Alabama Hammers
Alabama Hammer Girls auditions on February 15th
Twillie Cottingham, the new Director of the Alabama Hammer Girls (the dance team for Huntsville’s Alabama Hammers, the defending 2013 Professional Indoor Football League Champions) sends information about their upcoming auditions: -The auditions are Saturday, February 15th -At the Von Braun Center Ballet Room in Huntsville, Alabama -Registration is from 8am-9am and then 9am-1pm will […]
Huntsville’s Hammerettes hit their marks for indoor football’s Alabama Hammers
An NBA and NFL dancer once told me, “I bet you would make a really good cheer director.” I probably gave the most quizzical look in the history of mankind, thinking, “You can’t be serious?” Why my reaction? Well, if I was given the chance to develop of cheer squad for, say, the Alabama Hammers, […]