Chicago Blitz audition countdown!
Are you ready for the field? Have you registered for Auditions? February 25 8:30-11:00pm Dovetail Studios Auditions are $15 if you pre-register and $20 at the door To register email:
York (PA) Lady Capitals Auditions
[York Lady Capitals on Facebook]
Harrisburg Stampede Starletz Open Dance Auditions are September 7th
Candidates must be 18 by 9/7/13 There is not a dress code for this audition. Head shots are not required. Once on the team, the time commitment is MINIMAL: 5 home games between February and April (played at Harrisburg Farm Show Complex) Rehearsals just once a week beginning mid-September Only required to participate in 5 […]
York (PA) Lady Capitals Dance Team Auditions are September 7th
[York Lady Capitals on Facebook]
Washington Lady Eagles Announce Auditions, Choreographer
The Lady Eagles are a professional dance team that represent the American Indoor Football (AIF) Washington Eagles Football Team. The Washington Eagles will enter their first season of play in April 2013. The dance team will perform and entertain Washington Eagles fans at all homes games, local events, community service events and other Washington Eagles […]
Virginia Lady Badgers Dance Team Auditions Are December 8th
[Lady Badgers on Facebook]
Harrisburg Starletz Dance Team Audition
The Harrisburg Stampede Dance Team Coordinator, Ginelle Ophelia and Assistant Coach, Claire Wallace is pleased to announce that the pre-audition Workshop and Audition for the 2013 Stampede Starletz will take place at SPORTS CITY in Harrisburg, PA. Workshop: Sunday, November 18th 12pm-4pm Audition: Saturday, December 1st 12pm-4pm The Starletz are going to be the talk […]
Official Richmond Lady Raiders Audition Prep Classes
The first hour will be like a standard dance class including a stretch, technique like skill progression, pirouette turns, high kicks, walks and a fun pro style dance combination. The second hour will concentrate more on the dance style and specific topic such as communication, fitness, attire, professionalism, and other aspects of auditions. All classes […]
Maryland Dark Angels Seek Ambassadors
The Dark Angels, the Dance Team for the Maryland Reapers, are currently looking for ambassadors for the home games and promotional events. Ambassadors will interact with fans and work with the Game Day Operations team to ensure that our fans constantly stay entertained. In addition, Ambassadors are allowed to attend select practices with the Dark […]
Dark Angels add Choreographer Courtney Holland
The Dark Angels Dance Team is proud to introduce Courtney G. Holland as their new choreographer. Courtney is a native of Miami, FL and a senior accounting major at Howard University. Courtney’s love and passion for dance is innate: her parents are both dance teachers (certified by Florida Dance Masters) and have owned a dance […]