League is back. Which is very good. It means 15 more dance teams, we’ve got a chance to cover. We want to thank reader Drew for sending us photos and video of the Iowa Barnstormers dance team, the Stormchasers, from last night’s game. [Stormchasers Website]

Jacksonville’s Dancing with the Stars

Former Patriots and Jaguars Cheerleaders are two of the contestants.

Former NBA, AFL Dancer Heather Zara Dances for Haiti Earthquake Relief

zaraThe former member of the Detroit Automotion will compete against other local celebrities.

2010 Prowler Dance Team Announced

orlpredCongrats to the new squad!

1st Round of Prowler Tryouts Bring out the Best

orlpredaudsCongrats to those who made it through the first round!

Former Pro Brings New Spirit to Cheer Squad

hopesmallHope is the new Cheerleading Coach at the University of Tampa.

Former MVC Founds Internet Startup

josansmallJosan Crawford is the owner and co-founder of Splayback.com

SaberKitten Joins the Warrior Girls

chrsitwgCongrats to Christi!

Lady Cats Named SIFL’s Best Cheerleader/Dance Team

turfcatsCongratulations Austin Lady Cats!

Former Soulmate Needs Your Vote
