Ultimate Cheerleaders


P-R-O Convention: Nothing Is Going to Stop Her

Washington Redskins Cheerleader Captain Monique was at the P-R-O Convention, but as you can see from the photo, she wasn’t able to dance. The full story of what happened is to painful to recount. The short version is she now has two screws in her foot and one surgery remaining. Then she starts rehabbing. Monique […]

The P-R-O Convention and The 23-Hour Bus Ride

Gotham City Cheerleaders BriAnna and Natalie live in Binghampton, New York. To save some money they decided to take take the bus rather than fly. Amazingly, there is an actual Greyhound bus that runs from Atlanta to Binghampton, but the journey is 23 hours long! That is some dedication

Photo of the Day – June 25

Kei of the Oklahoma City Thunder Girls

Photo of the Day – June 24

Krista of the New York Jets Flight Crew stunting with the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders at the P-R-O Convention

Goodbye P-R-O, See You Next Year!

Great weekend with the hottest dancers and choreographers in pro sports! Thanks for letting us be a part of it

P-R-O Convention Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to Houston Texans Cheerleader Kayla who on Sunday at the PRO Convention celebrated her 21st birthday complete with sash. [Kayla at HoustonTexans.com]

Tenth Anniversary Sideline Distraction Cover Girls

Congratulations to Natalie, Sarah and Nancy of the New York Jets Flight Crew!

Charlotte KnightinGals Rocking An AllPro3 Dance

“[KnightinGals on Facebook]

Photo of the Day – June 21

Washington Redskins Cheerleader Susan at the 2012 P-R-O Convention

10th Annual P-R-O Convention 2013 Promo Trailer!

[P-R-O Convention]