Bay Area Shuckers
Bay Area Shuckers Pearl Dance Team Auditions
On Saturday, August 29, 2015, the Pearls Dance Team for the Bay Area Shuckers basketball team held their auditions in Lansdowne, MD. The audition started with a warm-up led by former Pearls dancers. Veteran Pearl Brittani showed the ladies the dance routine for the audition. After learning the routine, the ladies performed in pairs, and […]
The Pearls Dance Team
Saturday night I had the pleasure of photographing The Pearls Dance Team Under to Co-direction of Jennifer Miller and Larissa Johnson, the Pearls Dance Team perform at the home games of the APBL Bay Area Shuckers. And it was a special evening: Military Appreciation Night Enjoy the Photos! [Pearl Dance Team Gallery] [The Pearls Dance […]
Bay Area Shuckers Announce Dance Team Directors, Auditions
Co-Directors Larissa Johnson and Jennifer Miller Bring Extensive Backgrounds to Team The Bay Area Shuckers of the American Professional Basketball League (APBL) announced Larissa Johnson and Jennifer Miller have been selected as the Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team Co-Directors. “We’re happy to announce Larissa Johnson and Jennifer Miller as Co-Directors of our Bay Area Shuckers […]
Bay Area Shuckers Prep Classes and Auditions
Questions? Email Like us on FB to receive updates & RSVP for Auditions on August 17th
Shuckers Dance Team Debuts New Look and Coach at Season Opener
Sometimes, when you start a new job you have the luxury of having your team in place, ready to go. And then there are times when you have to start from scratch. When the Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team had their official 2012 unveiling this past weekend, they debuted their new coach as well as […]
Welcome to the 2012-13 Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team
Heading to Genesis Arts studio in Columbia MD to cover the last day of tryouts isn’t usually such a trip. That is, unless the usual Sunday-morning commitments and heavy traffic conspire to make you so late, you miss almost the entire thing. I arrived just in time to catch Director Shay Meador announce the new […]
Introducing the Bay Area Shuckers Dance Team
If you live in the Baltimore/ DC area, it’s a safe bet that even those who don’t follow sports have heard of the Ravens and the Redskins. It’s also a safe bet that even the biggest local sports fans have never heard of the Bay Area Shuckers. All over the country, pro sports teams and […]