Boston Blazers
Photo of the Day – December 12
A Boston Blazers Sparks Dancer
Photo of the Day – July 17
A Boston Blazers Dancer
Photo of the Day – October 3
A Boston Blazers Dancer
Photo of the Day: July 20
A Boston Blazers Dancer
This Ice-Fishing Accountant is so Swamped, She Hasn’t Finished Her Own Taxes
Brittany is a two-year veteran of the Boston Blazers Dance Team, The Sparks. She’s been dancing since she was five and was also a gymnast. Brittany double majored in Accounting and Marketing at Suffolk University. She captained the Suffolk University Dance Company for two seasons, before turning Pro with the Boston Blazers and Cannons. After […]
Video: Sparks Photoshoot
A short video abut the Boston Blazers Sparks Dance Team’s photo shoot for the upcoming lacrosse season.
2011 NLL Boston Blazer Sparks Auditions – Update
Registration and the start of the auditions for the Sparks Dance Team has been pushed back thirty minutes. Here’s all you need to know with the updated info: 2011 SPARKS DANCE TEAM AUDITIONS Sunday, September 19th @ 10:30am The Boston Blazers are looking for dedicated, talented, outgoing, attractive and physically fit dancers with solid jazz […]
2011 NLL Boston Blazers Sparks Auditions
2011 SPARKS DANCE TEAM AUDITIONS Sunday, September 19th @ 10:30am The Boston Blazers are looking for dedicated, talented, outgoing, attractive and physically fit dancers with solid jazz / hip-hop technique and extensive performance experience for the 2011 Sparks Dance Team. Responsibilities include performance at all 2011 home games at TD Garden and participation on various […]
The Sparks: The Dance Team of the NLL Boston Blazers
Photos from last Saturday’s game!