Ultimate Cheerleaders


The ROAR Return to London

From Jaguars.com The ROAR of the Jaguars return to London for their 2014 Calendar Launch. THE ROAR of the Jaguars, the cheerleaders for the Jacksonville Jaguars, are back in London, cheering up the capital and launching their 2014 lingerie calendar which goes on sale this weekend. Supporting the Jaguars as they play four games at […]

Here’s How You Can Join Denver Broncos Cheerleaders on Their Next Calendar Shoot

By Michael Roberts Westword.com About this time last year, we shared not one but two photo galleries featuring shots from the 2013 Broncos cheerleaders calendar shoot in Cancun. Now, the cheerleaders are inviting two people to join them at their next calendar-photo session, at an as-yet undetermined but sure-to-be exotic location — and it’s all […]

Magic Dancers Calendar Shoot

The Orlando Magic Dancers have wrapped up shooting their latest swimsuit calendar, and there is tons of coverage on their website! Click here to check out the extensive photo gallery, and click here for video.

Lady Cats Calendar Shoot

The Charlotte Bobcats dance team recently completed the photo shoot for their annual calendar. It looks like they’re all over the place, so I’m not entirely clear on the concept behind the calendar. I’m sure it will all become clear when it comes out, but it looks like at least part of it was shot […]

2013 Dolphins Cheerleader Calendar Release Party

Lots of photos from the event! Photos: Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders Video: Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders Photos: Gossip Extra Photos: UPI

More from the Charger Girls calendar release party

Click here for more photos on Chargers.com!

Charger Girls unveil their 2013 calendar

Fox 5 has shots of the calendar and the party. Click here to go there now!

Titans Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party Set for Friday

The 7th Annual Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party presented by Bud Light will be held September 6th at Anthem Nashville. The 7th Annual Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party presented by Bud Light will be held this Friday, September 6th, at Anthem Nashville (125 12th Ave. North). “We are very excited to release this […]

Photo of the Day – September 5

From 2008 – Jessica of the Sixers Dance Team

Gotham City Cheerleaders Calendar Release is This Friday

[Gotham City Cheerleaders]